Zerg evolution road

Chapter 211 Transforming the Sacred Tree

Chapter 211 Transforming the Sacred Tree

"Be obedient?" Zhang Fan wondered for a moment, then said with a sneer, "What do I want you to be obedient to, you can eat as you are obedient."

Shengshu didn't know how to answer Zhang Fan's words, but the bound Na'vi watched Zhang Fan's conversation with Shengshu in horror.

They didn't know why, why the sacred tree, which existed like a god, became so timid. Seeing Zhang Fan was like a mouse seeing a cat.

Zhang Fan looked at the holy tree, and he didn't know how to organize it. At this time, Gaia, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, jumped out and said, "Father, why don't we cut off a branch and analyze its composition?"

Zhang Fan's eyes lit up, yes, as a foreign race with a top-level biological civilization, the most important thing is to analyze the opponent's cellular components.

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Well, that's a good idea. I'll build an evolution chamber here first."

Then, the worker bees were released by the hosts, and after landing, they began to bury the creeper seeds, and the seeds began to germinate and spread rapidly.

The sacred tree felt very curious, moved the root system slightly, and a large piece of creep was destroyed by it.

Zhang Fan was angry, so he was obedient?It's not good, staring at it, the whole sacred tree began to shake like a sieve, it didn't know why the other party was so powerful, why did it use such a fragile thing.

Maybe the holy tree itself has forgotten that it can still connect with the grass, control the grass and the creep to compete for the right to live, Zhang Fan will never forget it.

The sacred tree has a very lofty status in the cultural world of the Na'vi people.

They also have their own myths. In the myths of the Na'vi people, a fairy was born from the holy tree, and the Na'vi people call it the Na'vi fairy.

Immortal Na'vi is powerful and has the power to open up the world. He is also the ancestor of the entire Na'vi people.

The Immortal Na'vi taught the Na'vi people how to live and how to use the power of nature. Unfortunately, this power was later mastered by the Notre Dame, and it was not fully spread.

Immortal Nami has two children, one named Na and one named Mei.

Na's talent is poor, but she works very hard. Mei's talent is very strong, and she has always looked down on Na.

Later, Immortal Nami passed away, leaving behind nine treasures. According to legend, these nine treasures can reshape the beautiful world together.

For these nine treasures, Nahemei launched an unprecedented war, and the whole world was beaten to pieces.

In the end, the Na and Mei were divided into two races, the Light Indigo and the Dark Indigo.

However, in addition to these two races, there are other races of skin color, but they have disappeared into the long river of history.

After the separation, the two big families were very restless and often fought, which finally triggered the first Pandora war.

This time the war ended with friendship between the two races, but after the merger, the dark blue people did not live at ease in the light blue people's world.

Thus, the second Pandora war started, and many heroes emerged in this war, and their stories were widely circulated.

During this war, many people became high-level Na'vi people in later generations, in charge of the resources of Pandora.

Therefore, it was because of this mismatch of resources that the entire Pandora star's economy collapsed.

That's why the third Pandora War was triggered. This time, many changes were made in the cultures of the dark blue people and the light blue people.

The content of the modification is generally enough to explain how good and peaceful they are, and those small tribes began to attack the two major tribes for their own benefit.

Many of the bridge sections have been changed by the current Na'vi people into arts such as dance and sculpture.

The end of this war established the position between the dark blue people and the light blue people.

A long period of peace has passed, but where there are contradictions, there will always be wars, and the fourth Pandora war was provoked by others.

A group of men in black robes suddenly appeared, they are constantly looking for and collecting treasures in order to make the world peaceful.

They had had enough of this pain, and many people died. Their parents or grandparents all died in the third Pandora war, and their psychology became very distorted.

According to the records in the book, everyone on the Pandora planet at that time would use the power of nature, and the Church of Our Lady was just established and did not have that powerful power.

At that time, the dark blue people, the light blue people, and other nations began to unite against the black-robed people's organization and prevent them from searching for treasures.

Unexpectedly, these treasures were all attached to the Pandora people. That's right, they were all Pandora people, not the Na'vi people.

And those who possess treasures can use the power of treasures to exert powerful natural power. With this natural power, those Pandora people who are called human treasures are targeted by the black-robed people.

It's a pity that the black-robed people's organization is cunning and powerful, and those treasures have been robbed one after another, and those human treasures will inevitably die.

Under the leadership of the last human treasure, the two sides launched a decisive battle at the current location of the sacred tree.

Unexpectedly, the other party started from another angle and revived the holy tree.

The revived holy tree hypnotized the entire planet Pandora, seemingly living a happy life, achieving eternal peace, and all the treasures were taken back.

In fact, this is all the conspiracy of the holy tree.

These books are not recorded, but Zhang Fan asked.

The sacred tree told Zhang Fan that the Nami Immortal existed and was hatched from it, but later, he was broken by the Nami Immortal, and his power was scattered to all corners of the world.

In the fourth Pandora war, he regained his new life, regained the initiative of this world, and cleaned up all the lives that opposed its existence.

In the end, only the Notre Dame Church remained, the light blue people and the dark blue people of the two big families under the Notre Dame Church.

When Zhang Fan curiously asked how the holy tree was broken by Immortal Nami, the holy tree was very embarrassed.

However, under Zhang Fan's threat, it still said that it didn't rely entirely on the Immortal Nami, but a meteorite from outside the sky hit itself, and it was more powerful than the previous one. Explosion is even stronger.

Therefore, the reason why the sacred tree is so wretched is because it was frightened by the explosion. After experiencing a body smashed to pieces, it never wants to experience this kind of fear again.

All Na'vi can use the power of nature, but the holy tree controls this power, and only the Church of Our Lady uses it with permission.

The tree of life is actually a tool used by the holy tree to manage the two big clans, but it doesn't really have much effect.

After figuring out the reason for the existence of the holy tree, Adam also came up with a more detailed report on the holy tree.

(End of this chapter)

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