Zerg evolution road

Chapter 19 Major Changes

Chapter 19 Major Changes

Adam's pupils gradually dilated, how much he wanted to take another look at this beautiful world.

Tens of thousands of jumping legs seem to have disobeyed the command and can't move anymore. It hurts so much. I won't commit suicide next time.

At this time, Adam's last consciousness, its brain is gradually shrinking, it has lost the supply of oxygen, the cerebral cortex begins to turn black, and the neurons no longer work.

Adam died, and died in full view. For some reason, the Golden Feather Ant King felt a trace of sadness in his heart, and patted the ground lightly: "It's a, well, opponent, what a pity."

The Golden Feather Ant King didn't know that this was the first time Adam had met it, and it was Zhang Fan who had been talking to it all along.

Zhang Fan regained control. He didn't know what to do next with the Golden Feather Ant King, so he just looked at it quietly.

The Golden Feather Ant King abandoned all pity in his heart, and then told the ants around him: "Leave only half of it."

The Golden Feather Ant King left, but the ant tribe was still slaughtering the springtails, even some harmless worker bees.

Zhang Fan really wanted to fight them to the death, but thinking that Adam's death was for quick peace, Zhang Fan endured it again.

Soon, the corpses of Zergs were all over the front of the creep. The Ants left, and the worker bees were cleaning up the battlefield, and slowly returned to the base to lick their wounds.

Zhang Fan's thoughts returned to the beehive of the Lake of Life, where Adam's reborn embryos were placed. As long as he transformed his thinking into it, the transformed cells would operate by themselves, which was very convenient and real.

But this rebirth takes a long time. It is said that it takes ten months to conceive, and it takes more than ten months for Adam's resurrection.

Spring goes and autumn comes, cold comes and summer goes, I don't know how many days and nights have passed, and Adam has not yet been born.

Over the years, the Golden Feather Ant King has ordered various tribes to attack termites for food every year, and the springtails are of course no exception.

Because Adam's death brought a glimmer of life to the springtails, the Golden Feather Ant King did not order other insects to eat the springtails this time, and there will be a lot of food at the end of the battle. of.

The research on the Baneling was very successful, and the information had been passed to Zhang Fan before Adam died.

Zhang Fan just planned the appearance of the Baneling, and handed over the venom to Adam.

Adam divided the poison sac into three parts. The first part is filled with water, which is very pure water and will not have the slightest effect on the entire baneling.

The second part of the carbon-oxygen compound does not look like a gas, but is green, much like the color of a plant. This is the result of Adam's research using a special splicing method.

The third part is the venom strengthening compound. Among these strengthening compounds, there are nitrogen, sulfur and other compounds that can produce strong acids, and the weight is relatively large.

Obviously, Adam hoped that Zhang Fan could transform the baneling into three poison sacs.

These years, Zhang Fan has not been idle. He is not only transforming the baneling, but also strengthening the springtails, worker bees, and larvae to a certain extent.

First of all, from the perspective of the baneling, the appearance is still based on termites, but the volume of the abdomen has been enlarged to store more venom.

Put water in the poison sac in the middle, this kind of water can flow, and can also be absorbed by the baneling, and it will not affect it.

Then, he put the carbon dioxide compound on the poison sac on the top. Looking from the top down, there is a piece of green on the abdomen. Zhang Fan also placed the compound on the chest and back of the baneling. It is used to increase the usable area.

Next, place some venom-enhanced compounds in the poison sac at the bottom. These compounds are very stable compounds when they are not in contact with the external environment. Once stimulated, they will have a strong irritant reaction, and a A sulfur-like pungent smell.

The way the Baneling detonates is also very simple. A thin layer of biofilm is used to vacuum isolate the sodium element on the upper layer of the Baneling's mouth.

Once the baneling is about to explode, it will puncture this membrane and swallow the sodium element into its belly.

The reaction of sodium element and water will generate high temperature and hydrogen gas, and the high temperature will destroy the poison capsule membrane on the top and bottom.

A large amount of hydrogen will be instantly fused with carbon dioxide, and if the dose needs to be increased, the compound will continue to be transferred from the chest and back.

The final formed acid will undergo a strong acid reaction with the complex, and then explode instantly under the stimulation of high temperature and strong acid.

This kind of explosion effect is very good, Zhang Fan is very satisfied with the damage caused by the venom, but he still misses Adam a little bit.

The appearance of the springtails has changed quite a bit. When the Golden Feather Ant King saw the springtails again, he thought it was another creature. He thought that the springtails had mutated after the master died, so he didn't pay much attention to it. In this case, just send subordinates to watch.

The tentacles on the top of the head are canceled, and its position is transferred to the back, making it thicker and longer.

The strength of the hind limbs has been enhanced, maintaining a relatively balanced state with the forelimbs, which can increase the moving speed of the springtails, and the jumping ability has been weakened.

Don't think about creatures like springtails with conventional thinking. Their hind limbs only serve as a support, and all their actions rely on their forelimbs.

The body size has also increased a circle, about five centimeters, no matter how you look at it, the strength of the springtail has been strengthened.

Next is the improvement of the worker bees. The role of this kind of porter, Zhang Fan, has not changed much. The main changes are some internal organs.

It has enhanced the power of heart pacing. As early as Adam's time, it has already researched the heart enhancement function, but it has not been implemented.

In addition, the digestion ability of the stomach wall is enhanced, and the mouthparts are also enlarged, which is to better obtain nutrients and speed up the pace of construction.

Finally, it was the larva. Adam's design for the larva was already perfect. At the beginning, Zhang Fan didn't know where to start.

Gradually, he discovered that when each larva hatches, there will always be a loss of resources, so he started to study from the outside.

The online energy of larvae is constant, but the energy for evolving into worker bees, poisonous banelings, and springtails is different.

For example, the total energy limit of larvae is 1, and the energy of worker bees is 1, then the energy required by springtails is 2, and that of banelings is 1.5.

This energy difference will affect the feeding of the larvae, thereby reducing the efficiency of evolution.

Zhang Fan started the experiment, he forced the evolution of the larvae, and stored all the nutrients in the cocoon.

In this way, you can get the species you want faster.

There is no need to think about the problem of eating creep once before evolution, and the difficulty of producing large creatures in the future is eliminated at once. This is an important achievement.

As time passed, Adam gradually took shape.

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(End of this chapter)

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