Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 254 Who is to Blame

Chapter 254 Who is to Blame (6)
Perhaps Liu Shui was so engrossed in what he said that Yichen came to a very important place without noticing it.

"Where is this?" Yichen finally interrupted Liu Shui's story, and took the initiative to speak the first sentence.

"What?" Liushui came back to his senses after being interrupted, looking at the place in front of him, Liushui hurriedly said: "My lord, there is nothing to see here, let's go to other places!" Pull Yichen away.

However, Yichen usually doesn't want to pay attention to Yichen, let alone at such an important moment.

"Why do you want to change places? Let's go with the flow, and come back when we get to the end." Sure enough, Yichen didn't care.

"My lord, this place used to be ugly, so don't look at it. There are still many places in this yard. I'll show you around." Liu Shui was also unwilling to compromise, and insisted on his own ideas.

"It's pretty good here, with luxuriant branches and leaves..." Yichen couldn't help but not cooperate, and went straight forward by himself, which made Liu Shui's heart jump out.

Yichen continued to move forward, and suddenly a force stopped him. It turned out that the flowing water held Yichen back and this time he used a lot of strength. It seems that the flowing water will not let Yichen continue to move forward no matter what. up.

"Let go." It can only be said that Yichen is very cool at this time.

"Why do you have to go there, and why did you come to see me? It's not just to see the scenery in the mansion!" Liu Shui's rationality and mind were clear at this time.

"Didn't my apprentice say that? I came to see you specially." Yichen knew that he might not be able to move on now.

"Tch, you think I'll believe it. I've been telling you for a long time, but you haven't responded much. How dare you say that you came to see me?" The flowing face said, "You're lying." words.

"Okay, I'm just kidding you."

Yichen's words were completely shocking, when would Xiang Yichen, a quiet person, joke around.

"Then what are you going to do?" Liu Shui asked this sentence blankly.

"If you want to know, let's go back and sit down and talk slowly!" Although we can't continue to appreciate, we can't just leave like this!

So Yichen and Liushui returned to the place where they first met the guests.

At this moment, Ling Yixin and Liu Qing are in Liuqing's room, the place is very remote, when Ling Yixin came, it was quite strange, how could a second wife be in such a remote place.

But when she actually stood in Liuqing's room, Ling Yixin was taken aback, because the layout here is very strange, except for some pure blue, the white layout fits Liuqing's image unexpectedly.There are also many black arrangements, two completely different styles in the same room.It's just that the pure layout occupies the main position.

Ling Yixin was really surprised this time, so she really appreciated it with curiosity.

After browsing the room, Ling Yixin found that not only the decoration was strange, but also there was a strange smell in the room, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"How is it? Do you think it looks good?" Liu Qing actually didn't want to ask, but she still asked after seeing Ling Yixin's curious look.

"Well, it's actually not bad. If there is no such black, I don't know why you like black, madam?"

"There is no black, I hope too!" Liu Qing said with a sad look, "Actually, I don't like black either, and I didn't make this arrangement."

(End of this chapter)

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