Chapter 156 Praise (2)
Zhou Xiaoxue, who was behind, watched her three good friends complete their homework tasks very well. At this time, she also began to panic. Her brain has started to work rapidly, and she only hopes to finish a piece of music as soon as possible.

After Nie Xiaoqian finished, Fu Tingting also started. As the daughter of the Marquis, Fu Tingting was naturally talented, and the pieces she played were no worse than Nie Xiaoqian's.

Listening to the beautiful pieces one after another, the rest of the students had no time to care about the effect of playing. They only knew that if they didn't play, they would die miserably in the end.

So everyone started to play by themselves one after another. Sure enough, everyone still had a good understanding of their own level. After playing, they obviously felt that the face of the husband was not so good-looking.But there is no other way, and I can only bite the bullet and continue playing. Under the pressure of the teacher's eyes, some students even play the wrong key, but the teacher doesn't know, he just thinks that they may be in the composition of the music. there are some problems.

After everyone finished playing, only Zhou Xiaoxue was left. Zhou Xiaoxue picked up her piano and walked to the front, and started her performance under the expectant eyes of everyone.

What Zhou Xiaoxue played was a piece she had prepared impromptu, but it was also modified from the usual piece.In such an open-air department, there is no way to connect and play by yourself, it all depends on your own level.

So this was the first time Zhou Xiaoxue played her newly adapted piece, so she just kept the score in her mind.

It is probably because Zhou Xiaoxue was rejected by Kyoto, so she spent more time at home, so her piano skills are very good, and the tunes she plays are also very beautiful, completely overpowering Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Tingting, but Ling Yixin and Ling Yixuan are far away. There is still some distance.

After the talk, seeing the surprised expressions of the students and the satisfied expression of the husband, Zhou Xiaoxue knew that she had succeeded, and she also smiled.

"Okay, everyone has finished playing. Now let's talk about who plays the best, in terms of composition and playing skills." Mr. Chen did not make any comments on Zhou Xiaoxue's pieces, but began the next course task.

"Sir, let me talk first." Nie Xiaoqian raised her hand and said to the husband, but the urgency made many people not understand, even Ling Yixin and the others did not understand.

"Okay, then you talk first." The gentleman didn't have any opinion on this, and he was even a little happy. Only an active classroom can better allow students to learn more.

"Sir, I think Ling Yixin plays the best. The melody is brisk and melodious. After listening to it, people feel very good. And the piano skills are not to mention, wiping, picking, hooking, picking, hitting, picking, etc. are all very good. , the sound of the piano is very clear and great, and Ling Yixuan's is also very good."

Nie Xiaoqian liked it very much, and she looked very professional, which surprised Ling Yixin, although she knew that Nie Xiaoqian's knowledge should be pretty good.But I'm used to the usual carefree look, and I'm not used to being so serious this time, even Ling Yixuan looked sideways at Nie Xiaoqian.

And Zhou Xiaoxue saw this scene, and her heart was aroused to be competitive. Zhou Xiaoxue, unwilling to be left behind, also raised her hand and said, "Sir, I also want to say something."

The husband was about to talk about his opinion, but was interrupted by Zhou Xiaoxue, but he was not angry, thinking that such a performance is what a class should be.

"Okay, tell me." The gentleman said politely. Only when the students boldly talk about their own opinions can the teacher better implement the teaching plan according to the students' situation.

"I think Ling Yixuan also plays very well. The melody is melodious, fresh and beautiful. Coupled with Ling Yixuan's own image, it makes people feel that this piece of music is tailor-made for Ling Yixuan. It feels that the piano music expresses Ling Yixuan."

Zhou Xiaoxue's words made everyone look at him again, because these words can have many different interpretations.

It can be understood that it is a serious evaluation of Ling Yixuan's music, but it is also easy to make people feel that Zhou Xiaoxue is really expressing her views on Ling Yixuan, and even feels that there is a kind of confession in it.

Not only did everyone think so, but Ling Yixin also thought so. Who would have thought that Zhou Xiaoxue would be so courageous, and would dare to confess her love in such an environment?

But looking at Ka Ling Yixuan's expression, it was obvious that Ling Yixuan didn't notice anything wrong.This is also because Ling Yixin knew what Zhou Xiaoxue was thinking, but Ling Yixuan didn't.

Not only because Ling Yixuan didn't spend much time with Zhou Xiaoxue, but also because Zhou Xiaoxue's enthusiasm was considered by Ling Yixuan to be a normal reaction after having no friends for a long time.I thought that Zhou Xiaoxue cherished this friendship very much, so she was so enthusiastic. I never thought that Zhou Xiaoxue's affection was hidden behind this enthusiasm.

Although other students have different opinions, the husband's opinion is the same as Zhou Xiaoxue's. I don't know if he didn't feel the hidden meaning in the future, or he felt it but didn't care.

"That's right, all the words are like the person, and the piano music is also the same. It is precisely because Ling Yixuan has such an image and quality, so the music played is also the same."

Seeing that her husband had the same thoughts as herself, Zhou Xiaoxue naturally showed a happy smile.

"Okay, does anyone else want to talk about other people's songs?" Mr. now doesn't care about the status of several people, the most important thing now is to attend class.

"I'll come, I'll come..." Shang Lai immediately raised his hand at this opportunity.

The husband was a little surprised to see Shang Lai being so active, but he was also very happy.The other students dropped their jaws in shock. This Shang has always been the most active in skipping classes. How could he be so active in answering questions this time?

Regardless of other people's opinions on this, I bravely expressed my evaluation and feelings for Tingting's music.

"I think Fu Tingting's piece is also very good. It's domineering, powerful, and hearty. It's hard to imagine that it's a piece played by a woman. I like it very much."

Shang Lai, who was unprecedented this time, did not confront Fu Tingting or anything, instead, he changed his normal routine and praised Fu Tingting.But Fu Tingting didn't like this kind of evaluation very much.

(End of this chapter)

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