Chapter 752

In another classroom, a teacher was giving lectures to the students. Gao Shuang did not enter the classroom, but only glanced in from the window. The current Jishi Academy has indeed changed a lot.

In the classroom, the students are wearing beautiful school uniforms, writing their homework on brand-new desks, and the teacher is teaching very seriously on the blackboard.

Gao Shuang didn't bother, and went to the next classroom...

Every classroom is full of seats, every student is studying happily, and the teacher is also very serious in teaching.

The learning content is flexible and diverse, including language classes, arithmetic classes, music classes, nature classes, labor skills classes, art classes, etc., with a complete range of subjects and a reasonable knowledge structure. This new education model is exactly what I advocate.

Gao Shuang went through the classrooms in the entire teaching building of Jishi Academy by looking for Fennel. He was surprised by the huge changes in Jishi Academy, and admired Fennel's intelligence and ability even more in his heart.

It is impossible to manage such a large school with 3000 people in an orderly manner without extraordinary talents, extraordinary courage, and clever minds.

Is fennel just a herbal girl from Yaowang Mountain?Chen Jishi was the former lord of Chuyun Kingdom, and Fennel was adopted by him since he was a child. What is Fennel's true identity?
If it is an ordinary girl, it is absolutely impossible to have such a good talent.

Even Zhao Feixue, in terms of talent and knowledge, can't compare with the current Fennel.

Gao Shuang didn't find Fennel, but went directly down the teaching building of Jishi Academy, but just as he went downstairs, the bell of Jishi Academy rang, and a large group of teachers and students rushed out of the school and rushed to the playground in front of the school .

"Hall Master Gao is back!"

"Our Miracle Doctor Jishi is back!"

"Brother Gao Shuang! We look forward to the stars and the moon every day, and we finally look forward to your return!"

"Big brother is getting more and more handsome! So chic!"


Everyone focused on Gao Shuang, surrounded Gao Shuang with three layers inside and outside, the joyful scene was self-evident.

Gao Shuang said to all the teachers and students: "Teachers! Students! I am back this time! I am as excited as everyone! Seeing that everyone is studying well in Jishi Academy and living a good life! I am very happy!
Jishi Academy is a school for our common people. In the school, everyone is equal, respects each other, unites and loves each other, and helps each other!Respect teachers!Education is the foundation! "

Gao Shuang's words touched all the teachers and students. Jishi Academy really serves the poor people. Because the poor people have no money to study, Gao Shuang firmly implements free education and free compulsory education.

As a reborn successful person, Gao Shuang's move is similar to the nine-year compulsory education in modern cities. However, Gao Shuang even waived the cost of books and living expenses, implementing free education in all aspects.

But all the expenses of the school, including the salaries of the teachers, are paid as they are, and they are hired with high salaries.

Except for one-third of the expenses supported by the government and King Zhao Jun of Baoan County, the remaining two-thirds of the expenses were all borne by Gao Shuang's Ji Shitang.

The Jishi Medicine Hall successfully sold the new medicine developed to other counties of the Jingtian Dynasty, earning a lot of money to support the Jishi Medicine Hall to continue to provide free medical treatment for the poor, and the Jishi School provides free compulsory education in all aspects.

This move is unprecedented!
(End of this chapter)

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