The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 741 A Bright Light in the Darkness

Chapter 741 A Bright Light in the Darkness

We know that if there is no country leader who is wise and mighty, we would not have the happy life we ​​have today!Specially offer my wish:

That is to ask the Lord to be the emperor of our three kingdoms!Please, the lord of the country, fulfill our little wishes!Shout out in advance, long live the emperor, long live, long live!Adawang, Minister of Finance of Gansu!October 25th, [-]th year of Gan Kingdom! "

Gao Shuang really didn't expect that his self-defense counterattack this time was originally to defend the country of Lu, and he didn't want to finally recover the country of Rong, but to free another enslaved country of Gan from suffering.

The war is for peace, not only for the peace of Lu country, but also for the peace of those enslaved countries.

Gao Shuang has a deeper understanding of the significance of this self-defense counterattack, which far exceeds the significance of being an emperor or not wearing a dragon robe.

Gao Shuang nodded, and picked up another bamboo slip. At this time, Havana took the initiative to read:
"The king praised by everyone! I am a farmer in Gan. This year, Gan encountered a once-in-a-hundred-year drought and flood. There was no harvest, and my family's only surplus food was eaten up!

I had to eat bark, grass roots, and wild vegetables to satisfy my hunger. My old mother left me forever because there was no food to eat!My wife, a son and a daughter are also under the shadow of death.

When my family was starving, dizzy, and dying, suddenly, I got great news that we in Gancheng, Ganguo, opened a warehouse to release grain!But I thought it was a myth, so I didn't believe it, so I didn't go there, and just sat at home waiting to die.

No, the village chief personally carried a large bag of grain to my home. When I repeatedly said long live the Lord of Gan, the village chief said: This is the relief food donated by the Lord Lu for free!
When I heard this, I hurriedly headed in the direction of Lu Guo, and led the whole family to kowtow twelve times, and I didn't feel any pain until the blood flowed from the kowtow!Lord Lu!Like a bright light, saved my family from the dark death!
Now that I know that the Three Kingdoms are united, as a farmer in the Gan Kingdom, my wish is to ask the Lord Lu to ascend to the throne and be the emperor of our Three Kingdoms.Tian Zhiguo, a farmer in Gan State, October 25th, [-]th year of Gan State! "

Gao Shuang listened, his mood was surging, and a sense of pride emerged spontaneously, while the other ministers in King Lu's palace all lowered their heads, ashamed.

It turned out that when Gao Shuang collected [-] shi of grain for Gan, the ministers strongly opposed it, saying:
"The food of the Lu country can be exported, but it cannot be gratis! After all! These are the hard work of the people of the Lu country!"

But Gao Shuang said: "If the people of a country are starving to death! You just refuse to save them. If our Lu country is on the verge of famine and other countries have food but don't come to help, how would you feel?"

One sentence left all the civil and military ministers speechless.

Gao Shuang was under pressure to collect [-] shi of grain. At that time, Wen Yuhuaji was a little opposed, but after Gao Shuang said, he immediately changed his mind, knowing that Gao Shuang was right.

So he began to actively support and volunteered to escort grain and cloth to Gan.

Gao Shuang felt that the subjects of Gan State were very simple, and he knew how to be so grateful for a little thing he did unintentionally.

In fact, Gao Shuang does not expect anything in return. Gao Shuang has people in his heart. This kind of love has long since broken the restrictions of regions and territories, which is what people call boundless love.

(End of this chapter)

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