Chapter 733
"Yuanhao! How about this! I have an idea, that is to put on makeup! Pretend to be a fortune teller!" Zhao Feixue said suddenly when he saw that there were many Taoist priests telling fortunes in the Town God's Temple.

"Okay! Let's go to the clothing store to change immediately!" Li Yuanhao said.

Soon, the three dressed up carefully in the clothing store. Li Yuanhao made a fake beard and pretended to be an elder, while Liu Yunxiang pretended to be a book boy and carried a burden.

Where is Zhao Feixue!Pretending to be an old woman, a pregnant woman is suitable for pretending to be an old woman. Zhao Feixue and Li Yuanhao pretended to be an old couple and came out to tell fortunes, while Liu Yunxiang followed them with a load of luggage.

"Fortune-telling! If you are not sure, you don't need money!" Li Yuanhao and his wife peddled along the street.

Many people stopped and saw that the cry was unnatural. At the same time, the word "Gua" was taken down by Li Yuanhao.

Zhao Feixue was clever, and quickly corrected Li Yuanhao's posture of holding the word "Gua", while helping him shout: "Everyone, come and get a fortune-telling! Free fortune-telling!"

As soon as everyone heard about free fortune-telling, they swarmed up, making Li Yuanhao and Zhao Feixue very busy, while Liu Yunxiang was always worried about the safety of Li Yuanhao and Zhao Feixue.

In fact, Li Yuanhao and Zhao Feixue did fortune-telling for everyone, not really fortune-telling, but to investigate public sentiment and public opinion.

In a corner of the Town God's Temple, there were a lot of people who came to tell fortune-telling. These people had bloodless faces and kept coughing. At first glance, they were all ordinary people suffering from diseases.

"Old man! Please do the fortune telling for me!" A young man came up and said.

"Please draw lots!" Li Yuanhao said.

Zhao Feixue held a bamboo tube in his hand, sat on a small stool, shook the bamboo tube, the young man closed his eyes, and drew a lottery.

"It's a lottery!" Li Yuanhao showed the lottery to the young man, who sighed and said, "Unlucky!"

Li Yuanhao smiled and said, "Young man! What's wrong with you? Let's hear it! Maybe I can help you turn bad luck into good fortune! Turn danger into safety!"

"Ah! It's hard to say!" The young man said, and then began to say:
It turned out that the young man's name was Er Fu, he was a local, and he had a shop facing the street in the Town God's Temple, and he ran a steamed stuffed bun shop, and his business was booming.

But the good times didn't last long. Since Huang Jincai became the governor of Jiangnan County, in order to collect money, he forcibly expropriated the prosperous shops near the Chenghuang Temple, and gathered merchants with a total of 300 people in Zuixianlou.

It is said that it is going to be remodeled, and after the remodeling, it will be properly resettled.In the Zuixian Tower, Jin Jincai hosted a banquet to entertain these merchants, and talked about coexistence and common prosperity.

During the banquet, they patted their chests to guarantee the interests of the merchants. After drinking the wine poured by Huang Jincai, the merchants felt dizzy and fell asleep on the table one by one.

When merchants like Erfu woke up, they found Huang Jincai's sinister smile emerged.

All the merchants felt cheated, but it was too late.

Gold Fortune transferred the shops of the merchants to new merchants, and these original merchants didn't get any benefits. The only thing was that Gold Fortune moved the original merchants to live in remote suburban houses.

At the same time, all the new shops were rented out at a high price, and the original merchants yelled that they were wronged. It turned out that it was Huang Jincai who drank the ecstasy in the wine, and when all the merchants were asleep, he sent someone to forcibly write on the pre-prepared contract. Pressed fingerprints.

(End of this chapter)

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