The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 710 It's Noon!execution

Chapter 710 It's Noon!execution

At this time, the people of Habayashi County were crowded inside and outside the county palace, and they all came to see this open, fair and just trial.

In front of the iron witness, Wu Zhidong lowered his head, like a frost-beaten eggplant—withered.

Qian Wanli was also criticized by the people present: "Jade profiteer!"

It turns out that many people have been deceived by Qian Wanli, and the jade business opened by Qian Wanli is actually often shoddy as high-quality goods, and many people are deceived.

A merchant from out of town once bought a piece of jewelry at a high price, but he didn't want to go home and pass the appraisal, but it turned out to be an ordinary stone bead.The businessman witnessed on the spot, showing the purchase receipt and the stone bead.

"Down with the profiteers!"

"Down with speculation!"


Qian Wanli lowered his head amidst people's spurning.

The eyes of the masses are discerning, and all the crimes committed by Wu Zhidong and Qian Wanli were exposed one by one by the masses.

Li Yuanhao summed it up, there are eighteen major crimes in total, in the mansion of the Second Marquis, he found a mountain of gold, silver, jewelry, money and treasures, and there were many gold tickets at home.

In just one month after taking office, he searched for such people's fat and anointment, which brought serious disasters to many families.

Therefore, according to the laws of the Jingtian Dynasty and the demands of the people, Li Yuanhao was immediately sentenced to death and executed immediately.

The news of the execution of Wu Zhidong and Qian Wanli was announced to the public in the form of a bulletin, which made the people in Zhentian County, Yulin County, and Changdu County, and more than 160 counties under their jurisdiction, happy.

The people in the three counties are exempted from taxes, which is unique in history.

From then on, the common people can sleep soundly, and they no longer have to worry about the roosters crowing in the middle of the night, and the tax collectors bring a bunch of ruffians to force taxes.

On the third day, Caishikou Street in Habayashi County was crowded with people. Officials and civilians from the three counties stood on both sides of the street, packed full.

"It's noon! Execution!" The beheading officer proclaimed, and immediately, two executioners raised their knives and dropped them, and as the heads of Wu Zhidong and Qian Wanli fell to the ground, all the people cheered in unison.

Because all their embezzled money was confiscated, their newly married couple were reduced to beggars.

In contrast, Zhang Erwan was promoted by Li Yuanhao to be the magistrate of Daoxiang County. This time, Zhang Erwan's wife made a contribution in taking care of Zhao Feixue.

At the same time, Zhang Erwan had the courage to expose Wu Zhidong's crimes, which made Li Yuanhao feel that poor people who serve as county magistrates would be more sympathetic to the suffering of the people.

The three prefects resumed their original posts and continued to serve as the prefects of the counties.

Continue to lead officials who are loyal to the emperor and sympathetic to the people to implement benevolent governance.

After everything was done properly, Li Yuanhao, Liu Yunxiang, and Zhao Feixue continued to run towards Tianjing City with peace of mind.

On the day of departure, all the officials and people of the three counties went out to see him off.

"Your Majesty! Don't worry! The ministers will definitely govern the three counties of Zhentian, Yulin, and Qamdo! Lead your people out of poverty as soon as possible, live a life of peace and contentment, and share the peace and prosperity!"

When the three county guards said goodbye to Li Yuanhao, they swore.

"Okay! Please hurry up! I believe in you! My country! I need you to manage it! I entrust my people to thank you all dear friends!" Li Yuanhao personally helped the three county guards up, and said to everyone with a smile.

On the road, Liu Yunxiang drove the carriage, Li Yuanhao and Zhao Feixue sat in the carriage, and ran towards the direction of Tianjing Imperial City, but the three county guards still refused to go back until Li Yuanhao and his party disappeared...

At dawn the next day, General Xia Houyuan of the Rong State straddled his war horse and waved the command flag in his hand, so [-] troops were dispatched, starting from Kangle City, and rushed to the hinterland of Lu State.

(End of this chapter)

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