Chapter 666

I stretched out my hand to touch it, and suddenly realized that this is not an ice sculpture in the true sense, but a jade bed, which is as cold as ice all year round.Gao Shuang practiced according to the heart formula that Bao'er just read.

Gao Shuang, facing north and facing south, with five hearts facing the sky, sits on the ice bed, meditates and thinks, activates 36 rounds of Zhoutian, intends to guard the Dantian for a moment, opens the two acupoints of Qihai and Mingmen, and enters the cold air in a spiral shape.

After inhaling a stick of incense, close the above two acupoints, and there is a cold ball in the dantian that keeps spinning, getting bigger and bigger until it is three feet away from the septum, and retracted.

"Master! You practiced well! Keep going!" Bao'er's encouraging voice reached Gao Shuang's ears, making Gao Shuang practice harder.

"Bao'er! How can this kind of kung fu be mastered?" Gao Shuang, under Bao'er's hint, has done it three to seven times 21 times.

"Master! Repeat this 81 times until the snowflakes fall and do not melt. When deflated, the snowflakes do not fall three feet away from the body." Bao'er said the answer.

Gao Shuang nodded and continued to practice hard.

I have practiced from 21 49 times to 49 64 times, and from [-] [-] times to [-] [-] times. Gao Shuang's forehead is sweating.

Originally, it was very cold on the ice bed, but after intensive and uninterrupted practice, Gao Shuang felt his whole body was hot.

The yang energy and the heat emitted from my body are constantly overflowing, forming a heat field by myself, changing the surrounding environment.

When Gao Shuang practiced 72 times, Bao'er raised her hand in the air, and immediately snowflakes flew all over the sky. However, these snowflakes fell on Gao Shuang and melted quickly.

Gao Shuang's whole body was like a big stove, snowflakes fell on Gao Shuang's body, there was no reason why it wouldn't melt.

Gao Shuang didn't pay attention to these things, he just concentrated on practicing and upgrading his skills.

Gao Shuang's basic skills are very good. Last time, the first center of gravity formula was a blessing in disguise, and he broke through the bottleneck practice. In addition, he has mastered the first four levels of Jiuyang Shengong, and he already has a solid foundation in martial arts.

Success will come when conditions are ripe and success will come naturally!

With Bao'er's cheers came: "Master! That's great! Ninety-nine 81 times! Ninety-nine return to the truth! Snowflakes fall without melting!"

Gao Shuang couldn't believe it. He opened his eyes and saw that, as expected, snowflakes fell all over the ground, but the snowflakes that fell on him didn't melt. Isn't he a stove?

Gao Shuang suddenly discovered that he was no longer dominated by yang qi, but had practiced yin qi martial arts that united with heaven and earth.

Nine yin and nine yang, at this time, Yin Qi becomes dominant, dancing with snowflakes.

Gao Shuang tried to deflate, that is, to release the Yin Qi in his body. At this time, Bao'er's voice came: "Master! That's great! The snowflakes are three feet away from the body without falling! Master! You're done!"

Gao Shuang saw that three feet away from his body, snowflakes were frozen in the air, apparently controlled by his own Yin Qi.

Gao Shuang tried to move it with his fingers, but it was very strange that the snowflakes flew like his own fingers.

To be able to control things by luck!great!great!Gao Shuang shouted happily in his heart.

"Master! Just keep practicing! After a week of practice, master will be able to officially pass the second level of heart method! At that time, I will take master to practice the third level of heart method!"

After Bao'er finished speaking, she turned into a butterfly and flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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