Chapter 607

Gao Shuang said: "Chinese characters are loud and clear to read, mellow to the ear, and have the beauty of music. They are the most beautiful language in the world."

After Gao Shuang finished speaking, he signaled Mu Wanqing to read a poem in public.

Mu Wanqing recalled this poem:

"Aspirations are high and spirits soar to the sky,
Soaring ambition resounded through the nine heavens.

Soaring straight up and penetrating Changhong,

Persevere and turn things around.

Stepping up to the blue sky and shining with the sun and the moon,

Indifferent to fame and fortune with ease.

The man's ambition is the world's affairs,
But there is no end to progress. "

This sonorous and powerful poem was read out by Mu Wanqing, and everyone was amazed.

This is read out in the standard pronunciation of Chinese, which is very appealing and flat.

Gao Shuang continued: "Chinese characters are still the most beautiful characters, and they have become the art of calligraphy."

After Gao Shuang finished speaking, he displayed the copies of Wang Xizhi's Xingkai "Lanting Preface" and "Quick Snow and Sunny Post" by "Sage of Calligraphy".

"Excellent calligraphy! It's really natural and rich!" Everyone feasted their eyes and praised it full of praise.

Then, Gao Shuang displayed Yan Zhenqing's copy of "Yan Ti" regular script, among which the handed down ink marks "Stick for a Seat" and "Ticket for Self-Scripture" were presented to the people of Lu State.

The majestic and broad Yan style regular script made all the people of Lu country amazed.

"It would be great if we could have calligraphy like this in our country of Lu!" Some people in the crowd were admiring, looking forward to it.

"Yes! But can we have calligraphers like this in our country of Lu? Look at the history of our country of Lu, no! Not at all!" Wen Yuhuaji lamented with some inferiority.

When all the ministers of Lu Guo were feeling sorry, suddenly a clear voice came: "Yes!"

It's a very firm voice.

Everyone's eyes focused on the voice, and found that the "Emperor Empress" Mu Wanqing stood up from the front desk, holding a scroll of calligraphy and painting on rice paper in her hand.

Alan came to help, and the two pulled the calligraphy and painting away in public.

"Wow!" Everyone was amazed.

It turned out to be a poem: "Climbing the Ambition to the Lingyun Tower", which is a seven-character poem written in Chinese characters, as follows: "Flying to the Qianxun Tower on the mountain, I heard that the rooster crowed and saw the sun rise. Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes. top level."

But I saw that the calligraphy is strong and powerful, and it is written in running script, flowing like clouds and flowing water, heartily and vividly.

Compared with the "Sage of Calligraphy" Wang Xizhi's Xing Kai and Yan Zhenqing's "Yan Ti" just now, they are obviously better than blue, and they are even better than calligraphy masters.

Everyone applauded and asked in unison, "Who wrote this?"

"Is there such a person in our country Lu?" Everyone asked themselves.

In the end, Wen Yuhuaji and Huang Fusong suddenly came to their senses, because they saw "Climbing the Tower of Aspirations", and it was the king who led Miss Wan'er to this newly built building!
Who else can write such a good poem besides the king!

So he said: "It is the master's calligraphy! The master is the master of calligraphy in our country of Lu. There is no one before or after! He is the sage of calligraphy today!"

(End of this chapter)

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