Chapter 601

One water is multi-purpose, with very little water to solve washing face, feet washing, toilet flushing.

This made Li Yuanhao very puzzled. He said to Zhao Feixue: "Feixue! This kind of life! I'm really not used to it!"

"Yuanhao! Do you know? This is a place that lacks water!" Zhao Feixue began to say excitedly.

I have been here to teach for a month, so I know the situation here very well.The conditions here are very difficult, far beyond imagination, and very unbearable.

But back then, Zhao Feixue came here to teach in order to avoid her parents suppressing her marriage with Li Jun.

Despite the lack of water, Zhao Feixue was able to adapt to the environment and changed the unruly willfulness of Miss Da.

Li Yuanhao suddenly noticed that Zhao Feixue's foot seemed to be injured, so he felt affectionate and said:

"Flying snow! Did you go to the mountain to fetch water in order to carry a bucket of water! The mountain road is difficult to walk! It caused your ankle to be sprained! Let Liu Yunxiang do such a thing! From now on, you are not allowed to fetch water again! "

"Yuan Hao! Master Liu has gone to the Black Water Pool ten miles away to fetch water for the emperor!" Zhao Feixue said.

"Oh! I can't imagine that it is so difficult to get water in this place! Just now, I used that tank of water three times, and it was over! I really shouldn't!" Li Yuanhao said with some guilt.

"Tomorrow I'll go fetch water! No matter what, I can't let you fetch water! Feixue! You are weak and weak, and you have suffered a lot during this private visit with me!" Li Yuanhao continued.

"Your Majesty! Maybe I shouldn't have brought you to this place. I'm actually very contradictory, but in order for the Emperor to understand the most basic education of the Jingtian Dynasty, I have to make the Emperor endure unimaginable pain!

In this extremely simple private school, lead a life of poverty! "Zhao Feixue said with a very complicated mood.

"Zhao Guifei! My beloved concubine! Thank you for bringing me to this place! Everything you do is for the people of the Jingtian Dynasty! It is all for me to better manage the Jingtian Dynasty!

For the sake of the prosperity and happiness of the people of the Jingtian Dynasty, it is worthwhile for me to suffer a little bit compared to the interests of the people!worth it!
Starting tomorrow, I will also be like you, be a real teacher and give lessons to these lovely students! "Li Yuanhao said.

"Your Majesty! That's great! It's a great honor for the students to be able to let go of his dignity and educate the poor children in the mountains!

This private visit via Weibo was proposed by Dr. Gao. Dr. Gao’s strategy of governing the country is really worth learning from! "

Zhao Feixue knew that Li Yuanhao would not have changed so much if Gao Shuang hadn't proposed a private visit in the palace to persuade the emperor to investigate the people's sentiments.

"Feixue! Without you, I, Li Yuanhao, might not have changed so much!" Li Yuanhao said, staring at Zhao Feixue affectionately.

Zhao Feixue was wearing plain clothes at this time, basically without makeup, giving the impression that she was a beauty without makeup, but the more she was like this, the more she could give Li Yuanhao that kind of pure beauty.

Zhao Feixue was looked at so affectionately by Li Yuanhao, she lowered her head shyly, and said, "Yuanhao! You're hungry! I'll make you a meal!"

"Okay! Let's do it together!" Li Yuanhao said.

The kitchen is connected to the bedroom, and it is a small room that can only allow the two of them to turn around.

In this kitchen, Zhao Feixue is cooking a special meal for Li Yuanhao, which is stewed chicken with pine mushrooms, which is the pine mushrooms that Zhao Feixue picked in the mountains when he was carrying water just now. At the same time, Liu Yunxiang caught a pheasant and put it in a net bag middle.

(End of this chapter)

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