The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 592: Only Reform Can Make Progress

Chapter 592: Only Reform Can Make Progress
Mr. Wang's legs began to tremble, and his forehead was sweating. He said reverently to Li Yuanhao and Zhao Feixue:
"There is indeed a problem with my teaching method! I have taught for so many years, but I have not yet produced a pillar of talent! I am so guilty!"

"Teacher Wang! If you have something to say, let's talk about it in another place!" Zhao Feixue also felt that Mr. Wang's expressions on himself and Li Yuanhao were full of awe, which was completely different from the dismissive expression just now, so he suggested.

"Yes! Yes! I am so old-fashioned! Please come to my guest room! Please!" Mr. Wang said respectfully to Li Yuanhao and Zhao Feixue.

Li Yuanhao and Zhao Feixue entered Mr. Wang's guest room. Mr. Wang saw that no one was around, and hurriedly knelt down for Li Yuanhao and Zhao Feixue.

He said in his mouth, "Long live the emperor! Long live the imperial concubine!"

"Teacher Wang! Please get up quickly! You are not in the palace now, so there is no need to be formal!" Li Yuanhao said kindly.

"Your majesty! To tell you the truth! The grassroots are guilty! The imperial concubine is right, education needs to be reformed! I am obsessed with the handicapped, clinging to the doctrine of the mean, and cannot teach the talents that the emperor can use. I am really ashamed of the emperor!
Please the emperor punish the grassroots people! "Mr. Wang said remorsefully.

Li Yuanhao just listened quietly and did not answer immediately.

Mr. Wang knelt down to Concubine Zhao, and said, "Your Majesty! You offended the grass people just now! Please punish your concubine!"

Zhao Feixue didn't care about Mr. Wang's offense just now, Zhao Feixue said:
"Mr. Wang! It's not all your fault! In fact, there were as many as [-] private schools like this in the Jingtian Dynasty! If you can realize that this kind of education cannot teach talents, it is a big problem. progress!"

"Yes! The education of our Jingtian Dynasty must be reformed! If we don't reform, we will definitely mislead our children! This kind of education system cannot be the fault of Mr. Wang alone!

As the king of a country, I am deeply ashamed that I cannot implement the new education system! "

After Li Yuanhao blamed himself, he signaled Mr. Wang, who was still kneeling on the ground and kowtowing to himself and Zhao Feixue, to get up.

"Thank you for your forgiveness, Your Majesty and Your Concubine! Caomin will definitely implement a new education system in accordance with the instructions of Your Majesty and Your Concubine, so as to educate the Jingtian Dynasty and use them for the Emperor! It will benefit the common people!"

Mr. Wang said with determination.

"Okay! Teacher Wang! Let's start teaching reform now!" Li Yuanhao said.

"Yuan Hao! Great! Great!" Zhao Feixue was so excited, in Zhao Feixue's heart, he had long been looking forward to this day.

"Your majesty is wise! Your majesty is wise! The grassroots will definitely do their best to implement the emperor's will, implement a new teaching system, teach and educate people, and serve the emperor! Long live the emperor! Long live the imperial concubine!"

Mr. Wang once again bowed to the emperor Li Yuanhao and Concubine Zhao devoutly.

Li Yuanhao said to Mr. Wang: "Teacher Wang, don't salute like this again! From today, we are all teachers! Just call me Teacher Li!"

"This! This! How is this good?" Mr. Wang really couldn't believe that the emperor in front of him was so approachable. This is really a generation of Mingjun!

"Teacher Wang! Hurry up!" Zhao Feixue said.

"Teacher Li! Teacher Zhao!" Teacher Wang called out respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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