The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 583 Popular Keywords

Chapter 583 Popular Keywords

On the official road ten miles west of Bao'an City, Yi Qingchen, Wang Gang, and Du Hu led [-] escorts from the Fuwei Escort Bureau, lined up in a neat line, with colorful flags waving, and the escort carts were full of food.

The brothers all had smiles on their faces. This dart trip went really smoothly, and they felt like returning home in triumph.

King Zhao and other officials of Bao'an County greeted them in person. King Zhao said to Yi Qingchen, Wang Gang and Du Hu, "You have worked hard! Drink the Biluochun tea from Bao'an County first!"

Soon, several maids brought tea, and Yi Qingchen, Wang Gang, and Du Hu drank tea, and their fatigue immediately eased a lot.

Thousands of other brothers were also given local tea by the people along the road. In the hearts of the people, the Fuwei Escort Bureau is their protector.

"Boss Yi! Why didn't Master Gao come?" King Zhao asked Yi Qingchen.

Yi Qingchen quickly said: "Jun Wang Zhao! Hall Master Gao has a lot of things to do, so he can't come to the Jingtian Dynasty! However, here is a letter from Hall Master Gao, please read it!"

After Yi Qingchen finished speaking, he took out a letter from his bosom, Zhaojun Wang saw it, it was Gao Shuang's strong and powerful calligraphy, which wrote:

"Father! The [-] tons of grain is delivered with the letter! Please check and accept it! Hurry up and help the victims and refugees in Huaxiang City! The [-] tons of grain is just a way to delay the troops. First, we must distribute it reasonably to ensure that the people have enough food.

Then implement the recuperation policy and let the people cultivate food again!Imports are only a stopgap measure, and the key is to stabilize the situation by vigorously developing agriculture! "

"Okay! Well said!" Zhao Junwang held Gao Shuang's letter in his hands like a treasure, and praised excitedly.

At this time, he made up his mind to distribute the [-] tons of grain, let the people cultivate grain again, implement the policy of rest and recuperation, and ensure the stability of Bao'an County.

The grain route passes through Bao'an City, Bao'an County, and the dragon-like grain transportation team has attracted the people of Bao'an City.

"The food shipped from Lu State! It's amazing!"

"Lu State is a small country, yet it can produce so much food! It's incredible!"

"I heard that the state of Lu is not what it used to be, and the level of prosperity has begun to approach that of our Bao'an County!"

"Food can be exported! It proves that Lu's agriculture is well developed!"

"Who is the current ruler of Lu Kingdom?" Someone asked.


Through the transportation of grain from Lu Guo this time, the people of Bao'an County suddenly paid attention to Lu Guo.

The word Lu Guo, which is not familiar to the public, has become a catchphrase and a popular keyword among the people of Bao'an County.

The food team transported to Huaxiang City, and the people of the whole Huaxiang City were even louder with gongs, drums and gun salutes.

Welcome Fuwei Escort to return with a full load and a triumphant return.

Fennel is sitting in the branch of Jishitang in Huaxiang City, when she suddenly hears the people in Huaxiang City cheering in unison.

It seemed that he had encountered some happy event, so he walked out of the house and saw the brothers from the Fuwei Escort passing by the street with a cart full of grain.

All the people in Huaxiang City were all smiling.

"Food is here! Our Huaxiang City is saved!"

"I heard that the food for this trip was purchased by Master Gao of Jishitang from Lu Guo!"

"Hall Master Gao is really amazing!"


In Huaxiang City, Hall Master Gao has always been a glorious image in the hearts of the people.

Without Hall Master Gao establishing Ji Shi Tang, so many patients would not have been healed.

(End of this chapter)

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