The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 580 Grandma Liu Entered the Grand View Garden

Chapter 580 Grandma Liu Entered the Grand View Garden
Lei Dahai and Yang Wu led [-] elite soldiers to guard the front, back, left, and right sides, and soon left the territory of Rongguo and entered the territory of Suiguo.

Those bandits and robbers saw such a big battle, even if they had the heart, they didn't have the courage to rob the darts.

All the way, it was like entering the land of no one, and finally arrived in the territory of Lu State.

"We're going home! We're going home!" Gao Shuang, Yi Qingchen, Wang Gang, Du Hu and other brothers have long regarded Lu Guo as their home.

The two masters saw cities rising from the ground in front of them. They were border trade cities built by Gao Shuang - Kangle City.

This once poor mountain valley, where birds don't shit, has changed its old appearance. After Gao Shuang's standardization, construction, and border trade, it has become the most developed city besides Anyi New City.

"It's a bit like Huaxiang City! No! It's even better than Huaxiang City!" The two masters were full of praise.

Because, they found that all of Kangle City are newly built standard residences, with neat and orderly streets, and lush cypress trees on both sides of the streets.

The central circle for both commercial and residential purposes is as perfect as the specification of Huaxiang City.A river runs through the entire Kangle City from east to west, and in the distance is a majestic green hill.This is really a green city!

There are many shops of all kinds on the street, crowded with people and active in business.

When the escort cart passed by on the street, many common people saw Gao Shuang standing on the carriage and shouted in unison: "Long live the lord! Long live the lord! Long live the lord!"

Gao Shuang signaled that all the people would be exempt from courtesy. The two masters came to Lu country this time, just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. Everything they saw was new.

"The state of Lu has changed so much! It used to be a dirty, messy and barren land, but now it is full of beautiful mountains and rivers, outstanding people, and rich products! The common people live and work in peace and contentment!" Chen Jishi was amazed.

"That's right! Shuang'er, as the lord of a country, is able to manage Lu country so well! It's really rare! It seems that the revival of Chu Yun country is just around the corner!" Li Zimo said full of reverie.

After a day's journey, finally, the escort vehicle crossed the green Dalu River.

It has already entered the most affluent Anyi area in Lu country.

What presented before the eyes of the two masters was: the water surface of the Dalu River was rippling and sparkling, and the river was rich in fish and shrimp.

Many fishing boats shuttled back and forth on the wide river, casting nets to catch fish. Each fishing boat was full of various fish, alive and kicking, and the fishermen showed simple smiles on their faces.

Are there some old people fishing by the river?So laid back!
There is also a place with fertile water and soil on the left bank of the Dalu River, where the golden rice can't be seen at a glance.

On the right bank of the Dalu River, there is a snow-white cotton field, which is as white as the layers of white clouds in the sky. At the same time, on the embankment of the Dalu River, there are rows of willows and cypresses, and the grass is so green that it is so green!
Both Chen Jishi and Li Zimo praised: "Where is this world? It's like a paradise!"

land of plenty!A real land of fish and rice!It's not in Bao'an County or Jiangnan County in the Jingtian Dynasty, but in a country that is very inconspicuous on the map - Lu State.

Since the two masters stepped into the land of Lu State, they were all amazed by the vicissitudes of Lu State's vicissitudes of life.

Gao Shuang's large army returned to Lu State's Anyi New City, and sent all the 9 taels of gold to the treasury, which greatly enriched Lu State's economy.

(End of this chapter)

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