Chapter 561

"That's right! You have saved my beloved concubine Zhao Feixue many times, and at the same time, you saved my life today, Li Yuanhao. Now that I'm visiting in private, I can completely put aside the court etiquette and want to be sworn brothers with you! How about it? "

Li Yuanhao said sincerely.

Gao Shuang hurriedly saluted and said, "Your Majesty! No! I'm just a commoner! How can I be called brother and brother with the Emperor?"

Li Yuanhao said: "Master Gao! You are actually my father-in-law's adopted son, Zhao Feixue's adopted brother. According to the logic, we should also be called brothers! From now on, we will have a care for each other!"

Junwang Zhao and Zhao Feixue listened, very happy.

But Gao Shuang said humbly: "Your Majesty! How can this be done?"

"Yezi! Your Majesty is so kind! Just agree!" King Zhaojun said.

"Brother Gao! Don't make things difficult for the emperor! The emperor sincerely wants to sworn brotherhood with you!" Zhao Feixue interjected.

"Okay! Since the emperor is so sincere, then Gao Shuang would rather be respectful than obedient!" Gao Shuang said.

Soon, a brother sworn ceremony was held in a room of the Shilipu Inn.

Zhao Junwang and Zhao Feixue, as two witnesses, each presented Gao Shuang and Li Yuanhao a bowl of daughter's red wine.Gao Shuang and Li Yuanhao swear to a statue of Guan Gong together:
"I, Li Yuanhao, swear before the gods to become brothers of different surnames with Gao Shuang. From now on, we will share the blessings, share the troubles, trust each other in life and death, save each other in good and bad times, depend on good and bad, and support each other in adversity.

They cannot be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but they want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day. If they violate this oath, ten thousand arrows will pierce the heart, and five thunders will strike the top and die! "

Gao Shuang also took the oath at the same time.

After the two finished speaking, they ended their vows and kowtowed to the god statue. At the same time, the two sides drank each other, raised their necks, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Big brother!" Li Yuanhao called Gao Shuang his big brother for the first time, which made Gao Shuang really at a loss. He was reborn this time, and the emperor of the Jingtian Dynasty claimed to be his big brother.

This kind of thing is something that I dare not even think about.

"Your Majesty!" Gao Shuang still used the honorific title, but Li Yuanhao said, "Big Brother! Call me Second Brother!"

"Yezi! Don't be too formal! After sworn brothers, you should follow the brotherly etiquette and address them!" Zhao Junwang comforted Gao Shuang with a smile.

Gao Shuang then yelled "Second brother!"

Zhao Feixue clapped his hands and cheered: "Your Majesty and Brother Gao are really the best sworn brothers! I believe that in the future, with the help of Brother Gao, the Emperor will carry out new policies to benefit the common people of the Jingtian Dynasty!"

After Gao Shuang and Li Yuanhao sworn brothers, their friendship deepened. Li Yuanhao, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Junwang, and Gao Shuang were like a family, discussing the future of the Jingtian Dynasty together.

Li Yuanhao and Zhao Feixue were deeply touched by the unprecedented famine in Huaxiang City. Fortunately, Jishitang's extensive porridge donations allowed many refugees to survive happily.

However, although there was no famine in the other counties of the Jingtian Dynasty, there was not much food. It was strictly forbidden to export food from all over the country, and it was also strictly forbidden to sell it outside the county, unless it was imported food.

But now around the Jingtian Dynasty, there is no country that sells grain.

The lack of food in Huaxiang City is a matter that makes King Zhao and County Magistrate Feng of Huaxiang City difficult, and it is now on the agenda.

(End of this chapter)

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