The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 552 It is better to dedicate it to today's saint

Chapter 552 It is better to dedicate it to today's saint
The two guards shook their heads and said, "Nonsense! How could such a treasure be dug up in the sweet potato field! This is a legendary treasure pot! Our county magistrate is looking for it everywhere? How could it fall into your hands! This is public property, confiscated !"

After the two guards finished speaking, they took the treasure pot arbitrarily.

Watching the two servants walk away triumphantly, the two brothers complained to Tian repeatedly.

In the county government of Dayang County, two guards wrapped the purple clay pot with a piece of black cloth and sneaked into the county government.

At this time, County Magistrate He came over and asked if the population registration of Sanli Township had been completed. An officer said it was done, and presented the roster that had been prepared in his hand, and asked County Magistrate He to have a look.

Magistrate He didn't look through these booklets right away, his eyes noticed something in another officer's hand, which was wrapped in black cloth.

"County Magistrate He! Let's resign!" the two guards hurried away after finishing speaking.

The two guards returned to their room and started discussing in a low voice.

"Brother! Let's get rid of this treasure pot as soon as possible!" said one of the guards.

"Second Brother! Let's go to the Antique Shop in Hedong County now!" The older guard nodded.

When the two were sneaking out of the room, Magistrate He came over and said to the two guards, "Where are you going? Also! What are you holding in your hand?"

The two guards looked at each other, only then did they realize that the treasure pot in their hands had already been noticed by the county magistrate.

So I had to obediently present the treasure pot. When the black cloth was gradually uncovered, Magistrate He's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally exclaimed: "Okay! Yuye Qiongjiang Zisha pot! It's a miracle to see it today. Send down auspiciousness!"

"How did you get here?" County Magistrate He asked the two guards, and the two guards told the story of the two brothers from Huang Village, Sanli Township, digging out the treasure pot from the sweet potato field.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang Shao, the purple sand pot, hid the treasured pot in the ground before his death, and it can be seen again today! Great! Great! You two have done a good job! This official rewards each of you with 50 taels of silver !"

After the magistrate He finished speaking, he gave each of the two guards 50 taels of silver. Although the two guards lost their treasure pots, they were very happy to get so much silver for nothing. Looking for flowers and asking willows.

"Remember! Regarding the matter of the treasure pot, keep it a secret from me!" County Magistrate He said.

"Yes! The county master!" The two guards obeyed and said yes.

County magistrate He took this treasure pot to his study alone, and also invited antique experts from Dayang County to come for appraisal.

After careful identification, the antique expert finally determined that this product is genuine, and it is the most proud work of the late Mr. Wang Shao of the Jingtian Dynasty during his lifetime.

Zisha pot collectors wanted to buy it at a high price, but the pot king was not moved by the money and refused to sell it.

Later, when he passed away, he did not pass down the treasure pot.

The folks call this pot a priceless treasure.

Too bad it's gone.

But this time, it was really gratifying to be able to see the light of day again.

County magistrate He is also a collector of purple clay teapots. He intends to collect this teapot, but one of his concubines disagrees.

"My lord! This pot is good, but if it is known, it will cause trouble! Why don't you dedicate it to the current emperor! If the emperor's face is happy, he may be promoted to a noble!

master!You have been a county magistrate for more than ten years!Colleagues are promoted!But you stand still and make no progress, which really embarrasses the slave family! "

(End of this chapter)

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