The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 548 Beauty showdown, each has its own autumn

Chapter 548 Beauty Showdown, Each Has Its Pros and Cons

"Okay! But, I don't want to compete with you! There is an important person in the audience watching our performance? Didn't you notice?" Zhao Xinyue shifted her eyes to the audience while talking.

Fennel looked over, and happened to see Gao Shuang looking at her too. It turned out that the important person Zhao Xinyue mentioned was Brother Shuang!
"Don't worry! I won't embarrass you!" Anise knew what Zhao Xinyue meant.

"Okay! Fennel! After it's done, I won't treat you badly!" Zhao Xinyue said.

Soon, the third group tea art competition began.

Since Fennel and Zhao Xinyue are the focus figures, the two beauties competed in the tea ceremony at the same time, which attracted many people's attention.

Gao Shuang noticed that Fennel used her slender hands to take out some young shoots from fresh Longjing tea. She first dripped a special oil on the tea leaves, held them in ceramics, and heated them evenly on charcoal.

The heating process reminded Gao Shuang of the scene where he and fennel were making Chinese herbal medicine together, and Gao Shuang could still vividly remember that kind of concentration.

Where is the tea ceremony going on here!Instead, they are carefully brewing a kind of Chinese herbal medicine!
In Gao Shuang's eyes, tea is also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. Drinking tea can invigorate the spleen and kidney, help digestion, cool the head and improve eyesight, refresh the mind, nourish the liver and protect the liver, and at the same time have the effect of relieving cough and moisturizing the throat.

Fennel, like himself, understands tea as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, when brewing tea, it uses traditional Chinese medicine to brew it. The seriousness, concentration and professionalism of Gao Shuang secretly admired it.

It is Fennel's conscientiousness and diligence in Chinese herbal medicine that made Fenix ​​girl save so many disaster victims and refugees, and further enhanced the reputation of Jishitang, which was praised by more people.

Look at Zhao Xinyue again. Although she is proficient in her movements, she has studied western medicine. Although she has studied tea art, she pays more attention to results in her attitude towards making tea.

Therefore, when Zhao Xinyue made tea, the key point was to add a special food additive she made, and she sprinkled these additives on Longjing tea, which was her unique skill.

At the same time, pay attention to the water temperature and brewing time.

Soon, the trio brewed Longjing tea.

As a result, three tea tasters gave the following opinions:

Fennel tea is a taste that is closer to nature. Drinking fennel tea is like returning to the Qingqing tea garden, which makes people feel refreshed.

Zhao Xinyue's tea has the taste of western milk tea. Drinking Zhao Xinyue's tea is like a western milk tea shop in the depths, making people linger and forget to return.

Since the two are evenly divided and there is no winner or loser, the host agreed with the tea taster that there will be active participation of the audience to comment on the two teas.

The audience was divided into two factions, one group supported Fennel, and the other group supported Zhao Xinyue.

Soon, the voting was decided, and Fennel and Zhao Xinyue were voted for one hundred votes each.

"Who else didn't vote? Please get involved! Thank you for your support!" said the moderator.

"Host! I want to go on stage and perform a tea ceremony for everyone!" A voice was very pleasant, and everyone looked over, wow!It was Hall Master Gao of Ji Shi Hall, so he immediately cheered: "Hello, Hall Master Gao! Hall Master Gao is our genius doctor of Ji Shi Tang!"

"Master Gao has performed tea art for us! We must feast our eyes!" A voice said cheerfully.

(End of this chapter)

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