The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 505 Don't be afraid of floating clouds and cover your eyes, you are at the highest leve

Chapter 505 Don't be afraid of floating clouds and cover your eyes, you are at the highest level
This is a lord with far-reaching strategies. His thinking is far ahead of this era. Could this be the modern man that Gao Shuang said?
"My lord! Now Lu country's agriculture has been well developed due to the promotion of new hybrid rice and the vigorous development of grain trade. I don't know how to develop industry and commerce? What unique insights does the lord have?" Mu Wanqing asked.

"Scholars, farmers, and businessmen are all equal! Greatly introduce talents, capital, and technology, and comprehensively develop Lu's economy according to local conditions!" Gao Shuang's simple and powerful words made Mu Wanqing fall into deep thinking.

"Wan'er! In a few days, I will leave the country of Lu for the time being. I will entrust you with full authority over the issue of spinning and weaving and women's literacy in the country of Lu! What do you think?" Gao Shuang said seriously.

"My lord! Don't worry! Wan'er will do her best to complete it!" Mu Wanqing said.

"Okay! Wan'er! This is a heavy burden! On behalf of the people of Lu Guoli, I would like to express my gratitude to you!" Gao Shuang said.

"Master! Wan'er is obliged to share the worries and problems of the people of Lu State! Seeing that the Lord always thinks about the country and society, Wan'er feels that it is a great honor to be able to share the burden for the Lord!"

Mu Wanqing's sincere words made Gao Shuang feel warm in his heart. In Gao Shuang's life, besides Fennel, there is only Mu Wanqing who can understand righteousness so well.

"Wan'er! In the future, when the two of us are present, don't call me the master of my country! You can still call me Brother Gao!" Gao Shuang said with a smile.

"Wan'er is more respectful than obedient! Brother Gao!" Mu Wanqing called out sweetly, and Gao Shuang listened, as if tasting a clear spring, sweet and refreshing.

"Sister Wan'er!" Gao Shuang also responded.

The title returned to the standard again, which brought the distance between the two closer.

Gao Shuang and Mu Wanqing stood on the 12th floor of Top Aspiration Tower No. [-], pointing at the mountains and rivers, encouraging the words. He was in a good mood and composed an impromptu poem, holding a brush by himself.

And Mu Wanqing spread out the rice paper, and Gao Shuang wrote a poem "Climbing the Aspirations Lingyun Tower" eloquently: "Flying to the Qianxun Tower on the mountain, I heard that the rooster crowed and saw the sun rise. Don't be afraid of the clouds to cover your eyes. Fate is at the top."

It was the first time Mu Wanqing saw Gao Shuang's calligraphy, but saw that the calligraphy was strong and powerful, and it was written in running script, flowing freely and heartily.I can't help but secretly exclaim, and at the same time, am amazed at the lofty ambition expressed in Gao Shuang's poem.

"Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, and you will be at the highest level." Yes!We climbed to the highest floor of the Top Gun Tower, standing taller, we naturally see farther.

Just like Gao Shuang's foresight, he can clearly see the future development direction of Lu State, and the comprehensive development of agriculture, industry and commerce. This is Gao Shuang's far-sighted strategic vision. Lu State is honored to have such a wise leader.

(End of this chapter)

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