The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 484 The Most Influential Person

Chapter 484 The Most Influential Person
Gao Shuang smiled and said, "Okay! Soon, you will learn calligraphy like this!"

Mu Wanqing saw that Gao Shuang's writing was in lower case. It was indeed very well written, with strong strokes, and at the same time, it was as elegant as flowing clouds, just like Gao Shuang himself.

So he said to the unmarried girl: "Yes! In the village, you can not only learn weaving, but also learn culture!"

"Wow! Really?" asked the maiden girl.

Gao Shuang nodded and said, "It's true! Starting tomorrow! On the one hand, everyone learns weaving from this lady, and on the other hand, learns culture! How about it?"

"Okay! All the women in our village are illiterate! They don't even know a single word!" said the unmarried girl named Alan.

"Yes! I don't play cards anymore! I can't even write my own name!" said the young woman with some shame.

The other women also said: "We don't play cards anymore! We want to learn weaving and culture!"

"Good! Well said, everyone!"

Gao Shuang believes that the construction of Lu State not only depends on the skilled craftsmen and thousands of brothers he brought from the Jingtian Dynasty, but more importantly, it relies on the joint efforts of the people of Lu State. The people of Lu State include men, women, young and old.

Among them, women have almost become idle labor in Lu State, especially after the bumper harvest of hybrid rice just now, women have nothing to do.

Gao Shuang this time was also a coincidence, and Mu Wanqing realized that mobilizing Lu women to weave cloth, learn culture, and participate in the construction of Lu State has become another force that cannot be ignored in the construction of Lu State.

"Sisters! Wait for our good news! We have something to leave today!" Mu Wanqing saw that the sun in the west was about to set, and knew that Gao Shuang had to rush to Lu Wangdian before dark.

Gao Shuang thinks that Mu Wanqing is a very considerate beauty, who is proficient in weaving. At the same time, she knows books and rituals, and is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The two were surprisingly consistent in building Lu State and changing Lu State's backward appearance, and there was a tacit understanding in their hearts.

The two were sent off by the women, each riding a tall horse, and left the village.

The women kept sending them to the entrance of the village with a feeling of reluctance.

"We are waiting for you to come back!" many women said.

"Don't worry! It's getting dark! You all go back!" Gao Shuang and Mu Wanqing said in unison.

After finishing speaking, the two raised their whips, and the horse galloped forward.

Jingtian Dynasty Tianjing imperial city.

Li Jun used various methods one by one to recover Liu Zhifeng, Minister of Punishment, Xiong Wencan, Minister of Industry, Fan Lanqing, Minister of Rites, and Chen Xinjia, Minister of Military Affairs.

Li Jun, together with his confidantes, He Zidi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Wei Xianneng, Minister of the Ministry of Households, implemented the unification of the top officials of the six ministries.Actually controlled the court.

Li Jun conspired with six officials to discuss how to seize the throne.

Hearing that the emperor was seriously ill, Li Jun wanted to take the opportunity to visit the emperor's bedroom to see how ill the emperor Li Yuanhao was.

One day, Li Jun drew up a memorial. Originally, this memorial should be handed over to the left and right prime ministers Wei Yannian and Wen Tianxiang, but since Li Jun took control of the six departments, he didn't take these two prime ministers seriously at all.

The emperor's concubine Liu Rong'er had an affair with Chen Xinjia, the minister of the Ministry of War, and was arrested by Li Jun and five other ministers. The handle was in Li Jun's hands, and he could only obey Li Jun's order.

(End of this chapter)

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