The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 405 How can I sit idly by?

Chapter 405 How can I sit idly by?

The merchants of the country of Sui needed the rice and grains of the country of Lu to trade in this city, and the country of Lu also needed a large amount of iron products from the country of Sui.

The residents of Kangle City lived a good life of not closing their doors at night and not picking up their belongings. In a short time, the reputation of Kangle City spread to the whole Lu country, and many Lu people who were suffering from disasters came here one after another.

Gao Shuang also accepted them one by one, and continued to expand the surrounding land, which was built along the border of Sui State and Lu State, turning the military minefield into a rich place that benefited the people.

The "Happy City" in the land of blessings made Gao Shuang's reputation spread throughout the land of Lu State. Among the people, the people of Lu State demanded that Gao Shuang be the head of the country.

Such voices reached the ears of Suiguo's lord Dorman, who was very upset because of Gao Shuang, an opponent that he regarded as a thorn in his side.

Gao Shuang had prevented Sui Guo from attacking Lu State three times. If he didn't get rid of it, it would definitely affect the great cause of unifying the six countries.

Dorman conspired and discussed with the ministers of civil and military affairs, and finally formulated a detailed military offensive plan that he thought was feasible.

In the state of Lu, Ding Lafu captured 2 horses, and together with his original 8 troops with the country, there were a total of 5000 troops, far exceeding Gao Shuang's [-] troops. Dorman divided his troops into two groups and attacked.

Along the way, directly sent Wan Yan Gu and Tie Ah Mu to attack Gao Shuang with [-] troops each.

On the other side, Yujia personally led an army of [-] to march northward, preparing to unify the vast land north of the Dalu River in Lu State, including Moon City.

The "informed person" Bao'er quickly flew to Leisure City, and said to Gao Shuang who was leading everyone to work together in the new vineyard: "Master! It's not good! It's not good! The army is about to call! The army is about to call!" Call!"

Gao Shuang was planting a grape vine. When he heard the news, he smiled and said, "Bao'er! Don't be so surprised! What's the big deal!"

"Master! Bao'er is worried about the master! Because this time, Dorman divided his troops into two groups, and sent two tiger generals, leading [-] troops, to the southeast to completely encircle and suppress the master.

On the other side, he personally led [-] elite soldiers, starting from Anyi City, all the way to the north, in an attempt to attack from north to south, and invade the entire Lu country. The scale is unprecedented!The master should not be underestimated! Bao'er sweated for Gao Shuang.

After listening to Bao'er's narration, Gao Shuang sighed and said angrily:

"I can't think of it? The border people of Lu Kingdom have just lived a good life for a few days, but they are about to face the baptism of a cruel war! This Wenyu Huaji is simply extremely pedantic! The common people suffer! It's really unreasonable! "

"Brother! These people are innocent! And the home we have worked so hard to build, we can't just watch it being taken over by the army!" Yi Qingchen said with emotion.

"That's right! Big brother! Although that Wenyu Huaji is unreasonable, those people are innocent! After all, we have stayed in Lu country for a while, and we still have some feelings for the people!
Seeing them being invaded by the army like this makes us feel uncomfortable!We can no longer sit idly by like this! "

Lei Haihai was also a little regretful, and said so with a look of fidgeting.

"Brother! Brothers are right! We can't sit idly by! Lead us to fight! Brothers haven't fought for a long time! Your hands are itchy!"

Brothers such as Wang Gang, Du Hu, and Yang Wu were also working together.

(End of this chapter)

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