The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 402 The Patron Saint of the Frontier People

Chapter 402 The Patron Saint of the Frontier People
Bao'er told Gao Shuang about Lu Guo's lord Wen Yu turning auspiciousness into corruption and extravagance, and indulging in beauty and witches. At the same time, he told Gao Shuang that Lu Guo's Huang Fusong and other generals had become so successful and hedonism prevailed. Gao Shuang was very shocked.

First of all, Gao Shuang's heart hurts when he thinks of the people of Lu State who are in dire straits, suffering from internal and external troubles, and thinking of the people of Lu State who migrated to the mountains with their families to avoid military service.

It doesn't matter if you are the leader or not, it doesn't matter who will be the leader. What's important is that if a leader is stupid, it will bring serious disasters to the people of Lu country.

No, Lu Guo cannot be allowed to sink like this.

It is necessary for Lu Guo to realize that it is not the moon witch god or the so-called gods who save them, but himself, and the one who wants to save himself must first save his own soul.

Jishitang heals the sick and saves the sick, what he saves is only the body, and makes the sick healthy, but if the saved people only have healthy bodies, but their souls are corrupted, what's the use?
I secretly helped Lu Guo resist Sui Guo, so that Lu Guo's monarchs, officials and soldiers thought that they were relying on the protection of the gods, and the gods sent troops to repel them. How ignorant and ignorant!

Gao Shuang realized that Lu Guo's backwardness was not only backward in military strength, but more importantly, it was backward in people's thinking!
I lost to myself, and to save the country of Lu, I must save people's souls.

Gao Shuang believes that it is time for these foolish people to wake up in the face of cruel reality.

Therefore, ten military discipline and military regulations were established, and all soldiers were ordered to strictly abide by them and accept public supervision.

Gao Shuang's guidelines are for the common people to have a comfortable environment to live and work in. Naturally, they won the support and love of the common people, even though Gao Shuang has no intention of winning the hearts of the people.

Gao Shuang's military discipline was of great benefit to the common people, and it was widely spread for a while, and the surrounding border residents all came to pay homage.

More and more people from the state of Lu came to Gao Shuang's garrison. These people from the state of Lu were harassed by the army of the country. Because they were on the border, there were frequent wars, and the people could not work stably.

Thanks to Gao Shuang's protection and effective defense of the border, the production and life of these border residents are safe. In the hearts of the border residents, Gao Shuang is their patron saint.

Gao Shuang is stationed within a radius of [-] kilometers. This area is actually a military buffer zone for Lu and Sui, and it is also a disputed area. Basically, this area is idle.

This area is rich in water and soil, which is very suitable for farming. Because of the war, this fertile land has not been developed. Now Gao Shuang and [-] brothers start farming together to open up wasteland and reclaim the land.

He wants to help these frontier residents live a life of peace and contentment as soon as possible.

The scene turned to Suiguo. After Dorman rested, he replenished his troops and food.

This time, 2 horses were recruited from all over the country, and a total of 8 elite troops were recruited. They conspired with the military minister to formulate a more feasible attack plan.

Wan Yangu led 3 archers to play the vanguard, Tie Amu led 2 cavalry to play the center forward, and led 3 infantry chariots to follow, and the infantry was well-equipped.

The chariot is full of food, grass and luggage, which is very sufficient, enough to fight a month's worth of military rations in the country of Lu.

(End of this chapter)

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