Chapter 309

"This grass is very precious! How can I have the nerve to accept it? How about it! Here is a 100 taels of gold ticket! You hold it first, and after the patient is cured, I will send another 900 taels of gold!"

After Hu Yong finished speaking, he handed over the golden ticket in his hand.

Without waiting for Gao Shuang to react, Mai Dong took the golden ticket, his eyes were straightened, but Gao Shuang winked at him, and Mai Dong was very puzzled.

But Gao Shuang is the eldest brother, the head of Jishitang, and the boss, so he had to reluctantly return the golden ticket to Hu Yong.

Fennel on the side was actually moved, and she also hoped that Brother Shuang would accept it!

Every day free medical treatment and voluntary treatment of so many disaster victims and refugees, Jishitang's expenses are getting bigger and bigger, and a sum of money is also needed to enrich Jishitang.

"I can't accept this golden ticket! As long as the patient is safe and sound!" Gao Shuang said.

"My benefactor! I miss my practice of medicine for decades! I have never met such a person of integrity! Let me admire you so much, please be respected by me!" Hu Yong was so moved that tears were about to flow out, and he was about to go to Gao Shuang. Make a big gift.

Gao Shuang quickly helped Hu Yong up, smiled, and said, "You're welcome! We are fellow-dwellers, and I'm just doing a little work, so it's nothing to worry about! This elixir grass should be given to those who need it most!"

Hu Yong was so moved that he took the panacea handed over by Gao Shuang with trembling hands, and said, "Thank you, Master Gao! Your kindness in the future! This old man will repay you!"

After speaking, he left.

Ophiopogon japonicus and fennel have left.

It seems to be a little puzzled that Gao Shuang does not accept the golden ticket.

Gao Shuang was alone in the ward, and accidentally saw Hu Yong leaving a notepad on the hospital bed where he was lying.

Looking through it casually, it turned out to be a case book.

It recorded the cases and diagnosis methods of many people. When Gao Shuang turned to the latest page of cases, he yelled that it was not good.

Immediately call Ophiopogon japonicus and Fennel and say:

"You practice medicine well in Jishitang, and continue to treat poor people and refugees. I have something to go out for a trip! As for the funding of Jishitang, it will be paid from the 3 taels of gold charged by Fuwei Escort Bureau!"

"Yes! Brother Shuang!" Mai Dong and Fennel suddenly regained their spirits.

"Xiang'er! You, Mai Dong and the brothers have worked hard these days! It's time to pay your salary and have a dental festival! This matter is up to you!" Gao Shuang added.

"Thank you Brother Shuang! Please don't worry, Brother Shuang! Xiang'er and Mai Dong will definitely take good care of Jishitang! Relieve more refugees and benefit more people in the world!" Fenix ​​said.

"Okay! Brother Shuang knows that Xiang'er is the most capable! Brother Shuang is very relieved when Xiang'er handles affairs!" Gao Shuang praised.

(End of this chapter)

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