The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 240 Weak countries have no diplomacy

Chapter 240 Weak countries have no diplomacy

In Liangcheng, the capital of Di Kingdom, King Huyanhachi personally led the troops to pick up the darts.

Seeing that Huyan Muyao, the princess in the palm of her hand, was safe and sound, and the large amount of silk, jade, gold and silver, and a large amount of grain sent by the Jingtian Dynasty were intact, they were warmly entertained.

He also asked them to stay for a few days, but because Gao Shuang was concerned about Lu Guo's affairs and Jishitang's affairs, he politely declined.

The next day, Gao Shuang led a group of people to bid farewell to Huyanhachi and returned all the way.

Before leaving, Huyanhachi presented a lot of silver and local specialties, and asked Gao Shuang to express his gratitude to the King and ministers of the Jingtian Dynasty for their support and help on his behalf!
On the way back, Gao Shuang went straight to the state of Lu to visit the king.King Lu came out to greet them in person and entertained them with a feast. The dancers sang and danced one by one.

The brothers were exhausted all the way during this time, so they relaxed here, drinking, eating delicious food, and admiring the beautiful dancing postures of the beauties at the same time.

After the brothers ate and drank enough, they were each taken to the guest room arranged by King Lu to rest.Gao Shuang and Wang Wenyuhuaji were left behind.

"The last time our country was almost swallowed by the enemy, thanks to the heroes who passed by and helped to kill the enemy, our country was lucky enough to survive! I, Wen Yuhuaji, thank you on behalf of the millions of people in Lu Kingdom!" Wen Yuhuaji said gratefully.

"The king is too serious! My name is Gao Shuang, just call me by my name, don't call him a hero! When you see injustice, you draw your sword to help! Since you are destined to meet, you should help! No need to say thank you! It's just that I don't understand!
Please forgive me for asking: Why did Suiguo attack your country? " Gao Shuang said.

"Gao Shuang, it's a long story. Since you have a predestined relationship with my country, Lu, I will tell you the truth! Originally, our country and the neighboring country Sui were friendly, but later, the king of Sui valued my daughter Wenyu. Princess Alan.

Forcing me to marry my daughter to their demented son is one of them.

Second, although our country is small, the land is fertile and full of gold, and the people have no worries about food and clothing. Although Sui country's terrain is half larger than ours, the land is barren and the harvest is poor, so it cannot be self-sufficient.

We want to come to our country to import food and various crops at low prices, because we are only self-sufficient, and there is no surplus food and crops to sell to them.

Third, when they saw that we did not agree to sell grain, they forced us to sell them rice seeds and other crop seeds, but they went back to plant them, but we had no choice but to agree.

But they brought the seeds back to other countries and planted them in the fields. Due to the terrain, the crops did not grow well. Suiguo thought that our seeds were not good, deliberately fooled them, and came to find fault again.

Fourth, they saw that our country, Lu, was small and few people, but rich in resources, and the land was fertile, while they had a large population, but the land was barren, and the people could not afford food and clothing, so they wanted to invade and destroy our country! "Wen Yu said, worrying about the country and the people.

"It's so domineering, it's really deceiving! It's unreasonable!" Gao Shuang said angrily.

"As the king of a country, I can't let the people live happily, and I can't protect the safety and peace of the people of my country! A weak country has no diplomacy! It's really ashamed!" Wen Yuhuaji said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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