The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 188 The Beauty Tells Me Her Heart

Chapter 188 The Beauty Tells Me Her Heart

So he said happily: "Brother Shuang! According to what you said, if we carry out reforms in Jishitang and adopt the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, then I think we will be able to heal patients better and faster! Better benefit the people!"

"Well! Sister Xinyue! This is a good idea. We will learn from each other in the future and strive to develop a better treatment method that combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine as soon as possible! Let Jishitang better benefit the people of Liming!" Gao Shuang was also very happy Say.

"Hearing what you say, I really want to see this Chinese and Western medicine treatment as soon as possible, so that it can better serve the common people! Hahaha!" King Zhao Jun said happily.

"Master! It's getting late! Let Xin'er rest more!" Mrs. Zhao said concerned about her daughter's health.

"Madam is right! Xin'er! You are just right! You are still a little weak, you should pay more attention to rest! We will not disturb you! Shuang'er! Xue'er! Let's go!" Zhao Junwang finished speaking, and everyone She left Zhao Xinyue's room.

Walked out of the room and came to the living room, Yue'e had already prepared meals.

Everyone gathered around the table. After eating, Gao Shuang saw that it was getting late, and he was worried about Huaxiang City and Jishitang, so he got up and said goodbye to Mrs. Zhao, the King of Zhaojun!
Mrs. Zhao Jun Wang knew that Gao Shuang was very busy, so she didn't stay any longer!Just remind me to come back and play again when I have time!Gao Shuang also promised his adoptive father and adoptive mother that if he had time, he would definitely come back to visit the two elders!

So he said goodbye to his adoptive father and adoptive mother, and strode out.

At this time, Yue'e shouted: "Young Master Gao! The Fragrant Concubine is here to invite you!"

"Oh! What's the matter?" Gao Shuang asked.

"Master Gao! Come with me! You'll know when you come!" After Yue'e finished speaking, she brought Gao Shuang to the back garden of Prince Zhao's Mansion.

"Xiangfei Empress! Young Master Gao is here!" Yue'e led Gao Shuang to the back garden, only to find that in a room deep in the garden, Zhao Feixue turned his back to them, and said to Yue'e: "There is no you here!" What happened! You go down!"

"Yes!" Yue'e responded, and after gently closing the door of the small room, she left.

"Empress Xiangfei! Is there anything I can do for you?" Gao Shuang asked politely.

Zhao Feixue said coquettishly: "Don't call me Xiangfei Empress anymore! I don't care about the title of Xiangfei Empress! You should call me Feixue! I'm more kind!"

"Then... alright! Feixue, what's the matter?" Gao Shuang asked.

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do? Brother Shuang! I miss you! Is this the reason why I am looking for you? Do you know?
Since Feixue entered the palace, although the material conditions are superior, without you by her side, Feixue can't eat well and can't sleep at night! "

"Do you know? You occupy all the positions in Feixue's heart! You can't tolerate others anymore. Even though the emperor has favored Feixue and even collected three thousand favors! But Feixue doesn't love him! Feixue doesn't love him! Snow has no feelings for him!"

"Because Feixue only has Brother Shuang in her heart! She only loves Brother Shuang! Although Feixue came back this time to visit her long-lost sister, but more importantly, Feixue wants to take this opportunity to come back to see you!
How unwilling Feixue would be if she couldn't see you! "

"Brother Shuang! Feixue is really lonely in the palace! It's empty! Although Feixue is satisfied materially in the palace, she is empty spiritually! Brother Shuang! Feixue really misses you so much !"

After Feixue finished speaking, she desperately hugged Gao Shuang tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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