Binding Luck: Begin as Qinglian Sword Immortal

Chapter 37 Primary election, more advanced battlefield

Chapter 37 Primary election, more advanced battlefield
Lu Bai saw it.

On the light curtain, a vague figure appeared.

This is the outline of a person.

Can't tell if it's male or female.

The man waved his hands in the midst of chaos.

with his movements.

The chaotic mist gradually condensed together, forming balls of light.

There are so many light spheres that they are too numerous to count.

As the viewing angle zooms in, one of the light spheres gradually enlarges.

Lu Bai saw that within the light sphere, land, ocean, sky, sun, moon appeared...

This ball of light turned out to be a world.

[100 billion years ago, the ancestor gods used the energy of chaos to create myriad realms! 】

The voice sounded again, as if explaining.

The explanation is over, and the light curtain collapses!
Lu Bai understands that what is shown in this light curtain is the birthplace of this world.

This worldview is completely different from Lu Bai's memories of his previous life.

However, it is equally shocking.

With one's own power, create ten thousand worlds.

What kind of power is this?
Later, what happened again.

Lu Bai's eyes fell on the second platform.

The answer lies on these platforms.

Lu Bai went on and took another step.

The pressure doubled again.

But what puzzled Lu Bai was that this pressure seemed to be aimed at him alone.

The little cute dragon behind him didn't feel anything, but was still wriggling and shaking.


Another half an hour passed, and Lu Bai walked onto the second platform.

At this moment, he felt that his body was going to be crushed.

He could clearly feel his heart beating fast.

A second light curtain emerged.

It’s still that person, it’s still that space.

This time, the man raised his head and roared, his body collapsed into light spots and fell into those light balls.

Then, the line of sight narrowed again.

Lu Bai saw that life appeared in the world inside the ball.

Humans, monsters, trees, flowers...

The originally dead world has become alive.

[The ancestor god scattered his flesh and blood into the ten thousand realms, and with the help of the energy of chaos, transformed into countless lives, and the ten thousand realms gave birth to civilization!The Ancestral God has fallen! 】

The screen is gone again.

Lu Bai sighed and continued to walk up.

Four and 10 minutes later, the third platform.

The light curtain emerges!

This time, what appeared on the screen was a small world.

It should be a civilized country.

There are houses, there are walls, and there are many people.

People knelt on the ground, muttering something.

In the direction where they worshiped, on a tall altar sat a strong man.

In the distance, a group of tall monsters approached the city wall here, and the guards on the city wall were trembling with spears in their hands.

When the guards were desperate.

The people on the altar soared into the sky, and punched them down from the sky.

A huge fist shadow appeared and fell to the ground.

The group of monsters was instantly smashed into a pulp.

[1 years after the fall of the ancestor gods, in human civilization, some people have awakened the scattered consciousness of the ancestor gods, claiming to be gods, gods, possessing the ability to use the energy of chaos, and the ability to destroy the world, born to protect civilization! 】

No more!

Lu Bai moved his body and continued to climb up!


[10 years after the creation of the ancestor gods, civilization developed rapidly, the number of lives gradually increased, and the loss of chaos energy intensified. For the development of their respective civilizations, the gods led humans to expand outward. Under the leadership of the gods, humans defeated monsters and gained more living space! 】


[One hundred million years later, human civilization has entered a period of expansion, and the birth of new life has continuously consumed the energy of chaos. In order to snatch the energy of chaos, the gods broke out in a war of planes! 】


[The plane war lasted for hundreds of millions of years, countless old gods fell, new gods were born, civilizations continued to change, more and more worlds collapsed, more small worlds were born, and there were more and more gods, as the atmosphere of chaos gradually thinned , the strength of the gods is getting weaker and weaker!The gods are exhausted in the civilization war, giving the monsters time to grow! 】


[After another [-] million years, the powerful beasts united together, led the monsters, and launched a counterattack against human civilization!The gods fought on their own, lost to monsters and beasts, countless worlds fell, civilizations were extinct, and in times of crisis, the ten most powerful gods united [-] gods to create the God Realm, gather the power of the gods, and defeat the gods and beasts! 】


[Continuing for [-] million years, the God Realm has continued to expand, bringing all the gods under the jurisdiction of the God Realm. The God Realm stipulates that the gods must fight to protect human civilization and must not intervene in the war between civilizations! 】


[In order to maintain the concentration of Chaos Qi at a certain level, ensure the strong combat power of human civilization, and prevent monsters from making a comeback, the gods jointly established a luck battlefield and returned the fate to each civilization! 】


Call ~
Lu Bai finally climbed to the last platform.

It's a real climb up.

The light curtain is gone.

The pressure on my body is gone.

On the top platform, Lu Bai didn't see anything.

That's it?

How boring!
I thought there would be some reward waiting for him.

It was so hard to climb up.

Lu Bai complained in his heart.

He quickly opened the jug and drank for a while.

Need a refreshment.

At this time, the little cute dragon behind it suddenly jumped up and got into his arms.


Lu Bai got up quickly, and Qinglian Sword was out of its sheath and held in his hand.

When he turned around, it was still empty.


Lu Bai looked down at the little cute dragon in his arms.

I saw him holding his head, his eyes still secretly aiming at a certain place.

Lu Bai followed its gaze and looked over.

It was a statue.

A huge statue, from the ground to the roof so high.

What makes Lu Bai feel strange is that.

The statue's eyes seemed to be staring at him.

As if he could see through him.

Who is this statue?
Lu Bai put a question mark in his heart.

Why does the little cute dragon tremble when it sees it?

What happened between them?
Just when Lu Bai was wondering.

A huge light curtain appeared on the statue's body.

This light curtain is divided into many small screens, there are thousands of them.

Bloody scenes are playing on every screen.

The most important thing is that the background of these bloody scenes seems to be in the battlefield of luck.

But the person in the picture is not a contestant from Daxia.

Each of these people has super strength.

Lu Bai just glanced at it, and saw a dozen people fighting against the Emperor Beast.

At this time, the commentary sounded again.

[The battlefield of luck comes every 10 years. In each small world where the energy of chaos is exhausted, a primary election is held. Each world only selects one son of God's Chosen to enter the real battlefield of luck. The winner will prosper. The loser dies! 】

Seeing this, Lu Bai understood a little bit.

These people in the picture should be players from other small worlds.

The luck battlefield he was in turned out to be the primary election?
There is only one Chosen Son!
That also means.

Only one person will walk out of the luck battlefield alive.

And this person will represent Daxia to participate in the more advanced luck battlefield.

And he, probably because of his outstanding performance, basically booked this spot, and was called here.

Only he is qualified to know all this.

 I am still not satisfied with the writing and deletion of this chapter. It is probably such a world view. This is just the beginning. For the sake of writing length, it will be different from the ordinary national transport later, and there will be more stories.

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(End of this chapter)

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