Modern social etiquette and eloquence

Chapter 19 Business Etiquette and Eloquence

Chapter 19 Business Etiquette and Eloquence (4)
How do you feel when you are walking in a crowd of strangers and suddenly hear someone calling your name?excited!If the person who can call your name is someone who once sold you a certain product, this will not affect your happy mood at all, but will only deepen your impression and favor of him.

[-]. Find topics that customers are interested in

Sales are often negotiated, but sometimes taken too seriously.

Therefore, if there is no interest and commonality in the dialogue, it will not work, and it is usually the salesman who caters to the customer.If the customer is not interested in the topic of the salesman, the conversation with each other will become dull.

For example, seeing a lot of potted plants on the balcony, the salesman can ask: "Are you very interested in potted plants? The holiday flower market is holding an orchid exhibition. Have you visited it?"

See golf equipment, skates, fishing rods, go or chess, and use them as topics.

You also need to know more or less about the fashion, interests and topics of the opposite sex. In short, it is best to know everything.

After saying hello, talk about the topic that the customer is deeply interested in to ease the atmosphere, and then enter the topic, the effect is often better than entering the topic at the beginning.The weather, seasons, and news are also good topics, but they are finished in about a minute, so it is difficult to become a common topic.

The key is that the salesman must understand more or less what the customer is interested in.To achieve this, we must rely on years of accumulation, and we must work tirelessly to enrich ourselves.

In order to deal with all kinds of potential customers, some salesmen choose to study hard in the library on weekends.The scope of their studies is extremely wide, ranging from current affairs, literature, economics, down to household appliances, pipe manufacturing, clog repairing, almost everything is included.

Because their scope of study is too wide, no matter how hard they try, they are always broad but not proficient, and they will never catch up with experts in any field.

Since you can never catch up with the experts?So talk in moderation.Just like a surgeon who is about to operate on a patient, he needs an anesthesia injection before the operation, and their conversation only needs to anesthetize the other party.

Further analysis shows that even if a sufficient investigation has been done beforehand, there may still be times when judgments are wrong. Therefore, it is necessary to talk directly with prospective customers in order to have an in-depth and correct understanding.

[-]. Respect our "God"

Mary Kay Ash is a late-blooming female entrepreneur in the United States. She worked in direct sales for 25 years and started the Mary Kay Cosmetics Company after she retired. Twenty years later, her company has developed from a small company with only 20 employees to a large company with more than 9 employees and annual sales of more than 5000 million US dollars.

After becoming famous, Mary disclosed a past when she was doing direct sales in the book "The Way of Employing People".

It was many years ago and Mary wanted to buy a new car.At that time, a car body painted in two colors had just been put on the market, and Mary wanted to buy a black and white Ford car.Mary had never liked borrowing money to buy things, so she had saved enough to pay cash.The car was also a birthday present she bought for herself.

With money in her wallet, Mary came to the showroom of a firm that sold Ford cars.The salesman obviously didn't think much of her. He saw that Mary was going there in an old car, so he thought she couldn't afford a new one.In addition, women were not as easy to get loans as men at that time, so very few women bought cars for themselves.She wasn't the "most likely buyer" the salesman thought she was, and the salesman at the Ford dealership didn't even bother to talk to her.

It was noon at that time, and the salesman simply made an excuse for himself, saying that he had an appointment for lunch with his colleagues, and it was already late.Mary really wants to buy that kind of car, so she asks to see the sales manager, but the manager is out and won't be back until an hour later.To kill time, Mei Lin decided to go for a walk first.

Mary walked into the showroom of a Mercury firm across the street, just to look around, because she still wanted to buy the black-and-white Ford.

There was a yellow car in the showroom, and Mary thought it was a good one, but the price on the car was a little more than she was going to spend.However, the salesman at the showroom was very polite. When he heard that it was Mary's birthday, he said "excuse me" to her and walked away.A few minutes later, he came back to chat with Mary again. Fifteen minutes later, a secretary brought him 15 roses.He sent these flowers to Mei Lin, saying it was her birthday present.Mary recalled the scene at that time and said: "I suddenly felt that he gave me millions of dollars!" Needless to say, Mary bought the yellow Mercury instead of the black and white Ford. .

The salesman was able to sell the yellow car because he made Mary feel important, because he didn't care that Mary was the woman who drove an old car.

There are many salesmen who like to divide customers into "rich owners" and "poor owners", and the division is based on the clothes of customers.They are warm and considerate to the "rich lord" and contemptuous of the "poor lord".It is true that clothing can partially reflect a person's economic income, but it is not absolute.Taking a step back, even if the other party is really a "moneyless master", you can't underestimate him, because if you neglect one person, it is equivalent to neglecting 1 people.

Why do you say that?How did this number come about?
It was not long after Girard, the famous car salesman, had just entered the car sales business. One day, he went to the funeral home to mourn the mother of a friend.In the Catholic funeral home, he held the Mass card that was handed out to him, with the name and photo of the deceased printed on it.He had seen this kind of card before, but never paid attention to it.I also somehow became interested in it that day, and he asked the host there: "How do you know how many cards to print?"

The host replied: "It's all based on experience. At first we counted the signatures on the autograph book, and after doing it for a while, we knew that the average number of people who came here each time was about 250."

Not long after, a Christian funeral owner bought a car from Gillard. After the transaction, Girard asked the average number of people who came to the funeral each time, and the answer was "about 250 people."

Another time, Girard and his wife went to a friend's wedding.The wedding was held in an auditorium.When Girard asked the staff at the auditorium how many guests there were on average at each wedding, they told him: "There are about 250 people on the bride's side, and the same on the groom's side."

Another 250 people!The 250 people is just an average, some people will have more friends, far more than this number.

Don't underestimate this number.Think about it, if you offend one customer, you offend another 250 customers.And each of these 250 customers has 250 friends. If this calculation goes on, there will be far more than 250 people.If you don’t expand the calculation in this way, you only count the first link, that is, offending one person only offends the other 250. In this way, the result is quite astonishing.Suppose you visit 50 customers a week, and two of them are dissatisfied with your attitude, so that 500 people will be affected by these two customers. Suppose you offend two customers every week and make them unhappy. In one year, 26000 customers were affected by them.If this continues for 10 years, it will be 26 people!And many people do sales promotion for more than 10 years. Calculated in 20 years, that is 52 people!Maybe you've offended more than two clients a week, think about how many people you've offended already!
So for every time you offend one person, you lose another 250 customers; for every time you embarrass one customer, 250 people will embarrass you behind your back; for every time you dislike one person, 250 people will hate you ; Similarly, as long as you say that one person is a bad guy, 250 people will say that you are not a good thing!

We have all had the experience of telling others what we have bought and what we plan to buy when chatting with others after work, and others will do the same.At this time, there will always be someone who will take the initiative to act as a consultant, suggesting where you should go to buy things and which brand of things you should buy. At the same time, someone will remind you not to go there or to buy a certain brand.You and I both know that it's a big part of our daily lives and the way those of us live.

[-]. Business ceremony

With the development of the market economy, there are more and more business ceremonies. For this reason, we will explain the two most common opening ceremonies and trade fairs.

1. Opening Ceremony

Some large-scale new commercial units, such as shopping malls, often hold a grand opening ceremony when they open.

(1) preparation

Before the ceremony is held, a notice should be posted 3 days in advance, or an advertisement for the opening ceremony should be published on newspapers, radio or television stations and other media.

In addition to issuing advertisements, a list of guests to be invited should also be drawn up, which should include heads of relevant departments, community representatives, celebrities, journalists, customer representatives, etc.Invitations must be sent to attendees 12 hours before the ceremony.

The venue for the ceremony is generally chosen at the entrance of the shopping mall.A red banner should be hung at the door with the words "×× Opening Ceremony" written on it.Flower baskets presented by guests are placed on both sides of the door.Colorful flags and lanterns should be arranged around.

(2) The ceremony is carried out

The guests and the host are arranged on the left and the right, facing the masses.First of all, the host announces the beginning of the opening ceremony. At this time, cheerful music should be played, and if conditions permit, firecrackers can also be set off.Next, the main leader delivered a speech, expressed his gratitude to the guests, and briefly introduced the operating characteristics and operating objectives of the unit.After the leader's speech, the participants should applaud, and then the person with the highest status among the guests will make a speech, expressing congratulations on the opening of the unit and wishing it a prosperous business.After the speech, the other participants applauded again.The speeches of both parties should strive to be concise and compact.

After all the speeches are over, play light-hearted music or set off firecrackers again.Then, the host announces the end of the opening ceremony, and invites guests to visit the shopping mall or store. You can introduce the main facilities and special products in the store to the guests, or hold a short-term discussion to solicit opinions and suggestions from the guests.Or prepare a guest book where guests are invited to leave their suggestions or comments.In addition, you can also prepare some small gifts, print the words "Opening Celebration" of our store, and present them to the guests.

(3) Greet guests

After the opening ceremony, the mall or store can open to the public.Leaders and greeters should stand at the door to welcome customers.During the business process, the salesperson can also say some words of thanks to the customer at the right time.In addition, the store can also prepare some special shopping bags, printed with the words of the opening ceremony, as gifts to customers.

2. Fairs

Trade fairs are a common form of business activities, which are different from general sales activities and require certain rituals.

The units that hold exhibitions are manufacturers, sales units, industry associations or other organizations, and joint exhibitions.Due to the different organizers, the trade fairs have their own characteristics.The first two trade fairs are generally for the purpose of sales, while the latter may have other social purposes.The products on display are classified into different categories.Some are focused on one category, such as fur clothing; others are in a large category, such as the exhibition of light industrial products.The date of the exhibition and sales can be long or short, ranging from a few days to dozens of days; however, the time of exhibition and sales should not be too long, otherwise it will be no different from general sales.

(1) Exhibition

The most important preparatory work before the exhibition is to arrange the exhibition, which is related to the quality of the exhibition.First of all, we must choose a good exhibition and sales location, and we should choose a place that is more prosperous and has convenient transportation.Metropolises generally have ready-made venues to choose from, which is more convenient.Most of the sales exhibitions organized by sales units are held in their own shopping malls.After the location is selected, the next step is to arrange the inside and outside of the exhibition hall.The layout outside the exhibition hall is relatively simple, mainly to hang and post relevant promotional materials to create an atmosphere.An eye-catching banner is required, on which it says "XXX Fair", the font does not need to be decorated too much, just eye-catching and bright.In addition, a number of posters should be pasted. These posters can be specially printed, with monograms, advertising words, product samples, etc. printed on them.The hanging of colorful flags and balloons is also very necessary to create an atmosphere.

(2) invitation

The fair is open to the public, no invitation required.But it is also a common practice in many trade fairs to invite some VIPs in a targeted manner.Before the start of the exhibition, invitations should be sent to relevant personnel; during the exhibition, special sessions can also be arranged to invite VIPs to visit and negotiate purchases and sales.This kind of activity often plays a decisive role in relatively large orders, purchases and sales during the exhibition period.

(3) Explanation

No matter what kind of exhibition, there should be an explainer.Women are generally used to guide visits and purchases, because in addition to having sufficient knowledge of the objects of exhibition and related matters, the most important thing for women is to be warm, thoughtful and courteous.In case of customer inquiries, explain patiently and meticulously.In addition, on this occasion, it is best to have a business supervisor on duty to receive special customers and solve difficult problems.In addition to direct exhibitions, the use of audio-visual means for explanation and publicity is also a common means used in modern exhibitions.This method can greatly enhance the effect of exhibition sales.

(4) meet and see

In modern business activities, the use of Miss Manners has become more common.It is also feasible for the trade fair to use hostesses to be responsible for welcoming and seeing off other etiquette activities.

(End of this chapter)

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