Chapter 30 Night Escape Meets Satyr 10
But she has already made a decision, she will not be at the mercy of others in this palace, even though the original owner of this body is the imperial concubine.

But now that this body belongs to her, of course she has the right to decide whether she will stay or not.

"Art, and what I study is traditional Chinese painting."

"That's not bad. Even if I lose my status as a concubine, I can still rely on those hands to support myself, and I don't have to sell myself in a brothel to make a living."

Majesty nodded lightly, traditional Chinese painting is also considered a craft, if she left the palace that day, at least she would not be able to sell paintings to live off.

"Ah! Madam, you're not going to kidnap me and sell me, are you?"

Wan Qiu stuck out her tongue and asked Mei Qi with a playful smile.

This woman is really simple-minded, she can think of so many things just by hearing a word that can support herself.

I really envy this kind of imaginative woman, she is a policeman, how could she do those human trafficking activities, even if the human trafficking was legal in ancient times, she would not do such unconscionable things, but this woman, She really can't get used to her.

"I have this idea, so you'd better not get too close to me."

Meiqi looked at Wanqiu and smiled evilly on purpose.


Meiqi left Qiuyan Palace amidst Wan Qiu's exclamation.

She had to go back and pack it up to see if there was anything valuable, put it away, and left the palace at night under the bright moonlight.

In the palace, I packed everything that could be used as a silver envoy into a bag. The only regret is that I don't have a pistol, so I don't feel safe.

However, she is still very confident that she can leave this 'bronze wall and iron wall' palace.

In the evening, although it has been a few days in ancient times, Maggie is still not used to the timekeeping method here. She is used to the 24-hour system, and it suddenly becomes twelve hours. It is normal not to be used to it.

She reckoned that at this time, it should be more than ten o'clock in modern times. The ancient people had no entertainment or TV to watch at night, so they went to bed early, which was convenient for her.

Putting on the burden, she didn't change into eunuch clothes like ordinary people. She is a woman, so there is no need to dress up as a man.

She thought, even if she changed her outfit, no one would believe her with such a miniature figure and delicate face.

(End of this chapter)

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