Chapter 751
With that said, someone picked up a chair and smashed the window.

A hole was quickly smashed.

Before they could continue, they saw several snakes crawling into the hole, as well as various bugs.


Seeing this scene, the girls couldn't help screaming, and the men felt their scalps go numb.

"Who is it!" Someone yelled, "Who is outside, do you know who I am? How dare you scare me like this?"

Of course, the ginger tea outside did not respond.

Insects and snakes scurry about in the classroom, screaming everywhere they go.

The ginger tea outside is lying on the railing, looking at the sky, the moon is red today, and there are many stars, like pairs of eyes looking at the earth.

The people in the room were a little collapsed and embarrassed, and they yelled for others to find a way.

"Let's break open the window first and talk about it after we go out." Someone suggested.

"Who's going?" Someone said again.

There was a very thick snake on the window, coiled there motionless, they all hesitated.

"Go." A man in a suit and leather shoes pointed to a man in plain clothes, "Go, wait until you get out, and I'll give you some money."

"Yes, I can also give you a sum of money." The rich man said.

The man hesitated, he had no skills, he was doing hard work, if he got a huge sum of money, he would have nothing to worry about for the rest of his life.

But what if the snake is poisonous, he hesitated.

"Hurry up, don't hesitate." Someone pushed him.

The man is so strong that he can't push it at all. At this time, other people also come to help.

It can be said that he was pushed directly to the window.

The man was very angry in his heart, but he dared not speak out. He held a stool, held his breath, approached slowly, and then quickly smashed it.

"Bang!", the glass shattered, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they were saved.

A group of people were still running around, after all, those bugs didn't stop.

The man also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself, not only was he saved, but he also got a huge sum of money.

However, just when he was happy, the disturbed snake jumped up and bit his arm.

"Ah!" He yelled, stretched out his hand and threw the snake out, but he couldn't stabilize himself and sat on the ground.

When the others saw it, they were shocked.

But no one paid attention to him, they all moved to the window.

"Help me!" the man called for help, but no one paid any attention.

Someone even stepped on him when he climbed the window. After all, the window is only that big, and more than 40 people rushed out of it scrambling to get out.

"Help! Ah! My hand!" The man on the ground screamed, but no one cared.

Finally, everyone ran out. As for the person in the room, they had already been forgotten by everyone.

When he heard the movement, Jiang Cha had already left, hid in a dark corner, and watched the group of people silently.

They looked at the sign posted outside the corridor, it was their class, and the paintings on the wall were so familiar.

The corridors are dark, only the classrooms have light, but they are more afraid of the things inside.

"What do we do now?"

Humanely, the darkness made them recoil in fear.

"I still have an important meeting." Someone said, "I don't want to stay here forever."

"Me too, I still have a date."

"I have to deduct my wages for absenteeism at work."

A group of people said that they couldn't afford to waste time, so they always thought that they should leave here quickly.

"It's dark, but there are so many of us, what are we afraid of when we're together?" someone asked.

Immediately, someone agreed with his statement, and then everyone went to the stairs.

They went down the stairs by touching the handrail like that.

One by one, it feels very safe.

When turning the corner and going down to the next floor, someone wondered, "Why is the stair railing weird, like touching someone's hair."

Following his words, other people felt a chill behind their backs, because they also felt it.

For a moment, everyone stopped in their tracks.

"Couldn't it be?" Some people didn't dare to continue speaking halfway through.

"How is it possible, there is no such thing in this world." Someone immediately retorted.

"Dong dong dong", came the sound of high heels stomping on the ground.

"Which one of you is walking, don't you know it's scary?" Some people couldn't stand hearing the voice.

"None of us moved," the girls said, their voices trembling.

dong dong dong-

The sound is getting closer...

"It seems that the sound is coming from above..."

"Ah! Run!"

At this time, no one cared about the hair on the armrest anymore.

Because it was inconvenient at night, a group of people went downstairs without order, and soon someone fell down.

"my leg!"

"Who the hell stepped on my hand!"

There were screams of pain from time to time, and the person who stepped on someone said sorry and then ran away.

The crowd was crowded, and only a dozen or so people went downstairs smoothly. The others fell to the ground, some got up, and some couldn't move because of the pain.

dong dong dong-

The sound was getting closer and closer, and the person lying on the ground looked desperate.

When they saw a girl in a school uniform, whose face was covered with draped hair, those people finally couldn't help but yelled and passed out.

Jiang Cha looked at the people on the ground, carefully avoided them, and then went after the rest.

Then the group of people were doused with water, hit by balls, and covered with boiling rice soup.

The crowd dwindled, from the forties to the twenty-somethings, and finally five.

These few people were also the first to bully Shen Wei, the instigators of everything.

Several people ran around the school a few times, but they couldn't find the door at all, as if they encountered a "ghost hitting the wall".

They stood on the roof, some desperate, looking up at the sky, the moon is very red, something is going down.

And the stars in the sky moved, opened their eyes, and stared at them closely.

They just felt a chill.

"Help, who is it!" Someone yelled in a broken voice.


The roof door was opened.

"Who! I locked the door!" Someone yelled.

"It's me?" Jiang Cha said, she was wearing the school uniform of S High School at this time, if she used the illusion, the other party would take her for Shen Wei.

"Shen... Shen Wei!" A girl couldn't believe it.

"It's me." Jiang Cha pushed back her hair, "I'll take you away, let's go downstairs and continue to be classmates."

She smiled and slowly approached them.

"She has no shadow!" Someone said immediately.

"Then she is!" Those people kept retreating, and finally retreated directly to the rooftop.

"Look down, our classmates are waiting for you below." Jiang Cha said again.

Those people turned their heads and saw the companions they discarded just now, all standing below, but everyone's face looked very scary, and they didn't look like normal people at all.

"Back then you were so kind to me, I will always remember you." Jiang Cha said, approaching them, and then reached out to hold a girl's hand, "You hit me with this hand back then, do you remember?"

The girl's body trembled, and she wanted to take back her hand. The person holding her didn't have any temperature. She only felt a coolness rushing into her body.

(End of this chapter)

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