Defend Naruto World

Chapter 608 Brahma

Chapter 608 Brahma
The huge warhammer can just block the fists of the two Jinchurikis.

It's just that the impact generated cannot be easily resolved.

Hei Jue, who flew backwards, and the ten tails under the hem of the skirt, quickly grabbed the surface of the sea.

Before she could stop completely, she shot back like an arrow missing.

In the middle of the flight, the Black Warhammer was covered with lightning.

The thunder that was about to fall on the sea suddenly disappeared.

"I won't give you a second chance."

The fully charged Okuzu Mirror reflects a denser arc.

After the electric arc blessed by Qiudao Yu, Hei Jue gave up his original plan to absorb it.

"Hey, I need your help..."

She took the initiative to turn into a beast, and immediately swung her thick tail over.

Unlike the previous entity, Chi is now in the form of a translucent white chakra.

Even if she faces the risk of being drawn from Chakra by Reincarnation Eye and Tensei Eye, she needs to activate a skill.

The ability to use a large amount of chakra to change the surrounding environment is the large-scale attack method of the ten tails second only to the tailed beast jade.

"All disappear, ants!"

Chai opened his somewhat illusory mouth, roaring into the sky with a deafening cry.

The strong noon sun was covered by clouds in the blink of an eye.

Accompanied by the thunderous dark clouds, the hurricane roared from all directions, stirring up the sea even more.

What was even more frightening was the bursts of impact transmitted from Chi's cry.

The four people on the outermost layer responsible for maintaining the barrier couldn't help but remove their hands.

When they arrived at the scene, half of the 5 ninja coalition forces had already sunk into the sea.

"Damn it!" Hashirama, carrying the sudden change of the world, walked towards Juwei step by step.

If it wasn't for that white giant of the same height as the opponent, who blocked most of the impact, the ninja coalition army might not only have this casualty.

The white giant, which defends against most of the impact, is made of the real thousand hands as the skeleton, the Hamura stone statue as the body, the seven tails and one tail chakra as the blood, and the complete body of Susanoo as the skin.

Gathering the strength of all members of the first class, it slowly pressed its hands on that big mouth that was still roaring non-stop.

Hei Jue, who didn't want to draw the curtain down, tightly strangled it with ten tails.

"Hurry up, you bastard, I'm about to lose it!" Sheng Shu, who was struggling to maintain the strength of his skeleton, turned slightly pale.

"Didn't you see that I'm working hard?" Shen, who was also pale, looked at Nao, who was already fair-skinned next to him: "Wait until we do it together, I don't believe she can beat us."

"Hurry up, Chongming's Chakra is about to run out!" Kaoru couldn't see his expression, and his expression was extremely painful.

Fen Fu, who was about to enter his twilight years, fell unconscious in a corner long ago.

What the four of them have to do now is to end the ten-tailed world change ahead of schedule, and to extract the tailed beast Chakra from Heijue's body as much as possible.

To do this, you need to open a channel to face her directly.

And Shen, the center of the team, is now trying to stuff an Okutsu mirror into the mouth of the tailed beast.

"Ten Tails' call is too powerful, we have to shut it up first!"

Naoki clenched his teeth and concentrated all his energy on his hands.

Big Mouth was getting closer, and Nao and Kaoru, who were in charge of the body and blood, cooperated with him to change the structure of the entire arm.

The huge hands that are two circles thicker, and the shape of the Susanoo that belongs to the skin, have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The semi-circular armor is superimposed on the surface layer by layer.

Ten Tails' still strong cry is gradually becoming less of an influence on it.

But the tightly wound tail has cracks on the outer layer of Susanoo.

"Madara!" The other real Senshou, who was much shorter, was covered with blue flame chakra.

Hashirama and Madara are standing side by side on top of the Buddha's head.

The majestic Susano who has turned into a solid body is more rounded in shape.

"Grandpa!" Sheng Shu, who was about to faint, aroused infinite fighting spirit when he saw this scene.

Wei Zhuang really had thousands of hands, pulling all ten tails into his arms.

Shen, who was calculating the path, took advantage of the short moment when Ten Tails lost his balance, and rolled a piece of Okutsu mirror into the mouth that shouted louder after the impact.

"Get ready..." After gesturing to Nao with his eyes, he put his hand on the other side of the Okatsu mirror: "Start!"

The two mirrors, which are invisible to the naked eye, are connected by thin chakra threads.

"Boy, come on!" Hashirama looked excited, only seeing the thicker and thicker silk thread.

Although Madara next to him didn't speak, judging from his expression, his heart was not peaceful either.

In the chakra channel that has become as thick as a water pipe, there are ten-tailed chakras that are continuously absorbed.

The terrible attraction of reincarnation eyes and reincarnation eyes can even be strengthened a lot through the Okatsu mirror.

Hei Jue, who could only barely restrain himself, was frightened at first even though he had expected this kind of result.

The positioning is accurate to the millimeter level, as long as she is a little distracted, this part of the chakra will be sucked away.

"Damn it, how could Baiyan evolve to such a point..."

Shin and Nao, whose complexions turned rosy, put their other hands on the collapsed Naoki and Kaoru respectively.

Gathering all the power of the first class, the giant named Brahma began to glow with golden luster on its surface.

With the help of Weizhuang Zhenqianshou, it gradually unwrapped its inner tail, and slowly repaired its outer layer full of cracks.

Under the blessing of the natural energy of Xianju, the power of the tailed beast, the eye of reincarnation and the eye of reincarnation, Brahma finally closed the big mouth of the ten tails.

Returning to the peaceful world in an instant, his nails sank deep into the blackness of his palm, and he gritted his teeth and cut off Chai's head.

The chakra of every tailed beast in her body has been more or less extracted.

The lack of one-third of the overall situation makes the scale of the battle tend to be in a parallel position.

Even if the ninja coalition forces are saving themselves, the six of the two giants, one gold and one blue, add up to her current level.

After recovering Chakra into her body, she focused her gaze on the distant sea surface, the many figures gradually wrapped in red Chakra
Counting the ninja alliance floating in the sea, they are a group of supplies that cannot be resisted.

In her eyes, human beings are just pawns.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, if you want to take Nine-Tails' Chakra, you have to go past those six people.


The first squad in Brahma looked at Hei Jue who had not acted, and roughly predicted what would happen next.

There is only a [-]-[-] chance. This conspirator who has been hiding for thousands of years absolutely dare not act rashly.

Her only chance is to disperse the Nine-Tails Chakra in the rear and rescue Mito of the Ninja Alliance.

Shen pressed the headset switch: "Master Zhu, did you hear that?"

Madara, who didn't wear a headset, only saw Hashirama nodding her head and saying yes.

As he spoke, he became even more excited, as if he had a chance to win.


(End of this chapter)

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