Defend Naruto World

Chapter 322 Ming De Disliked by Nao

Chapter 322 Ming De Disliked by Nao
late at night.

Nao drove the white-painted Hagoromo with the Hyuga family crest, and landed near the red cuboid barrier.

Then the avatar responsible for the area of ​​the enchantment here immediately opened a passage.

She walked in with rope tree and Kaoru with great momentum.

"Ha ha……"

After the sneer sound reached the avatar's ears, he immediately sent a message to the main body.

Then, under the watchful eyes of all the ninjas in the camp, the Yuyi number illuminated by countless lights in the sky suddenly disappeared under the night like day at this time.

Tsunade, who had hidden his achievements and fame, disappeared in front of Jiraiya, who was lying on the ground, taking small steps that could not be dragged.

He was dressed in rags, and he always felt that he had suffered a big loss.

Obviously he suggested that Nao, who was at the top of the food chain in the first class, come over.

Now that the other party saw that he was safe and sound, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, which really failed his trust.

When Nao opened his eyes and found someone who had repeatedly shifted his position, the conscientious Mr. Taiyang also came out to breathe.

In the early morning, the first shift after "proper exercise" sat together and ate a hearty breakfast.

"Hmph..." Mingde in the corner of the restaurant stared at the two people who were "intimately interacting" in the distance.

Zhijian who passed by glanced at him several times, and then turned his gaze to the distance.

"Yo Yo Yo...Old Antique, what's wrong with you?"

"Get lost!" The chopsticks pinched into two pieces well expressed Mingde's mood at this time.

With a teasing mentality, Zhijian moved his face closer: "I said old antique, what did this chopstick do wrong to end up like this?"

"Crackling..." The glass containing fresh milk shattered into debris all over the table.

"Hey...the cup didn't do anything wrong, did it?"

Mingde raised the big bowl full of rice with his backhand.

"Slipped away..." Before leaving, Zhijian sarcastically said: "The patriarch of the Hyuga clan will not feel sorry for the money after damaging the public property, and won't pay compensation?"


The big bowl that hadn't eaten a few mouthfuls bypassed a certain nimble old man, and hit the glass that Shen had just filled with milk for Nao.

The scene where the face is covered with white liquid, of course, will not appear.

All of you here are mature ninjas, could it be that they will be easily calculated?

"Father..." Nao got up quickly, and took out the metal thermos cup: "You will make me feel very embarrassed if you do this."

From a long distance, Mingde could feel his little daughter's dislike for him.

Depressed, he got up and walked out of the restaurant without saying a word.

This back view is very much like an old father who has been abandoned by his children and is alone in despair.

After filling Nao's large-capacity thermos cup with milk, Shen followed his back out of the restaurant.

"Uncle Mingde, wait..." After calling out to the other party, he could vaguely sense the change in the atmosphere: "My old man has this kind of personality, so don't be so fussy with him..."

Mingde's shoulders trembled slightly.

"Besides, uncle, you are such a generous person, you definitely won't care about him, right?"

The frequency of the shaking of the shoulders increased, and at the same time, the muscles of the whole body were also slightly tensed.

"Our Uchiha's mouth is stupid, my old man was absolutely innocent just now..." Shen, with a sincere face, sincerely apologized on behalf of Zhijian.

"You always look at his age, why don't you forgive him this time?"

Mingde who turned his head, his white eyes filled with boundless murderous intent, all of them stared at the way of apologizing, which was a little special for him.

"..." Shen felt a little inexplicable, thinking that his tone, actions and demeanor just now should be impeccable.

However, just when he was about to revise his lines and make another apology, Ming De, who turned around and walked over quickly, pushed up the collar of his windbreaker.

"You kid, don't be complacent..." Mingde, with distorted facial features, said in a voice so loud that the entire camp could hear, "The matter between you two has not been approved by me yet!"

"Forget about compensation..." The aggrieved Shen thought he was referring to the father and son, "I'm in charge, let's forget about this matter."

"Forget it?" Mingde raised his hand and was about to slap him.

"Father, please stop!" Nao was startled by a voice that made her lose her appetite, and directly stood in front of Shen: "We will solve the matter between the two of us."

"The two of us are not old men..." Shen, whose EQ was on the line quickly, instantly understood the seriousness of the matter.

It turned out that from the very beginning, he misunderstood the point of the other party's anger, and he was not on top of his old man at all.

That big bowl was thrown at the milk cup!

The current patriarch of the Hyuga Clan, Ming De, who looks gentle and elegant, is once again rejected by his most beloved youngest daughter.

"Nayang..." His lips trembled, trying to hold his daughter's hand.

"Father, I'm no longer a child..." She hid her little hands behind her back, her expression unchanged: "I can take care of myself now."

"I know..." Mingde turned his back to the two, his back was filled with endless loneliness.

Shen looked at Nao who was defending himself, and then at the back of the loser, he always felt that he had to do something.

"Well, Uncle Mingde, wait..." He walked forward quickly, and under the gaze of the other party's dull eyes, he issued a statement righteously: "First of all, I want to apologize for what I just said..."

"Next, I have to apologize for what Nao said just now..."

Shen, who bowed twice, bent down again and said sincerely: "Finally, I hope Uncle Mingde can rest assured..."

"I, Uchiha Shin, am not someone who doesn't know what to do."

He raised his head, and there was an extra copy of the encrypted sealing scroll in his hand.

Mingde, who was a little puzzled at first, understood what was recorded in it after seeing the picture of a bird in a cage on the scroll.

This is a sealing technique that can guarantee that the white eyes will not be lost, no matter whether it is the main family or the branch family, it is treated equally, and there is no side effect.

For Shen, the time in the future is something that can be squandered at will.

Even if the scroll recording the sealing technique disappears, the seal made by one's own hands will not disappear just like that.

"The curse that binds the Hyuga Clan..." Mingde's hands were broken, and the heavy scroll: "It finally loosened a bit today."

However, Shen, who didn't think so, made another promise: "After this war, I will visit the house in person."

Apart from the bondage of the caged bird, the real problem lies in the situation of the main family and the branch family.

When Mingde turned around again, he gave him a meaningful smile: "Uncle, I am looking forward to this day."

"Thank you..." Nao looked at Shen who was also smiling at the corner of his mouth: "For our Hyuga clan, we made such a change."

Shen, who was safe for the time being, held her little hand: "You're welcome, this is what I should do."

He thought in his heart that after changing Uchiha's fate and saving the Uzumaki clan's ending, there would be nothing wrong with helping the Hyuga clan.

It's just that Nao, who doesn't know what these ninjas will look like in the future, seems to have misunderstood something again.

The fact that the small hand holds the big hand backwards confirms that the above assumptions are true.


(End of this chapter)

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