Defend Naruto World

Chapter 154 Link with Shadow Clone Thinking

Chapter 154 Link with Shadow Clone Thinking
Early the next morning, a certain DJ was dragged back to Konoha by a certain madman before he could enjoy himself.

"Uncle Snake, you can work anytime. You have to know how to balance work and rest in order to enjoy life!" Shen, who was dragged into the underground research institute, roared unwillingly.

Orochimaru is still going his own way, this person agreed yesterday that he used to be an actor in the Hokage Building, and today he has to help with the next project.

The closed door of the biology laboratory left only Shen's desperate words: "Working overtime all the time will kill you, Uncle Snake, you can't treat a child like this..."

However, when he saw two small tubes of blue liquid in glass bottles in front of him, his eyes lit up immediately, and he picked up the two glass tubes and looked at them carefully.

Shen used the magnification ability of his own eyes to find that the particles in the liquid were not very uniform: "Uncle Snake, have you ever experimented with mice? This thing feels a bit rough..."

"I've tried, but most of them have failed..." Orochimaru shook his head, but he didn't look disappointed at all: "The accuracy of the current instruments is not enough, and only by developing a new generation can we conduct better experiments. "

Shen understands, it’s no wonder that he was dragged here just after dawn today, feeling like a coolie... Bah, a mental worker.

These two bottles of liquid are based on an old popsicle in his previous life as a prototype, and he proposed an optimized serum that combines chakra and some cell tissues.

It only took Orochimaru a year to complete the first version of this technology that surpassed the world of Naruto for decades.

When the serum is injected into the target's body, it will immediately fuse with the opponent's cells and chakra.

It is equivalent to taking the ability that the original cell does not have, like a "plug-in", allowing it to obtain additional abilities.

Among them, the role of chakra is to better integrate, so it is not possible to obtain powerful special abilities such as blood succession limit.

This process is not completed in an instant, but through cell division, the cells of the whole body are gradually integrated with the serum.

In the long run, it will take seven years at the fastest for one tube to go down, but no tests have been conducted, so it is not clear whether two tubes will speed up this process.

Therefore, biology is a very dangerous science. Without a large number of experiments, it is impossible to know what the side effects will be.

However, because the synthesized instruments really can't keep up with this concept, the chakra and cell tissue crystals in the serum are too uneven, which leads to very unstable test results on mice.

The only way that Orochimaru could think of was to bring the "humanoid computer" over and let him upgrade the existing equipment.

Shen, who is miserable, has to start research and development work again.

Even the opening of the Uchiha Kendo Gym, Keisuke taking people to Fire Country for business operations, and the "adult" playground outside Konoha, he didn't have time to pay attention.

In addition to the dead mission of the third generation of Hokage, the mobile communication equipment and the phone will be settled in the remaining three years.

He felt that in another year or so, he would have to become a master of time management.

"Huh? Wouldn't it be enough to use the shadow clone? But with the main body, there are only three people at most, and they can't share their minds..."

Thinking of this, Shen Yi slapped his forehead, his brain has a golden finger.

Camera, flash memory, processor, these are all the capabilities he has developed, so is it possible to use the radio frequency antenna in the mobile phone to link the mind of the main body and the shadow clone?

"Uncle Snake, you study other things first, I'll go to the next door to sort things out first." Shen just found an excuse and left the biology research room.

Orochimaru, who stayed behind, watched him walk out of the gate expressionlessly.


The Mechanics Lab next to the Biology Lab.

Shen separated a shadow clone and began to try his own ideas.

He first edited a piece of information with Chakra, encrypted it, and then transmitted it to the shadow clone.

The whole process is just like the chat software in the previous life. The information is packaged and encrypted into a radio wave, which is transmitted into the base station through the radio frequency antenna in the mobile phone.

Then, through base stations covering the whole world, multiple nesting doll operations are performed, and the radio waves are sent to the software server.

Finally, multiple nesting dolls, through the transmission of countless base stations, successfully let the other party receive this radio wave, and then the software successfully decoded the correct information content.

However, Shen didn't need to pass the transmission of the base station, he was just making a preliminary attempt, and there was no need to go far away.

In just half a second, the shadow clone successfully received it, and deciphered the content of this message: "I understand!"

Shen immediately became excited, sent another message, and asked, "Do you understand?"

The shadow clone was also excited, and sent a message to the main body, and then replied: "You know what I understand!"

Shen: "I know you know, I know what you know!"

Shadow clone: ​​"I know you know too, you know me, what do you know!"

"I know……"

"I know……"

The above conversation is enough to prove that the method of encrypting Chakra and sending it to the clone can realize the communication between the main body and the clone.

Shen and the shadow clone looked at each other, and immediately walked out of the mechanical research room, walking step by step in opposite directions.

"you understood?"

"You know me……"


After more than half an hour, Shen got the result.

This method of communicating between the main body and the avatar through Chakra has certain limitations.

The first is the distance, which is less than 100 meters, and the encrypted information of Chakra will gradually dissipate during the transmission process.

Followed by obstacles, as long as there are objects blocking, the distance will be greatly reduced.

The last thing is consumption. Sending more than 200 messages in half an hour has already consumed nearly half a cal of his chakra, leaving only a little bit.

The "ka" here is the unit of measurement Kakashi, the total amount of chakra under normal conditions.

"Although the price/performance ratio is not high, the base station necessary for the phone can be realized with the help of this..."

Shen, who can finally fish while working, feels that as long as these three limitations are resolved, he can regain his "freedom".

"Ahahahaha..." With a grin on his face, he immediately decided that he would have a good celebration tonight.


Orochimaru next door felt a chill when he heard this laughter.

Although he didn't know what the other person was doing, he was [-]% sure that the other party would not do good things.

"Could it be an electronic music festival? But didn't the teacher ask the Uzumaki clan to impose a large-scale banning barrier in the village?" Orochimaru felt that his teacher, the third Hokage, was reliable in doing things, so he continued to work on it .

But will this sound-forbidden enchantment stump a certain humanoid computer?Impossible, impossible in this lifetime!
What about Konoha's enchantment from the Uzumaki clan?Can't stand Shen's good relationship with their patriarch!
Uchiha spent a lot of money to buy a large piece of "Second Ring" land from the northeast of the center of Konoha.

The Uzumaki Clan naturally reciprocates, sharing any good things with Uchiha first. They also have many clansmen who work in the commercial street.


(End of this chapter)

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