Cross the prayer space

Chapter 497 Did You Assist Today 2

Chapter 497 Did You Assist Today 2
"Ahhhhhhh, I like Anran so much!" She turned her head and hugged Anran, her eyes sparkling, "This leaf necklace is too beautiful, where did you find it! My God!"

Wei Yuanyuan was sour, "Partial! I don't even have one!"

Li Qiu nodded, "That's right," she withdrew her reluctant eyes, her expression was so sour.

An Ran bent her lips and smiled, "This leaf is called the Marriage Tree, and it was sent to me by a friend of mine. In my hometown, it's not a random gift! When you meet someone you like in the future, I will also give it to you. Yes." Her brows were curved.

Wei Yuanyuan rubbed her chin, "It seems that it is necessary to find a boyfriend, Qin Zhi, the flower of Gaoling, let others pursue it!"

An Ran shook her head very seriously, "That's not acceptable. Only lovers who truly love each other can have the leaves of this marriage tree. Marriage is only a happy and happy life together." Her tone was serious, which made several people laugh uncontrollably.

Yang Mei carefully closed the box, "I put this away, it must be protected."

An Ran's brows and eyes were curved, "I want to take it, these are two leaves, when the time comes, you take the inner one to Sun Yizhuang, it's a symbol of love."

Wang Mei reluctantly said, "My heart aches, she is so beautiful, if she breaks..."

An Ran stood on tiptoe and covered her mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, the leaves and red thread of marriage will never be broken, they are the strongest things in the world, because you really love each other!"

Yang Mei held her hand, "Okay, okay, I won't talk nonsense! Ann! I'm worried about you." She nodded An Ran's forehead with a full smile, "Okay, I'll take it right now, to symbolize My beautiful love!"

"Come on, you! Can you think about us single dogs?" Li Qiu was taking care of her skin when she heard this and kicked her.

Yang Mei was wearing the necklace, and hurriedly hid, "Be careful, I will fight with you if you fall!" She held the necklace, "Hey, this seems to be a real leaf, but it looks like it is carved from jade." Get up and look carefully, "It's really a real leaf, my God, it's fake, I thought it was made of jade, it's too amazing." She looked obsessed, staring at this leaf, full of joy, jade Yi Xun, but such a special leaf is so well preserved, how much thought did An Ran spend, and the key point was to engrave the words. Really, she was very moved.

An Ran nodded, "Yes, I just said that this is the leaf of the marriage tree in my hometown, of course it is true!"

She put it around her neck, and took a look in the mirror. The red leaves fell on her fair skin, which made her look even more beautiful. She concentrated on looking at the leaves and didn't realize that the knot she sent just now had already disappeared. disappeared.

The four people were discussing asking Sun Yizhuang to treat them to dinner, and they each took out gifts. Li Qiu gave a couple sweater, Wei Yuanyuan gave two couple watches, everyone who was touched by Yang Mei gave a hug, and Li Qiu gave them a couple's sweater. Qiu and Wei Yuanyuan pushed away in disgust.

In the end, she came to An Ran crying, begging for comfort, An Ran patted her on the back, and comforted her, but Yang Mei was dragged to the bed by two people for mixed doubles.

As expected, when Yang Mei went to find Sun Yizhuang the next day, she brought out gifts one by one. Finally, when she brought out An Ran's gift, Sun Yizhuang was also a little surprised. He was immediately relieved that his girlfriend's roommates were all good. He is naturally happy to get along with him. Sun Yizhuang has a gentle temperament and handsome features. Because he has one eye for many years, he looks very polite and gentle. Qin Zhile, who was talked about by Wei Yuanyuan, is also recognized by S University as a former school grass and a legendary figure who has graduated.

Sun Yizhuang naturally brought a necklace and a watch to save face, and put away his clothes, "There is no class this afternoon, I checked your class schedule, and you happen to have none, so I will treat your roommate to dinner and wear this couple outfit. How's it going?" With a smile in his eyes, he just looked at Yang Mei quietly.

When Yang Mei returned to the dormitory, her cheeks were a little flushed, and her lips were as red and shiny as if she had applied lipstick. An Ran was a little curious, "Ah, Mei Mei, did you go for a run? Your face turned red."

"Puff," Wei Yuanyuan laughed, "Hahaha, I'm running against Meimei."

Yang Mei glared at her, "Smelly girl, look at her."

An Ran was confused, and didn't understand why the two of them started fighting again, "Oh, it's hard for children in the world to understand."

When Li Bai came back with the book in his arms, he found that his desk was messed up, and the veins on her forehead twitched, "Wei Yuanyuan! Yang Meimei! Come out, you two!"

An Ran covered her eyes, not daring to look at the human tragedy in front of her.

"Aw! Li Qiu, you are too cruel!" Wei Yuanyuan yelled in his ears.

An Ran has rejoiced countless times that the sound insulation effect of S University is top-notch, otherwise there may be new rumors coming out tomorrow, for example, the university girl abused her roommate, she rolled her eyes secretly with a smile, and then quickly covered her mouth, for fear of being discovered She was quietly watching a play.

Yang Mei finally struggled to get out, "I won't come, I won't come! Sun Yizhuang invites you to dinner tonight, do you still want to go!"

Wei Yuanyuan jumped up, "Really? Bring someone?"

Yang Mei nodded, "And his roommate."

Li Qiu took off the earrings, and raised his eyebrows upon hearing this, "These are the great masters of the computer department? Your boyfriend is a big boss, and the whole nest is his little brother."

Yang Mei shrugged, "Otherwise?"

Wei Yuanyuan held her face, "It would be great if God Qin Zhi was here! By the way, it is said that Sun Yizhuang and God Qin Zhi have a good relationship! Is it true?"

Yang Mei heard how her boyfriend hugged his waist while making a phone call today, her cheeks turned red, "Really, really."

"Huh ~ Meimei, um..." Before An Ran could speak, her mouth was covered, "Uh, uh." An Ran blushed.

Yang Mei said fiercely, "Don't say it!"

Wei Yuanyuan hugged her tightly, "You're blushing because of little Anran!"

Yang Mei let go of her hand quickly, and An Ran exhaled, "I want to say, what do you want to eat!" She said aggrievedly, looking at Yang Mei with wet eyes, pitifully tight.

Yang Mei immediately felt guilty, "Of course, I was wrong! You can eat whatever you want!"

Li Qiu laughed at the side, "You're the one who did it on your own."

An Ran tilted her head, "Eat barbecue!" After she finished speaking, her big eyes sparkled, "Eat it! Meimei!"

Wei Yuanyuan turned her head and looked at her expectantly, "Meimei!" A soft and weak voice sounded, and Wei Yuanyuan looked lovely and pitiful.

Yang Mei covered her face, "Ah! You guys are doing it on purpose! You know I'm losing weight!"

"Puff," Li Qiu laughed, "I also think barbecue is good."

Yang Mei looked at the sky speechlessly, gritted her teeth and agreed, "Okay!"

"Yeah!" An Ran and Wei Yuanyuan cheered at the same time.

Li Qiu patted her on the shoulder, "Still losing weight? You're not fat."

Yang Mei squeezed the flesh on her stomach, and looked at her sadly, "If I were like you, my flesh would grow where it should, and I wouldn't lose weight."

Li Qiu smiled, "Come on, after all, a good figure needs exercise, why don't you go for a run with me and An Ran tomorrow morning?"

Yang Mei suddenly felt pain, "I can't get up, besides, do you think such a gentle girl like me is suitable for running?"

(End of this chapter)

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