Cross the prayer space

Chapter 105 The Fire of Jealousy 8

Chapter 105 The Fire of Jealousy 8
After washing and coming out, she saw that An Ran had changed back to the appearance of a kitten, sleeping on her back, with a smile on her face and gentle eyes.

Thinking of yesterday, when she was going to take An Ran to buy a mobile phone, what An Ran said, "You don't need to buy it for me, save your money and buy me delicious food. Let's go to Hang Ye Churan, and he will buy me a mobile phone!"

Unconsciously, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She carefully came to the bed and sat cross-legged. She closed her eyes and practiced. For the sake of An An, she must work hard to keep up with An An's pace as soon as possible.

The sun fell on the ground, Tang Xin and An Ran bid farewell, and came to He Wanwan, "Sister He,"

He Wanwan patted and sat back, "Sit down, I'm leaving."

Tang Xin hugged her waist, "Let's go."

When the two arrived at the school, An Ran and He Wanwan bid farewell and came to the classroom, staring at the teacher's lecture seriously on their faces, but they didn't know where their minds drifted.

After one class, Li Si ran over. As soon as she entered, she came to Tang Xin's desk, "Tang Xin, I have something to talk to you."

Tang Xin looked at her, "Just tell me if you have anything to say."

Li Si bit her lip, "Tang Xin, are you willing to forgive me? I really know I was wrong."

Tang Xin looked at her, and suddenly laughed, "Li Si, what kind of illusion did I give you? Make you think I'm easy to bully?"

He Wanwan's footsteps that were about to enter the classroom stopped, Tang Xin's eyes turned cold, "Do you think you can stay in school for what you do?"

Li Si looked flustered, "Tang Xin." She wanted to hold Tang Xin's hand.

Tang Xin stood up straight away, "I told the principal to let you off this time, if you continue to pester me, get out of this school."

Li Si had never seen Tang Xin like this before, her aura made her tremble, and she ran out in fear, not daring to pester her.

He Wanwan walked in and patted her on the shoulder, "Okay, Xiao Tangtang, I really thought you were Baozi."

Tang Xin smiled embarrassedly when she heard the words, she didn't say anything, only she knew in her heart that she didn't want to think about it before, she didn't want to do it, it was just that she closed herself off and gave up on herself.

Now that she has a family that will accompany her all her life again, warmth again, and sunshine again, how can she give up chasing the sunshine so easily.

The two chatted a few words casually, and He Wanwan returned to the teaching building of the sophomore year, and soon it was time for lunch.

He Wanwan and Tang Xin went to the cafeteria together, He Wanwan took the car tray and asked her, "What do you eat?"

"I'll eat whatever I want," Tang Xin pointed to a few dishes at random to her aunt, and sat down with He Wanwan at random while carrying the dishes.

He Wanwan took a bite of his meal, "There is a mission, do you want to take it?"

Tang Xin swallowed the food in her mouth, "What mission?"

He Wanwan rolled his eyes, "Don't you read the WeChat group?"

Tang Xin patted her forehead, "I really forgot to read it." As she spoke, she turned on her phone and checked the news in the group. "The scenic spot in J city, the ghost murder case?" She murmured.

He Wanwan nodded, "You've just come into contact with such things now, and it happens that there is a special case that the police handed over to our department."

"I'll take it." Tang Xin clicked on accepting tasks. The wechat group of special departments is different. Ordinary people can't see this group, but they can directly check a lot of task acceptance in it.

He Wanwan nodded, "We'll be together then," the two of them's cell phones rang after that.

Tang Xin picked it up, "Hi, hello, it's Tang Xin for me, okay, we'll go there right away, no trouble, see you later."

She hung up the phone, and He Wanwan also hung up the phone at the same time, "J city police station."

Tang Xin nodded, "Mine too, let's go now?"

He Wanwan nodded, "Don't worry about the school, your case has been reported, they know."

The two casually ate a few mouthfuls of food, then went out of the cafeteria and came to the parking place. He Wanwan pushed out her bicycle, "Come up."

He Wanwan rode his car and rushed out at a very high speed. Tang Xin hugged her waist tightly, "Why is your car faster than a motorcycle!"

He Wanwan returned, "You don't know this, do you? This is a modified bicycle. It looks like a bicycle, and the structure inside has long been different."

When they arrived at the scene of the incident, the police were already there. The two walked over, took out a certificate, and walked over.

He Wanwan squatted down and checked, "When did you find it?"

A middle-aged policeman replied, "Yesterday morning, I thought it was ordinary organ trafficking, but after several investigations, I found something different, so I handed it over to you."

He Wanwan looked at the corpse in front of him, "Is this the second victim?"

The middle-aged policeman nodded, and He Wanwan got up, "Understood, where's your captain?"

The middle-aged policeman pointed to the scenic spot, "The captain has gone in."

He Wanwan frowned, "Nonsense, didn't you find that the scenic spot is wrong? Let him in?"

The middle-aged policeman lowered his head, a little worried, Tang Xin pulled her, "Don't be angry, their captain wants to go in, but they can't stop them, let's go in and have a look, don't really let that captain get into trouble."

He Wanwan waved his hand, "Who is your captain?"

"Wenrenyuan." The middle-aged policeman returned cautiously.

The corner of He Wanwan's mouth twitched, "I said who is so stupid and bold, Xiaoxue's brother."

"Pay attention to the finish outside, and don't let irrelevant people in." After she said that, she pulled Tang Xin in and went in, "It will see if the situation is right. Don't be nervous. You have only practiced for two days. I mainly want to help you increase your knowledge."

Tang Xin nodded, "Okay, I understand."

The whole scenic spot was dead silent, and the emptiness seemed a bit strange. The two of them walked slowly. After walking for about half an hour, Tang Xin smelled the smell of blood.

He Wanwan also smelled it, pulled Tang Xin and ran over quickly, turned a corner, and saw a person sitting on the ground, He Wanwan ran over, "Wenrenyuan?"

Wen Renyuan sat covering his waist, Wen Yan looked up, he smiled palely, "Is it Wanwan?"

He Wanwan and Tang Xin supported him, "Don't move around." He Wanwan said with a frown.

Wen Renyuan coughed, "I'm fine, I just hurt my waist. That thing is a fierce ghost, and its evil spirit has already solidified, so it's hard to deal with."

He Wanwan said angrily, "Then you still dare to break in by yourself, and don't look at yourself. That's a ghost. It's not like you usually catch criminals. Ghosts are not people."

He Wanwan withdrew his hand, "Okay, I'll stop the bleeding for you."

Wen Renyuan smiled, "I just, forget it, it's nothing, be careful, I won't hold you back."

He Wanwan and Tang Xin carefully supported him, came to a chair and helped him to sit down, He Wanwan put a talisman on him, "You stay here, we will pick you up later..."

"Wanwan! Be careful!" Tang Xin yelled, and at the same time subconsciously threw an attack spell.

He Wanwan rolled around Wen Renyuan in his arms, and when he turned his head, he saw a ghost in a red dress who was sent flying by Tang Xin.

Tang Xin quickly came to the two of them, "Are you all right?"

Li Gui got up from the ground, writhing with evil spirit, "You're courting death!" She stretched out her hand and attacked.

(End of this chapter)

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