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Chapter 83 The Top Streams of Radio Phiknius

Chapter 83 The Top Streams of Radio Phiknius

"I'm just recuperating in the ward next door. I don't need infusions or ventilators. There are several empty wards in the hospital. I'm not one more?" Barbara came to Silton with a smile, and said softly :
"Brother Silton, besides, I'm really sick...

It's a heart attack..."

Jenny felt nauseous, and was so angry that she wanted to sew up Barbara's mouth with spider silk, and said, "Ms. Paulina needs to rest, you can go back to your own ward."

"Okay, good night, Brother Silton, I'll see you again tomorrow morning.

You take a walk in the yard downstairs every morning, don't you take me with you tomorrow. "

Barbara's expression is cute and offbeat, sometimes affectionate and sometimes naughty, she is small and slender, which makes Jenny jealous.

Under Jenny's repeated urging, Barbara flicked her two ponytails and ran away.

After she walked for a while, Jenny went to lock it tightly, locked it up, and returned to Silton, saying:

"Silton, let me tell you something."

"Go ahead."

Jenny said seriously: "I don't think we should be so passive in our work with Polina.

Think about it, if the group of organizations that want to hurt Polina don't do anything, we're going to stay here for another day; if they don't do anything for a year, we're going to be here for a year. "

"Isn't it good to stay here all the time?" Silton said:
"That's what you said, our school was also closed because of the Metropolis attack, and there is nothing to do when we go back.

Besides, Ms. Polina is also very easy to get along with. I usually watch TV and peel oranges. How comfortable these days are... Ouch!It hurts! "

Jenny decided not to argue with Silton, and directly resorted to a language that both of them understood - pinching with hands.

Because of the system task, Silton actually wanted Jenny to take the initiative a long time ago.

But Jenny always wanted to stay idle in the hospital, so she had to use [Mephisto's Contract] to put Barbara, a catfish, in and stir the whole basin of water alive.

Silton asked: "Okay, what can you do, besides detecting 'hostility'?"

Jenny said: "I think it's been almost a week since we got the news from S.H.I.E.L.D. to send us to protect Paulina.

You know, when Nick Fury sent us, he was very anxious, obviously expecting the other party to act soon.

And our adversaries have satellites and Chitauri scout weapons, and it's easy to know where Polina is and who's around her.

The reason why they waited so long was obviously because they knew that we were not ordinary high school students, but two superpowers who were with Ms. Polina.

If I were the other party, I would first divert the tiger away from the mountain, lead other things in other places, lure these two super power protectors away, and then make a move. "

While Jenny was talking, a text message came from Silton's phone——

"Sender: Hill

Silton, someone wanted to assassinate May, but we stopped and killed him.

Mei was not injured, we will continue to protect Mei's safety, and you can perform your mission with peace of mind. "

Silton said: "Sure enough, someone wants to hurt Mei and lure us away."

"Is Aunt Mei okay?"

"It's okay, their actions were thwarted by S.H.I.E.L.D." Silton thought for a while, then returned to the topic just now, and said:

"So what we have to do now is to give the other party the illusion that we have left, so that the other party can act with confidence."

Jenny said, "You're right.

However, this is a bit troublesome to operate, and many conditions must be met.

First, let the other party know when we leave;

Second, our departure should not be too deliberate, or even deliberately concealed. "

Silton nodded, the first condition and the second condition are still contradictory to some extent...

After much deliberation, there was no good solution. Silton planned to call Barbara over tomorrow to discuss countermeasures together.

The next morning, Jenny and Silton brought Polina breakfast, and the three ate together at the table next to the hospital bed.

Polina turned on the TV, accidentally tuned to the Phoenix TV station, and said strangely: "Hey, why do I seem to have seen this person somewhere?"

Silton lowered his head and gnawed on the sandwich, and he knew who the main character of the Phoenix TV station was without looking up:
"It should be Eddie, right? He's the reporter who interviewed you last time and ended up crying when he interviewed you.

Who is he interviewing this time? "

Polina stared at the TV and murmured: "It seems that he didn't interview this time, he was about to jump off the roof..."

"Huh?" Silton and Jenny looked up at the same time. In the upper right corner of the TV screen was the icon of Radio Phoenix—an old man with yellow hair and white circles around his eyes; Content - "Interview with the designers of Clement Park and see how a group of artists created a fantasy amusement park."

But the screen was in chaos, and there were no designers, as if something happened during the live broadcast.

At this moment, a NYPD appeared in the camera and asked, "Where is the person? Where is it? What's going on?"

The photographer holding the camera moved the lens to the roof of a [-]-story building opposite, saying:
"I'm Eddie's reporter's photographer. I was going upstairs with him to interview the designer of Clement Park. But for some reason, Eddie broke down and ran to the roof to commit suicide!"

Silton looked carefully at the TV screen, there was indeed a villain on the roof, but if the photographer didn’t introduce it, he couldn’t be sure if it was Eddie, it just looked a little like it; secretly admired Polina, her eyes were so good, how did she look Did this guy belong to Eddie?

Right here, Silton's cell phone rang, and as expected, it was Barney's call——

"Hello? Uncle Barney, what's the matter?"

"Silton, the situation is urgent. You can watch it by turning the TV to Phoenix TV. Eddie is going to commit suicide again!"

Because of the presence of venom, Silton now has no sense of urgency about Eddie's suicide.

"And then? What do you want me to do?"

"Didn't you solve it last time? This time you also help out, save him!"

"Okay, Uncle Barney, I'll find a way."

Polina felt that the program was a bit too noisy, so she pressed the remote control and switched to another TV station, but she didn't expect that the other TV stations were all rebroadcasting the Feknius radio station——

Some of the headlines were "Another accident occurred during the interview with Eddie, and the NYPD rushed to deal with it!";
Some introductions are "Saving Fragile Minds, Eddie Brock's Road to Nirvana!";
Some simply said, "Live broadcast the whole process of Eddie's suicide!"

Silton chuckled inwardly, saying that Eddie Brock could be regarded as the top streamer of Phoenix TV.

(End of this chapter)

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