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Chapter 48 The Second Mission

Chapter 48 The First Mission

"This matter is more complicated to say."

As Wood spoke, he flicked on the touch screen, and reports about Green were projected on the car window in front of Silton.

Jenny, who was sitting in the back row of the car, also came over, wanting to know what was going on.

Twelve years ago, Green's father, Eric, was a police officer in Mexico. He had been undercover under the hands of Gotha, Mexico's largest drug lord, and won Gotha's appreciation and trust.

But because of a mistake, Gotha found out Eric's undercover identity, and Gotha, furious, killed Eric in an extremely cruel way.

But before the Dongchuang incident, Green's mother knew the news in advance, and brought Green, who was still young at the time, with Eric and her relatives, and smuggled to the United States.

Sure enough, shortly after arriving in the United States, Gotha placed a reward across Mexico to search and assassinate everyone related to Eric——

Whether it was the sheriff who planned the undercover, or the plainclothes who provided cover for Eric, and remembered their relatives, they were all killed, leaving no one behind.

Green and his mother came to the United States to escape.

Afterwards, Green was admitted to an urban high school because of his athletic talent. Although Green's mother and other relatives were illegal immigrants, they gradually gained a foothold here.

New York City implements an ambiguous “status quo” policy on illegal immigration—

Illegal immigrants provide a large amount of cheap labor for urban construction, optimize the population structure, and at the same time do not need to bear their welfare.

Huntington, the mayor of New York, usually opens one eye and closes the other, but on some special occasions, he can close the open eye or open the closed eye.

Sending the Greens back to Mexico is like sending sheep to wolves, and Gotha will kill them without a place to die.

"So Julia was sure that the Green family would not dare to fall out with her, so she beat Green without fear?"

Wood nodded, "It's better to have a broken leg than to be killed."

The three of them were talking, and Wood's headset sounded, and they clicked on it. After listening for a while, they turned the steering wheel sharply, and drove towards the city again.

"Uncle Wood, what's the matter? Aren't you going to the new Avengers base in the northern suburbs for special training?"

"Something happened in Manhattan, and it's time to check the results of the special training."

The car drove all the way into Manhattan, the street ahead was overcrowded and unable to move forward, the three got out of the car and trotted closer.

This is a small trust bank office building. Five Sokovians occupied an office on the third floor and hijacked more than a dozen employees.

Now, a Sokovian man is addressing the NYPD and the crowd on the street through the French windows on the third floor:
"Let Tony Stark meet us!
Let the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. meet us!
Give us an explanation!Give Anna an explanation!Give Sokovia an explanation!
Legal means cannot realize our demands, we can only do this! "

The NYPD police officer in charge of contacting and persuading, shouted to the top with a loudspeaker:

"Calm down!
Mr. Tony Stark will be here soon!
Don't do impulsive things! "

The Sokovia man in front of the French windows on the third floor looked down at his watch, "It's been half an hour! According to the agreement, this is Tony Stark's punishment for being late!"


There was a gunshot from the office on the third floor, and the crowd of onlookers let out an exclamation.

Then, a body shot in the head was thrown from upstairs and fell to the ground.

"After half an hour is the second person, there are thirteen people here, we can wait for six hours!

If we don't get what we want when we kill all these people, we'll detonate here! "

Wood brought Silton and Jenny to the person in charge of NYPD and asked about the specific situation.

The NYPD says it's a tricky thing.

As he spoke, he brought the three of them to a residential building across the street.

Go up to the third floor, open the door and enter the house.

The original resident had already vacated the bedroom, and was hiding in the living room with a frightened expression on his face.

Several people entered the bedroom, the curtains were closed tightly, leaving only a gap. A police officer was using a telescope to observe the situation of the office that was hijacked by the assailants through the gap.

The police officer stepped aside and let Wood, Silton and Jenny take turns to observe.

In the opposite hall, a Sokovian man was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, shouting at the NYPD and onlookers on the street, and two or three armed Sokovians were patrolling the hall.

On the floor were a dozen or so tied up bank employees, trembling in a circle, and there was a pool of blood on the ground.

In the center of this circle of hostages, a time bomb was placed, and several time bombs were also fixed on the four corners of the hall's load-bearing walls.

After careful observation, Silton found that every Sokovia murderer had a device similar to a detonator in his hand, that is to say, if any of them found that the situation was wrong, he could press the detonator, and the dozen or so hostages were killed. perish together.

Moreover, the bombs are all fixed on the load-bearing walls. Once detonated, it is likely to cause the overall collapse of the building and injure the surrounding area.

"We have hidden scouts and snipers in the surrounding buildings, but if there is no way to kill all five criminals at the same time, the sniper will be meaningless."

"Five murderers?"

"Yes, five of them. They will take turns hiding in the blind spot of their vision, unable to be observed, let alone sniped."

Jenny said: "Why not meet their conditions?"

The police officer smiled bitterly: "They want Tony Stark and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. to pay for a little girl's life. How can this be possible?"

Jenny was silent.

Wood said: "Silton, Jenny, the current situation can use plan three and plan five, I am partial to the former, what do you think?"

Silton said: "Just listen to Uncle Wood, we'll get ready right away."

"Well, hurry up, we only have twenty minutes."

Jenny secreted spider silk to weave a black Spiderwoman suit on the surface of her skin, and then pressed her fingers on Silton's forehead, weaving a mask for him that could hide his face.

"Come up."


Silton hugged Jenny from behind, and the spider silk immediately fixed the two of them together, and Jenny jumped out of the window.

Spiderwoman's left and right hands took turns drawing upwards, and the two of them swung high like a pendulum, and the buildings on both sides swept back quickly!
After a few echoes, Spider Woman carried Silton on her back to the bank office building hijacked by the Sokovians. Using her hands and feet, she climbed to the top of the sixth floor.

Jenny confirmed again to Wood in the headset: "There are only five time bombs in the hall, right?"

"Skye retrieved the transfer records of their previous transactions on the black market, and determined that they only had five bombs."

Jenny said to Silton behind her, "Get ready, I'm going down!"

Afterwards, he stuck the edge of the roof with a spider's silk, kicked his legs hard, and flew out!

(End of this chapter)

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