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Chapter 34 This taste is so sweet

Chapter 34 This taste is so sweet
Barney's apartment in Brooklyn, New York.

Barney recently wanted to move.

Thomas and his daughter are dead, and Bullseye is also dead. Silton doesn't need to protect himself, and the meaning of staying here is getting smaller and smaller.

Although New York City is an international metropolis, the quality of life of poor people like myself is not high here. It is better to find a farm or a small county in the Midwest.

Most importantly, the rent is almost unaffordable...



Barney opened the door and saw that it was Silton. He was about to tell him about his departure when Silton said first, "Uncle Barney, I brought someone. You will be very happy to see him."

Barney shook his head and smiled wryly. When he was in high school, his parents died in a gang fire. Since then, he has been working under Thomas and regards Thomas as the most important person. But now, the person who can make him happy is dead.

A girl flashed out from behind Silton, and Barney actually saw Thomas' shadow on her face, and he was in a trance for a while before he came to his senses——

"Jenny! My God! Little princess! You're alive!"

Barney opened his arms with tears in his eyes, and Jenny hugged Barney: "Uncle Barney, long time no see!"

After exchanging pleasantries, Barney invited the two into the house. Because it was a low-rent apartment, the room was cramped and small. Silton said with a smile to Jenny, "I'm right, Uncle Barney's place is well ventilated."

Barney scolded "Stinky boy" with a smile, picked up two cups and washed them clean, and took two glasses of water for the two children.

The three chatted about the recent situation. Jenny had discussed it with Silton before, and she didn't want to and didn't need to tell Barney that she was Spider-Woman.

While chatting, Eddie Brock in the bedroom came out rubbing his sleepy eyes, "Barney, is there a guest?

Oh, it's Silton...

Huh?Who is this little girl? "

Barney: "He's Eddie Brock. His girlfriend ran away with a surgeon. He has no place to live. He's temporarily staying with me."

Jenny: "Hello, Uncle Eddie."

Eddie: "Barney, I think only the second half of the sentence is enough to describe my situation, there is no need to add the first half of the sentence every time..."

Eddie went to the bathroom to wash up. After coming out, he felt refreshed. When he saw three people watching TV in the living room, he said:

"Do you know that the Avengers have come back from Sokovia? You should be able to see this news by tuning into Radio Pheknius now."

Silton pressed the remote control and tuned to the Phoenix radio station. In the picture, a reporter was at the airport, talking endlessly to the camera.

Jenny found that the person on TV was Eddie Brock, "It turns out that Uncle Eddie is a reporter."

Eddie's vanity in front of the little girl was satisfied, and he heyed with satisfaction.

In the TV screen, Iron Man Tony Stark, Captain America Steve Rogers, and Black Widow Natasha Romanoff got off the transport plane and walked in front, followed by other superheroes and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

The expressions on their faces were a bit tired, and there was no joy after victory.

Silton knew that the Avengers went to Sokovia on this trip. Although Ultron was eliminated, they also caused huge damage to Sokovia during the battle.

Ultron sent the entire capital city of Sokovia into the sky with an anti-gravity device. If the city rises to a high enough height and then falls, its destructive power is equivalent to that of a huge alien meteorite hitting the earth, causing 6500 million people to die. The tragedy of the extinction of dinosaurs in the Cretaceous Period was repeated on human beings.

Although the Avengers prevented the city from rising high enough in time, the power of the fall still destroyed the entire country of Sokovia.

As soon as they got off the plane, the Avengers were surrounded by a circle of reporters and people——

"Iron Man! It's real Iron Man!"

"Captain America! Mister Rogers! Can you sign for me! My daughter likes you very much!"

"Ms. Romanov, do you have any comments on this operation of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. staff cleared a path through the crowd, and the Avengers hurried away through the passage.

"say something!"

"Even one question is fine!"

One after another, the microphones passed over the staff and stretched out in front of the Avengers. Captain America stopped, and the microphones came together in an instant.

"In this operation, we eliminated the hidden danger of Ultron." Captain America said in the official tone of the press conference, "Although the operation was not perfect, it still contributed to world peace.

This is the responsibility of our Avengers, thank you. "

"Mr. Tony Stark also say something!"

Iron Man Tony saw a cute little girl being led by her mother on the outskirts of the crowd.

The mother's face was haggard, with red eye circles; the little girl was only five or six years old, holding an ice cream in her right hand, and staring in her direction with her two big eyes while eating.

Tony separated from the crowd, came to the little girl, picked her up in front of the reporters and cameras, and asked softly:
"Baby, are you here to interview me too?

Have a question for Iron Man? "

The little girl was not afraid of the crowd and the camera. She first took a big bite of the ice cream, wriggled and chewed with puffy cheeks, swallowed it under the eyes of everyone, and then reluctantly gave the remaining half of the ice cream to Tony. Stark's face—

"Mr. Iron Man, you, and the Avengers, all die, all go to hell.

This is what mother wants me to convey to you. "

The interviewing reporters and the crowd of onlookers were silent.

Tony's left face was covered with cold cream, and he froze. Who is this little girl?

The voice of artificial intelligence Jarvis came from the headset:
"Master, according to facial recognition, this little girl and her mother are tourists from Sokovia, and they cannot go back because Sokovia was destroyed.

Among the civilians killed in Sokovia are her father, uncle, and grandmother..."

Tony put the little girl on the ground, and the little girl turned and ran away.

The reporter aimed the cameras at Tony, wanting to record his reaction at the moment. Tony dipped his finger into some cream on his face, and sucked it in his mouth:
"It tastes good, very sweet."

The report on the returning Avengers was interrupted, and several people in the room looked at Eddie.

Eddie raised his hand and shook his head: "I don't know what happened at that time. I was squeezed outside with the photographer, and nothing was photographed! I don't even know the origin of that little girl!"

Silton felt that the report on the reunion made him very uncomfortable, so he switched to the second TV station of Phoenix.

This time it was actually Eddie who reported in front of the camera, and his interview location was indoors, like a research institute.

(End of this chapter)

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