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Chapter 17 The bomb rang, and the vision appeared

Chapter 17
Nick Fury introduced Silton to the superheroes, saying that Silton's superpower is to scare the Hulk.

Iron Man and Captain America smiled and shook their heads. They had witnessed the fight between the Hulk and Silton in the lobby on the first floor of the Stark Tower, and they knew that Nick was joking; Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye had never seen Silton's ability Superheroes are skeptical.

"Are your powers also about mind control?" Scarlet Witch asked.

The Scarlet Witch's ability is to distort reality and control the mind, but with her current strength, she can only make Dr. Banner lose control and become Hulk, but cannot appease Hulk and restore Banner.

It is easy to disturb the surface of a lake, but it is much more difficult to restore calm to the lake.

Silton didn't know how to answer, so he turned to Nick Fury for help, and the latter said in a rage:

"You can try to compete with him and compare who is stronger in your spiritual ability."

The Scarlet Witch took Nick's words seriously, and used her psychic power to touch Silton's soul. Silton's heart tightened. Although his body was indestructible, he didn't know if his mental defense was that high.

Moreover, as a time traveler, there are secrets in Silton's memory. If these are read by the Scarlet Witch, it is really difficult for him to explain...

A red aura that seemed to be real connected the Scarlet Witch's hands and Silton's brain. Sildon didn't feel anything, but the Scarlet Witch frowned and exerted a little more effort.

Silton also frowned, but it wasn't because he was struggling, but because he couldn't understand——

Is this Scarlet Witch fighting her psychic abilities?

started?Or is it over?
Ten seconds later, the Scarlet Witch put her hands on her knees to support her body, bent over and panted heavily, with hot sweat dripping from her forehead——

"Huh...huh...this boy is a monster..."

Nick Fury curious, "Did you read anything?"

"No, his mental power is like a monolith. With my ability, it is impossible to break into it from the outside world."

"Good job," Nick patted Silton on the shoulder, "boy, except for you, no one in this room can resist Wanda's (Scarlet Witch)'s mind control."

"Uncle Nick, what did you ask me to do today?"

"As usual, just stay with Dr. Banner."

After greeting several of his acquaintances, Silton followed Banner silently.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has done a background check on Silton. He is now considered a fourth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., signed a non-disclosure agreement, and is under the surveillance and protection of S.H.I.E.L.D. at all times, so there is no worry that he will be malicious Leak.

It is also because of this that everyone's conversations did not deliberately avoid Silton, and of course they did not deliberately explain to Silton.

But as a time traveler, Silton is very clear.

Through the conversation between them, Silton learned that the creation of the illusion had reached the final stage, and the only thing left to do was to activate the mind gem on his forehead to bring him back to life.

But superheroes are divided into two factions.

One faction is Iron Man and Banner, who believe that Vision should be activated in time, so as to stop Ultron who is doing anything wrong in Sokovia.

And in a sense, Ultron is a kind of super computer virus. As long as it is connected to the Internet, its consciousness can be transmitted away and uploaded to the cloud. There is no way to destroy it physically.

Only the Vision with the Mind Stone can remove it from the network and "detain" Ultron in a mechanical body.

The other faction is headed by Captain America and Black Widow, who believe that Vision should not be activated easily.

They didn't trust Tony and Banner's technology very much, because Ultron was created by these two people using the combination of Mind Gem and Jarvis in an accident.

Now having an Ultron is enough for everyone to be busy. If the newly born Vision is not on the side of humans, but on the side of Ultron, then I really regret it.

The heroes were arguing endlessly, and Tony Stark couldn't bear this fruitless nonsense anymore, and he pushed the activation button to push everyone away.

"Tony! Stop it!"

Captain America Steve Rogers waved his shield and flew towards Tony. A red mechanical arm flew towards him, blocking the blow for Iron Man.

Black Widow turned somersault, her legs twisted towards Tony's wrist, "You can't press down!"

Tony took a deep breath, and pieces of armor unfolded from the nuclear reactor on his chest, covering his body, and punched Black Widow!

With her arms in front of her body, the Black Widow used her strength to leap backwards, and Iron Man took the opportunity to press the start button.

But just when the button was about to be touched, Iron Man's body floated up, suspended in mid-air, unable to move.

The Scarlet Witch was behind him, waving ten fingers to cast a spell, "Mr. Stark, please discuss this matter before making a decision!"

"Jarvis, come help me!"

One by one, the mechanical arms flew towards the start button, trying to press the button——


An arrow flew from the direction of Hawkeye, hitting the start button——

"Drip, drip, drip—boom!"

The arrow of the flying arrow exploded, destroying the start button and the control platform. The sound of electric current resounded in the entire research hall "Zlara", and the unstable voltage made the lights flicker on and off.

"Hawkeye! What are you doing!"

Iron Man released a wave of light from one hand, knocking Hawkeye into the air, and sprayed concentrated dry ice from the other palm to extinguish the fire on the console.

Silton, who was behind Banner, had the urge to cover his forehead at this moment—the fight within the Avengers started again...

When the heroes were in chaos, the crimson body in the center of the research hall lit up with an orange gemstone on its forehead.

A body with perfect proportions slowly floated up, and everyone looked up at the sun-like light.

The explosion of the eagle-eyed arrow just now triggered the activation program unintentionally, but this activation is not normal!
"Didn't it get blown up?" Hawkeye asked puzzled.

"Idiot! That's the wrong way to start!"

"Are you Ultron too?" Nick Fury asked.


Vision looked down at his hands. It was neither a machine nor an organism. He had the answer in his heart:
"My name is Vision, and I was created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner... Consciousness."

"Are you on the side of humans, or on the side of Ultron?"

The orange gemstone on Vision's forehead lit up, as if he was thinking, and also seemed to be absorbing information about humans and Ultron machines from the entire Internet.

"Carbon-based organic life forms and highly intelligent machines are two evolutionary directions, and I represent the correct evolutionary direction.

In other words, I am on the side of the strong.

Humans, send your strongest to fight with me.

Defeat me and I will follow you.

Cannot defeat me, I will destroy you. "

(End of this chapter)

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