Stunning Demon Emperor

Chapter 37 What did he say?

Chapter 37 What did he say?
"Don't eat, don't eat!" The little egg demon made an irritable muffled sound as he covered himself in the quilt.

The next day, Long Xingshuo really came.

Luo Xueyao introduced her elixir to Long Xingshuo chatting and laughing, and lent her precious alchemy book to Long Xingshuo to read, while explaining seriously, Long Xingshuo actually had no interest in it for a long time, and just wanted to hold on. He let out a sigh of relief, but still pretended to be interested and listened seriously.

The little egg demon gave the two of them a hard look, then turned around and fanned vigorously.

The fire in the stove is getting hotter and hotter...

Not long after, Luo Xueyao smelled the smell of paste, and she yelled at the little egg demon: "Oh...don't fan the little egg demon! If you slap it for a while, the pills will all be burnt!"

The little egg demon frowned, dropped the fan, and ran outside to squat with Xiao Xuanzi.

Little Xuanzi also had a look of displeasure.

"Xing Shuo and I went to pick medicine, Little Egg Demon... you guys just watch the stove at home obediently!" Luo Xueyao walked towards the mountain together with Long Xingshuo, carrying a small bamboo cage on her back after speaking.

"Picking herbs together! Call Xing Shuo so affectionate!" Xiao Xuanzi frowned more and more tightly.

The little egg demon gritted her teeth and looked at the backs of the talking and laughing couple, hating her teeth itching... Go, go!It's better to kill that Long Xingshuo!

"When you grow up, if you still want to be a beautiful boy, I will see you every day and not him!"

The words Luo Xueyao said yesterday suddenly popped up in Little Egg Demon's mind.

He remembered that Luo Xueyao seemed to have said that there was a medicine for growing up in the elixir she refined...

"This is the pill of growing up. After taking it, children can become adults, and adults can become old people. Old people... probably become dead people! Of course, if you give it to the demon, there should be no problem!"

The little egg demon immediately returned to the alchemy room... looked up at the rows of pills on the tall cabinet.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Xuanzi asked.

"I want to find the grown-up elixir, Luo Xueyao promised me yesterday... If I grow up, he won't go to see that stinking dragon! I remember that one of these medicines is grown-up..." The little egg demon was looking for the bottle Luo Xueyao mentioned that day, but all the bottles looked exactly the same, which one was it?
"Really!" Xiao Xuanzi also showed a smile on his cheeks, "Then look for it quickly!"

"This!" The little egg demon brought a bench and stepped on it to find it. On that day, Luo Xueyao said that it was the growth medicine and swallowed it all.

Xiao Xuanzi watched with joy...

No response... Still no response... The little egg demon frowned and wanted to ask Xiao Xuanzi if he had grown up, but he just opened his mouth...


The little egg demon suddenly covered her mouth.

Xiao Xuanzi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered: "Oh no... you have taken Xueyao and made meow medicine, and that medicine was developed by her to punish the white fox!"

The little egg demon clenched the medicine bottle tightly, only to hear a "bang", the medicine bottle and the pill were shattered into powder in the little fleshy hands of the little egg demon, Luo Xueyao... how dare you Lied to His Highness!

Xiao Xuanzi broke into a cold sweat from fright, this little egg monster still has this strange power.

"Meow..." The little egg demon wanted to ask how to change back but still let out a meow.

"Oh, yes... drink water! Just drink water!"

The little egg demon immediately jumped down from the stool and took a few sips of the teapot with a "gurgle" in his arms: "Luo Xueyao is a big liar... Didn't you say that this is the medicine for growing up!"

(End of this chapter)

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