Assassin Merry Online Games

Chapter 92 One point of difficulty

Chapter 92: A Little Difficulty (1)
Black is the correct way of life, this is the decision Hu Lai made in his heart now, but Hu Lai still dare not take the step easily.

Who's to say that those freaky programmers aren't working up other surprises?

Decisiveness, decisiveness, why do you say it so nicely, isn't it a desperate effort with a gambling nature!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Hu Lai didn't bother to continue procrastinating here. It is estimated that Hu Lai didn't even have the courage to move if he was procrastinating.Taking advantage of his courage, Hu Lai stepped up to a black grid in front of him.


He easily stepped on the black grid, and after the one he went to was not in any danger, Hu Lai quickly stretched out his other foot while the grid hadn't completely moved away.Just when Hu Lai stretched one of his feet over, the other white grid was already in contact with the black grid that Hu Lai was standing on just now. Where the two grids intersect, a row of extremely sharp spears rushed out!

Hu Lai realized that something was wrong, and immediately drew his foot that was still hanging in the air. The gap was only a few centimeters, and the spear brushed the sole of Hu Lai's foot and passed!
What is this?
He looked at the spear that just came out and then retracted again immediately.Hu Lai, who was in a cold sweat, thought about it with his overwhelmed head, but he had no clue at all.But looking at the position where black and white intersect, Hu Lai already has the answer vaguely in his heart. It should be to move to a safe color when black and white are not exchanged, otherwise it will be lost when moving. Suddenly, a sharp spear appeared.

Carefully glanced at the small gaps in the middle of each grid, Hu Lai was speechless to the person who designed this place, this guy must be a super pervert.It’s okay if you are completely reverse thinking in the design of the mechanism. After solving the problem, you still have to design such a vicious thing. If you are not so handsome, unrestrained, wise and powerful, I am afraid that you will have been killed by the spear that suddenly appeared. It's a hornet's nest!
Taking a breath, Hu Lai stood up from the grid again, and now he has basically found the rules of life and death chess.Then how can I leave this damn life and death game?
Hu Lai stood firm on the black grid, looked at the black and white grids moving around, and thought about what to do next in his mind.

go out?
Just kidding, this test of life and death chess is not at all for you to find a way out, there must be something deeper hidden in it.Hu Lai couldn't figure it out for a while, so he could only stand helplessly on that grid.

Just when Hu Lai was struggling, there was a clicking sound in the distance, as if a big truck was pulling something heavy and driving towards this side.

(End of this chapter)

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