Chapter 569 I Just Don't Like Ah Si
Jiang Teng looked at the prince looking up at him, and couldn't help but want to laugh a little. He was still a child in front of him, so arrogant: "Okay! Your highness is so ambitious! But you can't cry when you lose!"

The prince ignored Jiang Teng's ridicule and went to the other side to prepare.

In this match, he must fight hard, let Ah Si see how good he is, how good he is, and Jiang Teng not only has a bad family background,
Other aspects are even worse than myself.

Seeing that both Jiang Teng and the crown prince were on stage, Lin Si was very surprised: Why did brother Ateng also go up?Don't you remember that he likes to play polo?This prince played at such a young age, he really deserves to be a descendant of the royal family.

The two competed fiercely for the ball on the court. Lin Si watched the situation while eating. The two were about the same in strength, and the score was tight.

She didn't expect Brother Ateng to play polo so well. If she had known, she would have let him teach her, otherwise she wouldn't have been laughed at by others.

For the last goal, if Jiang Teng scored, the winner would be the winner. Knowing that the situation was tense, the prince impulsively pierced Jiang Teng's horse with the silver needle he had prepared a long time ago. The horse started to run wildly because of the pain, and Jiang Teng also Was thrown to the ground, that ball, after all, did not score...

The crown prince won, just didn't get the cheers he wanted.Lin Si ran down from the stands, ran to Jiang Teng quickly, and helped him up: "Brother A Teng, are you okay? What's the matter with this horse, why did it suddenly lose control? Can you walk? Get up and have a look Where did it fall?"

Jiang Teng was also unprepared. He didn't know why the horse suddenly went berserk. When he fell, he didn't use his internal strength. His back hurt a little, and he probably moved his bones.

But seeing Ah Si anxious to cry, afraid that she would be worried, he endured the pain and stood up and patted her head and said, "I'm fine, silly girl. Have you forgotten how good brother Ateng's kung fu is? Such a fall How could you get hurt all at once? Don’t cry, don’t cry, Ah Si is the most obedient. Let’s go, I won’t stand on the court after losing the game.”

Lin Si wiped away tears and sobbed, "Who asked you to participate in the competition? You haven't played this game before, why are you so impulsive? What if you get injured and break your leg and can't walk? Or you drop your hand What if you can't write? Don't you think about yourself? Even if you don't care about my thoughts, you should think about Aunt Jiang. If she knows that you don't care about your body so much, she will be so sad! "

At that time, Jiang Teng only wanted to compete with the prince, so he didn't think too much.

Ah Si, you are always afraid of getting hurt and doing dangerous things, you silly girl.

"Oh, oh, I know I was wrong, Ah Si is the most obedient, don't cry, okay? I will never play this polo again, Ah Si is right, these things are the worst fun, I really don't know who invented them I bought such a boring thing. Let's go, Brother Ateng will take you to eat delicious food." Jiang Teng had already surrendered when he saw Lin Si crying, coaxing him softly.

Lin Si was coaxed for a long time before she calmed down, and after eating a few pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, she felt better: "I will forgive you for the sake of this sweet-scented osmanthus cake today. But if there is another time, you If you do these dangerous things regardless of your own safety, I will never play with you again."

Jiang Teng laughed and said: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you. Osmanthus Cake, thank you for letting Master A Si forgive me without remembering the faults of villains."

Lin Si was amused by Jiang Teng and giggled, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, she looked cute and pitiful.

Jiang Teng took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes, and then wiped her mouth: "Silly girl, there are so many people here. If Aunt Shu sees it, she will say you are a girl." Every family, don’t pay attention to the influence. Who will dare to ask you in the future?”

Lin Si glared at him, and said: "Bah, bah, bah! Brother Ateng is talking nonsense, my mother would not say that. My mother told me that it is best for a girl to be herself. The person I am looking for in the future I definitely don't care about those complicated and troublesome rules, that person wants to spend the rest of my life with me, if he doesn't even like my real appearance, how can he live together?"

Yao Shu has come from modern times and has a sense of women's autonomy. She knows that women can't always be attached to men. They must have their own careers and have their own value, so that they can be respected by others and find the meaning of their own life and existence.

But in this era, even if Yao Shu has such a consciousness, he can't change the thinking of people in this world.

In such an era, women are destined to become victims of men's struggle for power and profit, and become accessories for men to demonstrate their power.

Most of them do not have the opportunity to go to school. They have been taught that women are virtuous if they are not talented, and they feel that it is a shame to go out and show their faces.

It's not that Yao Shu has no fantasies, she also wants to change the world.

But later she realized that she was too small to shake the rules of this world, even if those things seemed very unreasonable to her, she was powerless to change them.

Because the productive forces are not developed enough here, men play the most important role in society.

Yao Shu saw this early on, so he stopped making unnecessary changes.But she taught Lin Si since she was a child, not to think that getting married is the most important thing in her life, but to know that every happy moment in her life is the most important and meaningful.

Under Yao Shu's teaching, Lin Si knew that the person she was looking for should be someone who could make her happy, not someone who could bring her money, status and power.Those things are all illusory, only a happy mood and sincere love are the most precious and real.

Lin Si remembered that her mother told herself a story, saying that a long time ago, in order to fight for the throne, a prince married the daughter of a great general as his wife, and finally got the throne, but his wife was deceived by him.

After he succeeded to the throne, he killed the general who was the most threatening to his throne and the person who helped him ascend to the throne.

After his wife knew the truth, she was extremely desperate.

She couldn't believe that the pillow person who slept next to her every day actually killed her father with her own hands. When she clamored to marry him, her father didn't agree, saying that he was too thoughtful and couldn't stand her begging. Father had to agree.Thinking about it this way, it was my own will that killed my father.

She completely gave up, and she jumped down from the tower while she was pregnant, and left a sentence before leaving, "This blood-stained country, I hope you feel at ease." Later, the emperor never went to that tower again in his life, because He is afraid.

Seeing that tower, he could think of the lively lady in front of him who jumped down decisively at the end.

He has been planning for so long, and now he has got his wish and ascended to the throne above ten thousand people, but that position was bought in exchange for so many fresh lives, as well as her despair and giving up.

Mother felt melancholy for a long time when she finished telling this story. She didn't understand it at the time, and only took it as a story. Later, she realized that this really happened in history.

How desperate that lady must be!After Lin Si heard this story, she became even more determined that she would never enter the palace.

That imperial palace looks so beautiful and noble, but in fact, how many human lives were stained in it, and how many people's lives were buried there.

(End of this chapter)

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