Chapter 529 Teaching
Lin Si followed Yao Shu out the door.

Yao Shu didn't go to his shop, instead, he walked further and further away.

"Mom, where are you taking me?"

Yao Shu didn't answer the daughter's question, instead he played tricks, "You'll know when you follow me."

Just as the two of them were talking, the carriage stopped.

As soon as Ah Si stood still with his mother, he saw a woman in charge of the housekeeper's clothes standing at the door.

She is a miserable woman.

She was originally a widow whose family property was taken after a man died. On the way to die, she was rescued by Yao Shu and became a steward.

"The people here are all girls from poor families, and they are basically people I saved."

Yao Shu looked at these doors and windows with a smile on his face, "Many people got married after they grew up, and then left here. Now many of them are arranged by me in the shop under my name to do some small business .”

"Mother?" Yao Shu was a little surprised to see this.

When she was preparing the shantang, she had already done the calculations, and she knew exactly how much it would cost to undertake such a venue.

"What do you want to know, go and see for yourself."

Yao Shu said that he would not give Lin Si any advice on these matters, but he would never do nothing to help.

Yao Shu knew that the people in Zhuangzi were already doing well in many poor families.

If Ah Si goes, those people will not tell the truth to Lin Si because Ah Si is the master.

Lin Si also almost understood the reason, nodded to her mother, and walked in with the shopkeeper who had been waiting.

This yard is not big, every room is basically full of people, and it is very clean.

"Some of the children in this yard were just picked up by the owner over the years."

Although the housekeeper looked like a person who had nothing to say, he still tried his best to introduce the environment here to Lin Si, "The older girls all went to some Zhuangzi or shops before."

Lin Si nodded, and asked the butler in front of her, "Can I go in?"

"Miss, do as you please."

Lin Si randomly opened a room and walked in, seeing several children around turned their heads in unison, only one child lying on the bed and applying medicine did not move.

Lin Si looked at the bruises exposed by the little girl, and couldn't help but gasped. The little girl looked delicate and weak, but her back was basically full of wounds.

"Who hit you?" Lin Si felt distressed, thinking of her childhood when she was beaten by her grandma every two days.

The little girl glanced at Lin Si, but she still didn't speak, but an older girl next to her said, "His father beat him."

Lin Si obviously didn't expect such an answer, no matter how the little girl's injuries looked, she was killed during the beating.

"How can it be like this?"

Lin Si didn't quite believe this. Her father was very good, and there were not many bad fathers around.

The girl sneered, "She has an elder brother who wants to marry a wife, and her family can't afford gift money, so they can only exchange marriages."

Lin Si looked at the little girl in front of him, "Switch?"

When two families get married, neither can pay the gift money. If both families happen to have sons and daughters, the married family will use their own daughter as gift money in exchange.

"His father wants to give her back to a cripple. The cripple is old enough to be her father. I don't know how to be so cruel."

Lin Si had never heard of such a thing before.

The girl still had a bit of anger on her face, "If Madam didn't happen to pass by here, I'm afraid she would have died long ago. By the way, what are you doing here?"

Although Lin Si's clothes today are not very expensive, but the style of her whole body can basically pick her out from these people with ease.

"I originally thought about opening a charity hall these days, and my wife asked me to come and have a look." Lin thought for a while but still didn't reveal his relationship with Yao Shu.

The girl in front of her was very generous, "My name is Wang Zhaodi, your you want us to do something for you?"

"That's not necessary, I just want to ask you what is missing here, and I will add a little for you."

Lin Si categorically rejected this matter. She had already heard from the housekeeper when she came here that these girls were basically taught by someone.

Wang Zhaodi smiled, "No, we don't need these here, we all have hands and feet who can do the work, why don't you help those who can't do the work."

Lin Si was also surprised when she heard Wang Zhaodi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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