Chapter 135 Just Follow Me
Seeing that the two riders didn't notice them, Chen Jin turned around and whispered to the people around him, "Don't cry. Let's go first. Don't worry, your young lady and nanny will be fine."

The little girl endured her fear, whimpered twice, and forced herself to calm down.

Chen Jin cared about Lin Rong and Zheng An in his heart, fearing that something might happen to the five of them, he just wanted to quickly take the little girl to a safe place, so he asked her, "Can you still walk?"

The little girl lost her shoes, and she was pampered and pampered on weekdays. Yao Ming had never run such a long distance, and her feet hurt.

But she is also stubborn, she wiped her tears and said, "Yes, I can go!"

Chen Jin nodded, and he moved his body, only to realize that the sleeve of his right hand was still being pulled by the little girl.

He felt a little uncomfortable, and said in a low voice, "Let go first, just follow me."

The little girl obviously didn't want to let go, but the situation was urgent, and she was afraid of offending the person who was protecting her in front of her, so she withdrew her hand.

But the moment she let go, tears welled up in Shui Lingling's eyes again.

Seeing this, Chen Jin hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, just hold on. Don't cry."

The little girl stretched out her hand again, and firmly grasped the sleeve that was scratched by her.

Chen Jin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Knowing that she was afraid, she comforted her in a low voice: "Okay, don't be afraid. Those two people have gone far away. We won't be found behind them."

The little girl had just escaped from panic and despair, and her dependence on Chen Jin had reached an unprecedented height. She was afraid that the other party would be unhappy and leave her behind, so she held back her tears and said to him: "Brother Chen, I, I am not afraid, I will follow you obediently."

She just heard that the general-looking man called him Chen Jin, so she called him Brother Chen.

Chen Jin was a big-hearted person, so he didn't think much about it. He just thought that it was good for the little girl not to cause trouble for him, and he didn't care about anything else. He was wary of the two riders in front of him, and took her to Xue Chang, Liu Ding and other people went in the direction.

On the other side, Zheng An and his party followed Lin Roe and went deep into the woods.

In early spring, the branches and leaves of the trees were not dense, and it was not easy for them to hide, so Lin Roe gave up his time to hide, and walked quickly in the direction where several people were calling for help, without encountering any obstacles along the way.

It's just that the woman's exclamation and crying were really heart-wrenching.

Zheng An has a hot heart, he can't see anything bullying the weak, he can't wait to spread his wings and fly over to rescue innocent people.

His footsteps became faster and faster, gradually becoming a little unsteady, but Lin Roe reminded him: "Slow down, don't startle the snake."

The soldiers brought out by the two were all young and energetic, they were all thinking about how to save people, and they didn't care about the difference in numbers between the enemy and ourselves.

Zheng An was not very old, so he hurriedly said: "Saving people is the most important thing, how can I care about those..."

A younger man from the government responded, "Yes! Human life is at stake, so let's act faster!"

Lin Zhi frowned, his temperament changed all of a sudden, his complexion also sank, and he said in a calm voice: "The other party is a member of the Escort Bureau, and he is experienced. Even one-on-one may not be able to win benefits from their subordinates. Except for chasing people Two, they've got fifteen left—"

He glanced at the four of them, and said coldly: "Could it be that each of you can fight three with one?"

Perhaps it was because Lin Rong's expression was too serious, or maybe his words had an effect, everyone seemed to have been poured a basin of cold water, and the flames in their hearts were completely extinguished.

Just now, a government soldier who rushed forward together with Zheng An was embarrassed and stopped talking.

Zheng An looked around at the five of them, except for Lin Rong who was able to fight and he had also practiced for several years, the other four were all flamboyants with no muscles and had never seen blood.

He knew that Lin Rong was also doing it for the sake of his brothers, so he calmed down all of a sudden.

Thinking of the consequences of leaving impulsively, Zheng An couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Brother Lin is right." Zheng An hated himself for being reckless, frowned, and quickly thought about how to deal with it, "We only have five people, so we can't face each other head-on..."

The speed of the group of people rushing forward remained unchanged, and Lin Rong's steady voice floated from the front, giving everyone a shot in the arm: "We just need to find the right time to save people. Chen Jin, Xue Chang and others are not in danger. If you can catch the two who were riding the horses just now, then we can discuss how to act next."

Lin Roe has a strong ability to adapt to changing circumstances.The battlefield is changing rapidly, and he relies on his sensitive adaptability to save himself from danger time and time again.

After all, he and Zheng An and the others had only been together for a short time, and the tacit understanding was not enough, so Lin Roe ordered a few more words: "Don't act recklessly. Follow my instructions when the time comes, mainly to attract the attention of the other party, and wait until the time is ripe before going forward." Save people."

The few who followed him had relatively rich fighting skills in training. Lin Roe knew their respective abilities, and if they only retreated with protection, it would be enough if nothing happened.

Everyone heard the words, nodded quickly and said: "Lieutenant Lin, don't worry, we have all written it down."

Everyone sneaked to the place where the incident happened, only to see more than a dozen strong men surrounded the two people.

"Run? Aren't you good at running? You two run again?"

The leading burly man took a step forward, a pair of small eyes showing a fierce light on his fat face.

A young woman with a white gauze covering her face was standing in front of an old nun in a protective posture.

The old woman seemed to be injured, she couldn't even stand up, she just cried in a hoarse voice: "Miss, miss, it's all old slaves who don't live up to their expectations and have hurt miss..."

Everyone who was hiding could tell that the person who had been calling for help just now was this old lady who was crying so badly.

But hearing the masked woman's clear voice, she was obviously very scared, but she pretended to calmly comfort the woman and said: "Nurse, don't worry, we will be fine."

The big man in the head showed a cruel smile at the old woman: "Did you hear that? Your charming lady is willing to go with us! Brothers, why don't you take her away?"

The woman burst out a force from nowhere, obviously she couldn't even stand up, but she suddenly got up and grabbed the wrist of the burly man, like a lioness protecting her cub, angrily Said: "Don't think about it! As long as I have breath, I won't let you group of wolf-hearted thieves succeed——My lady is the daughter of the majestic Shangshu, if you dare to touch her hair, you will be divided into pieces in the future, Shredded to pieces!"

The big man flicked his hand, and the old woman was thrown aside, her body fell on the mud, and blood was rubbed on her cheeks.

The voice of the veiled woman changed suddenly, and she exclaimed, "Mummy! Are you alright?"

The old nanny was dizzy from the fall, but she held the veiled woman's hand behind her back and comforted her: "Miss, don't be afraid, this old slave is fine..."

The woman couldn't bear it any longer, tears streaming down her face, and she held the old woman's hand tightly.

On the contrary, the crowd laughed happily, and someone gave advice to the burly man: "Boss, from this look, the young lady who has been sleeping in the carriage all day is not bad... look at this slender waist. Limbs, tsk tsk! However, I have been covering my face all the time, and I don’t know what it looks like!"

The people on the side also chimed in: "Boss! Take off the things that are in the way of her face, and let us brothers see what this little girl looks like!"

(End of this chapter)

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