Chapter 118
The next morning.

Cining Palace.

Not long after the empress dowager got up, she saw the empress dowager Xiaohuizhang happily coming over. She had already got Qin Wuyong to report the birth of the sixth son to the master De of the Yonghe Palace last night. No, she has always been optimistic, and now she has added a grandson to herself. Seeing Mrs. Xiao Huizhang coming, she wanted to discuss with her what kind of reward Ning De would give.

Therefore, the Empress Dowager Xiao Huizhang was asked to sit down first, and after offering rose dew, she said with a smile: "Now you have fifth elder brother there, so it's hard for you to come to see me often."

The Empress Dowager Xiaohuizhang held the tea bowl but did not dare to drink it first, so she held it in her hand and said, "Emperor Niang, you are joking again, Yin Qi is a good boy, and he is still asleep at the moment. Having said that, De'er has added another child to our Aixinjueluo family, I was just about to discuss with you what to send?"

The empress dowager clapped her palms and said with a smile: "I thought of going together, and that's exactly what I wanted to do? I don't know what name the emperor gave this child?"

The queen mother heard the words: "It has already been. Last night, the eunuchs of Qianqing Palace called Yinzuo back and forth. I saw that you had already fallen asleep, so I stopped them on my own initiative, and didn't let them disturb you."

"Yin Zuo!" The Empress Dowager immediately frowned, her voice trembling: "Say it again!"

The Empress Dowager Xiaohuizhang was no more insightful than the Empress Dowager, she was just a woman in the harem, she didn't understand the meaning of the two words, and when she heard the Empress Dowager's tone was a bit unusual, she had to say it again: "My name is Yin Zuo, what's the matter?" , Empress, is there something wrong?"

The Empress Dowager sighed for a long time, and said after a long time: "Don't think about it any more, just follow the example when Concubine Rong gave birth to Yinzhi, let the House of Internal Affairs be the master, and send it according to the gift list."

The Empress Dowager Xiao Huizhang looked at the Empress Dowager with some confusion, but seeing her dejected face, she couldn't ask a word, and only heard the Empress Dowager slowly say: "I'm a little tired, you kneel down first Bar."

"Hey." The Empress Dowager Xiao Huizhang didn't know why the face of the Empress Dowager suddenly darkened, didn't she say it happily?She decided to find someone to find out what was so weird about the name "Yin Zuo" immediately after leaving the Compassionate Ning Palace, so she had no choice but to retreat.

Watching the Empress Dowager Xiao Huizhang walk out of the Palace of Compassion and Ning, her tone was slightly chilly: "Tell Qin Wuyong to come and see me!"

Hearing the call of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, Qin Wuyong trotted in, entered the main hall, and saw the Empress Dowager's face as if covered with frost, felt a little bit in his heart, his legs went limp, and he knelt down on the ground.

"It's such an important matter, why didn't you report it to me! You have been with Ai's family for many years, and she is confused, do you follow her to be confused?" Xiao Zhuang seemed to be really angry, and there was thunder in his voice.

Qin Wuyong knelt down and kowtowed like garlic.

It seems to know that it is useless to scold him again, useless, what a useless!Xiaozhuang thought to herself, and she said: "Forget it, go and see, is your name engraved on the jade document? If not, let them wait for a while, and ask the emperor to come and see me, if it is already written on the jade document , don’t disturb the emperor, just bring the prince to see me.”

Qin Wuyong couldn't figure out the Empress Dowager's intentions for a while, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that she didn't blame him. The empress dowager listened, it was not only the order of the empress dowager Xiaohuizhang, but also the meaning of the Qianqing palace.Otherwise, if I borrowed ten courage from him, I wouldn't dare to slack off my job.Immediately pondering over the holy will, he asked rather flatteringly: "Then, do you want the servant to go to the Suo Mansion?"

"Bastard!" Xiao Zhuang glared at him, "The inner prisoner secretly colluded with the foreign minister, don't you know what crime it is? Your courage is getting bigger and bigger! You don't want the thing on your neck anymore, do you?"

Qin Wuyong shuddered in fright, and said repeatedly: "I don't dare, I don't dare."The slave immediately went to the clan mansion to investigate. "

Seeing Qin Wuyong retreating quickly, Xiao Zhuang stopped him after thinking for a while: "Wait a minute! Tell someone to stabilize this matter first, and if Suo Xiang asks about it, please comfort him. Don't talk too much, you understand?"

"Hey!" Qin Wuyong replied immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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