Chapter 115
Watching them take Yumao away, Fu Rong's eyes couldn't help turning to Wan Qing who was kneeling beside her and weeping pear blossoms with rain. She carefully looked at Wei Wanqing a few times, and secretly praised in her heart: What a beauty!Leaving such a girl in the Yongshou Palace will be a disaster sooner or later. I don't know what that girl thinks, but she shows some kindness to her. The girl in our family is also like this. I'm afraid that bitch will not only give Yongshou Palace an explanation, but also avoid the trouble of the kneeling girl, otherwise she won't be able to keep her from being angry with that old witch again when she goes back. Here, she was angry for nothing, so she wanted to get it back ten times from her. She could be saved for a while but not for the rest of her life, but... this little girl doesn't know if she understands the heart of her master?

She coughed, and a cold light flashed in her eyes: "When you go back, remember to keep your mouth shut. You know what to say and what not to say, right?"

Wei Wanqing first knelt there tremblingly watching Yu Nanny and the group of people around Fu Rong walk away, then stood up, lowered her head and whispered softly: "Sister, I understand, what should Master Hui do?" What should not be said, Wan Qing understands, and won't cause trouble for Mrs. Wen and sister."

Fu Rong looked at Wan Qing, who was still looking weak, and was suddenly taken aback. She seemed to understand why this little girl from the clothes washing bureau was so admired by Master Hui and her own master.

She didn't know what to say at this moment, she murmured: "Since you understand, it's good, it's good if you understand..." Then she left in a hurry as if she had discovered some shocking secret, and never looked back.

Wei Wanqing looked at Fu Rong who was leaving in a panic, with a vague smile on her lips, she straightened her clothes, and walked unswervingly in the direction of Yongshou Palace.

Behind is a bloody sunset.

This seemingly unrelated encounter not only changed the fate of the three women, but even changed the entire structure of the Qing Dynasty 20 years later.

Concubine Wei, the birth mother of Prince Lian Yinhu, was a nobleman at first, but could not raise Yinhu herself because of her low status.Then he was brought up by Concubine Hui of Yongshou Palace.During the Yongzheng period, he was supported by Prince Lian's mansion.

Concubine Wen Xi, Niu Hulu family, my biological mother, Prince Yinrong of Dorotun County.At that time, the well-known core member of the Baye Party,.In April of the second year of Yongzheng, he was discovered by Emperor Yongzheng for writing the words "Yongzheng New Lord" in his essays, and he was denounced as disrespectful.He died in the sixth year of Qianlong and was buried with the grade of Gushan Beizi.

One evening in the 19th year of Kangxi, an unrelated encounter stirred up the roulette wheel of fate and pulled out the inextricable connections in the future...
(End of this chapter)

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