my wife is a meow

Chapter 318 Attack

Chapter 318 Attack
Chapter 319 Attack
Fu Yijun delivered the courier items in the courier car step by step. This car originally belonged to the courier company, and its owner was Xiao Wu who "asked for leave".It's just that Xiao Wu has already died in Fu Yijun's hands.

After a lap, Fu Yijun had a clear picture of the situation in the community.

He is very patient in doing things. The first time he came to the door today was just to step on the spot, and he didn't think about doing anything.

However, it was such a coincidence that when Fu Yijun was about to ride away on his bike, he saw the door of a villa open.

A dog ran out of the door, followed by the pair of eyes he had set his eyes on before.

"Xiao Jin, don't run so fast, pay attention to your feet." Jiang Qian was afraid that it would run away, so she hurriedly chased it out. While running, she turned her head and talked to the bodyguard who was about to come out. "Brother Li, please bring Xiao Jin's food and Frisbee, we will meet on the lawn over there."

"Okay." Brother Li stopped and turned around to get things.Xiao Jin's nest is in the backyard, and he needs to go around to get there.

Jiang Qian held the rope in her hand, but the other end of the rope was not tied around Xiaojin's neck.

Since she can see the light, Jiang Qian will let Xiao Jin run freely as long as there are conditions.

They have this condition in the community. Labradors have always been very smart and gentle.Most people in the community know dogs well, and they won’t be afraid when they see Xiao Jin running freely. Some people even ask Jiang Qian if she can pet Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin shook his head, turned around and grinned at Jiang Qian, his laughter was light and joyful.

"Woof! Wang! Sissy, come on, let's go play."

Xiaojin's health is getting worse and worse. He knows that he is about to leave. In the past few days, he has been trying his best to stay with Jiang Qian and leave more good memories for the two of them.They have been together for 18 years, there are almost no happy things in these 18 years, the memories they have are too heavy, every day and every night is very hard.

If Xiaojin can be given more time, it will replace those painful memories with all the good things in the future.

Unfortunately, its time is running out.

Jiang Qian started to trot, and followed Xiao Jin's pace to the large lawn every few buildings in the community.

Usually, in the evening, people in the community will take their precious pets out for a walk.

There are many people living in this community, including celebrities in the business world and big names in the entertainment industry.They are wary of humans, but they like animals very much.They are more careful and serious about keeping their pets than their own children. Taking their pets for a walk every day is their way of relaxation, so there are countless places in this community where pets can have fun.

It is now just after noon, and the weather is cool, cloudy and windy.The vast expanse of lawn was empty, just enough for Xiao Jin to have fun.

It is running happily on the lawn.

Jiang Qian also took off her shoes and stood on the soft grass, smiling at its vigorous figure.

"Hello?" The man's voice came from behind, and Jiang Qian turned her head to look.

The visitor was wearing a courier's professional suit, standing a few meters away from him, looking very polite and measured, with a gentle and soft smile on his face.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Qian asked with a smile, seeing that the distance between the two was quite far, letting go of her guard.

The smile on the corner of Fu Yijun's mouth became more gentle.

"Sorry, I'm a new courier, and I'm not very familiar with the addresses around here. The address written on this box is a bit scribbled, and I can't tell it apart. Can you look it up for me?"

"Oh, yes." Jiang Qian was very helpful and walked over.

"Mainly here, I don't know if it says B or D."

Jiang Qian nodded slightly: "We only have D area here, not B area."

The express tricycle is actually very large, and hundreds of express boxes can be stuffed into the interior space, and sometimes the couriers will lie in it for a lunch break.Can fit into the stature of an entire adult man, the profession of courier will become Fu Yijun's first choice.

As soon as Jiang Qian finished saying this, Fu Yijun stretched out his hand and slashed the back of her head with a knife.

Jiang Qian's body was limp and paralyzed, and Fu Yijun picked her upright.

Fu Yijun's heartbeat accelerated, not because of nervousness, but because of excitement.

He couldn't hold back, lowered his head, buried his whole face into Jiang Qian's neck, took a deep breath, and sighed intoxicated.

"It smells good."


The sound of deep breathing came from a low place, Fu Yijun raised his eyes slightly and looked over.The Labrador with a gentle face was grinning at him, showing sharp canine teeth, looking fierce and powerful.

Fu Yijun sneered, raised his hand, and threw out the meat he had prepared long ago.

This is a piece of bone-in pork that has been marinated for two days with special spices. It is a temptation that all dogs can't refuse.In the past few years, Fu Yijun tried hundreds of spirits, and he never failed.

Xiao Jin dodged the piece of pork, jumped up, and bit Fu Yijun.

At this moment, Fu Yijun was turning around and picking up Jiang Qian, planning to put her into the courier car.

The two courier cars he drove had locks, which could take Jiang Qian away silently after being locked from the outside.


The flesh on the back was bitten hard, and Fu Yijun couldn't help crying out in pain.

Xiaojin was so angry that he didn't relax at all. He bit through Fu Yijun's piece of meat directly through the thin courier uniform, and his teeth stuck on the bone under the meat.

Fu Yijun's back was immediately soaked in bright red blood, and the red blood was printed on the yellow uniform, which was shocking.

"Hold the grass!" Anger welled up in his head, Fu Yijun, who had always been calm, became a little angry after losing his younger brother who could help him with all the physical work, and he couldn't care about that much anymore.Jiang Qian in his hand was directly thrown into the express car by him. He pulled out a knife from the back of his waist, flexibly turned it in his hand, and stabbed it towards Xiao Jin with his backhand.

Xiao Jin refused to relax, he was afraid that if he relaxed, Sissy would be taken away by the gangster. .

The blade was fifteen centimeters long, directly piercing through Xiaojin's abdomen and piercing into its abdominal cavity.

"Let go!" Fu Yijun shook him angrily, but Xiao Jin bit his back tightly, the piece of flesh and the slightly protruding shoulder blades were bitten through by Xiao Jin's sharp teeth.

Fu Yijun broke out in cold sweat from the pain, and his lips became whiter and whiter.The more painful he was, the angrier he became, and gradually he became impatient. Too much time wasting was not good for him.

Angry and anxious, Fu Yijun stabbed him again and again, each stab deeply piercing into Xiaojin's body.

Little Gold's teeth were clenched tightly, and his whole body seemed to fall apart when he was shaken. His eyes kept focusing on Jiang Qian who fell into the express carriage, and his moist eyes gradually lost their luster.

(End of this chapter)

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