Qing proud city: stunning beauty

Chapter 270 The Change in China

Chapter 270 The Change in China (1)

Fang Weining didn't say a word, just drove the car very fast.

Now is not the time for him to act impulsively. Those seven children are the last hope of the Fang family. Even if he plans to deal with Toru Kazama, he needs to ensure the safety of the children first.

He had to keep up his spirits, although he didn't know why his elder brother trusted Changyou Qinglian so much, but he had to be very serious to prevent Shangyou Qinglian and Kazama Toru from teaming up to harm the children of the Fang family.

Shang Youqinglian sat in the back of the carriage, the seven children were obviously very afraid of her, their eyes shrank, and they didn't dare to look at her directly.

Shangyou Qinglian asked softly, "Who is the biggest among you?"

Seeing that no one else dared to answer, a child with a tiger's head and a tiger's brain widened his eyes, "I'm the biggest, kill me first!"

Shangyou Qinglian couldn't help laughing, "Who said I want to kill you?"

Another boy with a delicate face said in a low voice, "The patriarch grandpa said, you control... control our life and death."

The other children nodded uncomfortably, only the bold child resisted his fear and said loudly, "She has only one person, we have seven!"

The handsome boy before hastily grabbed the corner of his clothes, "Jiasheng, there are still a few of her group in front!"

Jia Sheng was not convinced, "We also have a second grandfather! Jia Hao, don't be so embarrassing, okay?"

Chang Youqinglian had already guessed that the second grandfather they were talking about was Fang Weining, but she didn't expect that he was only 20 years old and had so many grandchildren, which made people speechless.

She stretched out her hand to touch Jia Hao's head, and she already had a score in her heart. She couldn't bear to see these children frightened, so she smiled, "I can do magic tricks, do you want to see it?"

The eyes of the seven children were brightened, but they were a little hesitant, and Jia Sheng patted his chest, "We won't praise you if your performance is not good!"

Shangyou Qinglian smiled slightly, "Okay! I can tell the names of each of you. If I guess right, how about you laughing?"

The seven children made it clear that they didn't believe it, and Changyou Qinglian said, "Jiasheng, Jiarong, Jiahao, Jiaqi, Jiaping, Jiaan, Jiakang, and your names are new. The patriarch grandpa told you to forget the previous ones. Everything, live happily, right?"

The seven children were even more surprised, and Jia Sheng couldn't help asking, "When grandpa was talking, were you there?"

Shangyou Qinglian shook her head, "No. Since I guessed it right, shouldn't you all smile?"

But the forced smile is really not good-looking,
Changyou Qinglian asked the seven children to close their eyes, and secretly took out a pocket-sized white puppy from the space, only twenty or thirty centimeters long, fluffy and very cute.

The puppy's wet tongue licked Jiahao's palm, he opened his eyes in surprise, and immediately took the puppy happily, while calling the other six children to come and see.

Suddenly the seven children became excited, teasing the puppy and laughing from time to time.

And Shangyou Qinglian looked at them from the side, feeling sad and comforted.

At least they are still alive.

Kazama Toru has been leaning on the back of the chair with his eyes closed, but the corners of his mouth are slightly curved, "Shang Yu Qinglian, you really have too many secrets."

While they were on their way, an appointment was sent from Sedum to Guidu.

"We hereby appoint Zhang Chuanting as the head of the three provinces of Guidu and the Guidu Military Region. He is responsible for maintaining the security and stability of the above-mentioned areas and developing the urban economy. The relevant departments are specially ordered to cooperate."

Zhang Chuanting, the Zhang family, is the second uncle of Zhang Yan and Zhang He, which means that the Zhang family, the in-laws of the Xi family, has officially entered the political arena.

So at this time, General Tie was gathering a group of his subordinates to discuss in the conference room of the military region.

There is still more than a month before New Year's Day, if Xi Fengguo continues to develop, I am afraid it will be out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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