The genius doctor who pets the cubs is wild and sassy

Chapter 256 256 [2 more in 1] Deserves it!

Chapter 256 256 [Two more in one] Deserves it!
Pei Xiao's master's call made everyone froze there.

Even Xia Siming was so surprised that she didn't know what to do.

Why does the young master even know such a senior official as Dali Siqing?

Ying Wuyue calmly scanned Pei Xiao from head to toe, "That's right, when you get promoted, your aura will change."

Five years ago, she and Pei Xiao met in Yuncheng.At that time, Pei Xiao was still the warden in charge of the prison in Dali Temple.

Because of his drunken dereliction of duty, a felon in prison escaped from prison.

In order to pay the crime and make meritorious service, Pei Xiao issued a military order to the emperor, within three months, the repeat offender will be arrested and brought to justice, otherwise, he will apologize with his life.

The emperor agreed.

However, the felon has served 30 years in prison, and all relatives and friends have been severed. It is quite difficult to investigate. Seeing that the time is only three months away, Pei Xiao has not found any clues, let alone looking for someone. arrive.

One night, he drank too much wine again, full of despair, found hemp rope from nowhere, went to the grove outside Yuncheng and hanged himself.

Ying Wuyue happened to be passing by the grove at this time.

"Plop!" With a sound, Pei Xiao's hanging rope broke and hit her carriage just in time.

At that time, Ying Wuyue found out that she was pregnant not long ago. In order to ensure the smooth delivery of the child in the future and not to be found out by troublemakers, Ying Zechuan asked her to leave Yuncheng with him every now and then, calling it to the outside world that they were going to other cities for free medical treatment .

Suddenly someone attacked them, and Ying Wuyue's first reaction was to silence them. He took out his knives, but was stopped by Ying Zechuan, who was still alive at the time.

"Can'er, don't panic, this person is known to my father."

In this way, Pei Xiao was rescued by Ying Zechuan.

Later, Ying Wuyue not only helped him solve the case quickly, but also used the case as a reference to solve two headless injustice cases 30 years ago. Up to the third pole, from the seventh rank to the fourth rank.

Pei Xiao was embarrassed by his praise, and the elders in their 30s blushed and scratched their heads like a stunned young man.

"No way, master, stop making fun of me."

Master Liu looked at the familiar interaction between the two, his face changed again and again!

She thought she had found a helper, but in the end, she made a wedding dress for her!

"Master Pei! Since you are acquainted with Ying Wuyue, it may not be appropriate for you to investigate this case."

No matter how you say it, Pei Xiao is Dali Siqing, a member of the third rank, and he has never seen such a big storm.

Master Liu's voice reminded him that this moment is not a good time to reminisce with Ying Wuyue.

He quickly glanced at Ying Wuyue, and then, the smile on his face instantly subsided, and he returned to his previous cold-faced Hades appearance.

Eyebrow raised, eyes like a knife, shot at Master Liu.

With a gloomy voice: "What's wrong?"

Master Liu choked when he heard this.

He asked Pei Shuo to call his father, but how did he know that Pei Xiao knew Ying Wuyue and was so close to her.

"The old man didn't expect that the majestic Dali Temple Minister would know such a rotten person as Ying Wuyue! He even recognized him as a master. The old man has reason to suspect that you will cover criminals! Frame a good person!"

Master Liu is the oldest master in Shuntian Academy, and also the most famous master. There are countless students who want to worship under his name. He has met the grandparents of those students, no matter how old the officials are.

Therefore, he didn't pay attention to Pei Xiao, a mere minister of the Dali Temple, and said whatever he wanted.

In the early stage of Pei Shuo's academy assessment, Pei Xiao and his wife visited the famous master of the Great Yan Dynasty, and did not have a good impression of him at the first meeting.

He has the sour smell of a literati, and he looks down on them for conducting prisons.What do you say, I only accept the students with the highest aptitude, if Pei Shuo fails to pass the examination, and the son of the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he will not accept it.

If it weren't for his wife's insistence on making Pei Shuo worship under him, with his temper, even Shuntian Academy wouldn't let his son study!
everybody is good for something!The master dog sees people as inferior, so it's strange that the students he teaches can be good.

Before coming here, he had a general understanding of the ins and outs of the case from the words of Pei Shuo's servant, and now Master Liu is so repelling his relationship with Ying Wuyue.

Regardless of his relationship with Ying Wuyue, according to his usual principles of investigation.

Whoever benefits the most when an incident happens, that person is the biggest suspect!
Mr. Liu tried every means to replace him, so there must be something wrong with him.

"Come here, take Master Liu down for me!"

Master Liu was shocked, "Lord Pei, what are you going to do? This old man is the master of Shuntian Academy and a victim! Why did you take me?"

Pei Xiao smiled coldly, "I work in Dali Temple, why do I need to explain to you, a little master!
I just arrived, and I didn't know anything about the situation. When you came up, you said that I was not allowed to investigate the case because I knew Ying Wuyue.

What are you afraid of?
Afraid that this officer will find out the truth that is not good for you, why don't you destroy the evidence? "

Master Liu was so angry that his nose was crooked: "Master Pei, how can you talk like that, what are you afraid of, old man..."

"Then shut up obediently! Say one more word, and I will take you back to Dali Temple and let you have your say in the prison of Dali Temple!"

Pei Xiao's demeanor of beating up and down immediately shocked everyone present.Everyone immediately understood that Dali Temple is not a government office in Yancheng, and it is not a place where you can just kneel down, cry and cry for grievances.At least, at this moment, Pei Xiao is the biggest one in the audience, he can take whoever he says he wants to take! Absolutely no ambiguity!

Everyone suddenly became frightened, shrank back and hid, silent like a cicada, not daring to speak out.

Pei Xiao ordered people to search the stables carefully, including the troughs and sinks of the stables, but found no crotons mixed in.

This shows that the person who poisoned did not mix the crotons in the trough and water source.

Those who can get close to them become the most suspicious people.

But Pei Xiao didn't think so.

Judging from his many years of experience in handling cases, the person who can kill so many horses in one go will never be a fool. Therefore, the person who seems to be the most suspicious is the most innocent.

The young man who kept the horse, since he appeared, has been kneeling straight, and has not moved a bit. Compared with the students who are watching, he has no sense of fear at all.

And those who, on the surface, seem to have the least connection to the case, are the most suspect.

Once, Ying Wuyue said such a sentence when teaching him how to handle a case.

"People who premeditate and successfully commit crimes will be driven by extremely strong curiosity and wander around the crime scene, wanting to see their masterpieces with their own eyes, so as to obtain an unparalleled sense of satisfaction and accomplishment."

Pei Xiao frowned, and suddenly turned his head to look at the students around him.

Hawk-like sharp eyes swept across their faces one by one.

The students were either scared or flustered, and dodged one after another, not daring to look directly into Pei Xiao's eyes.

"Come here, arrest everyone present and take them to Dali Temple for interrogation one by one!"


(End of this chapter)

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