She is the white moonlight in my heart

Chapter 723 The war is still going on

Chapter 723 The war is still going on
The war, the war... is still going on.

The blood will continue to flow...

The sky was dark and boundless.

Because of the most extreme threat, those members of the Bat Clan rushed to the stage in a hurry.

Reese Rossi snorted coldly: "Some little bastards are not enough for me to use brute force to solve them!"

More and more bat tribes rushed to the stage like mad bees and butterflies.

Facing the blood hunters on the field, Leng Qinghan ordered: "Assassinate all the bat clan!"

This order, originally aimed at the blood hunters of the blood clan, turned to the bat clan instead.

The most strange thing is that Leng Qinghan turned his back on what he said. At the beginning, he promised to cooperate with their bat clan, but he didn't expect it to become like this.

The most strange face has become extremely ugly.

Reese Rossi opened her mouth: "Our Sacra family will swear to the protect our homeland."

As soon as these words came out, the morale of the surviving members of the Sacra family who were already on the verge of death increased greatly, and they were ready to fight back.

The blood slaves of the Nandu family and the Drew family were hesitantly looking at the stage and at their king.

Their king did not give an order, and they dared not dare to act.

At this time, Lua said: "We, the Nandu family, swear to follow..."

Luya paused for a moment, and smiled viciously: "I will follow the king of the bat tribe to the death!"

As soon as this was said, Shu stood up tremblingly on the stage, slightly annoyed: "The Drew family must kill all the bat tribes, and no one will be left alive!"

The war that had just been peaceful began again the next moment.

Most different is not worried, he is leisurely.

He giggled: "Hey... half-skeleton, hell messenger, evil ghost, bone-eating beast, all come out, use your strong fangs to kill all the blood races in the dark city..."

The most strange smile was very crazy, very excited, that mouth grinned open, like a clown's mouth, split into a curved slit eye, obscene, trivial and disgusting.

Half skeleton! !

Hou Zhe and the others have seen it, seen it in the death forest, from top to bottom, half skeleton and half human body, it is particularly ugly, and its ability is at a low level.

Messenger of Hell! !True to its name, a cruel and emotionless monster from hell, with a layer of skin ripped off from its body.

Their ability class is in the middle, above many ordinary blood slaves.

Evil ghost! !Many blood races dare not touch them lightly. When they see evil ghosts, it is best to kill them immediately, otherwise they will eat their souls and die.

Bone Erosion Beast! !It is a terrifying legend, with a mouth full of fangs, it makes one's scalp tingle.

Each of their fangs is a sharp knife, densely inserted in the mouth.

When they pounce on their prey, they will tear up the flesh and spit out the flesh, because they only eat bones, and bones are their most delicious source.

They only obey the orders of their masters, and no one can shake their loyalty.

Seeing the Bone Corrosion Beast appear, it is best to avoid it and not face it head-on, because no one has ever escaped from their mouth.

Each of these terrifying monsters is more terrifying than the last, and they all come from the hell of the dead forest.

Many blood races in the dark city heard the appearance of these monsters, knelt down timidly, and began to bow their heads to the strangest.

Only members of the blood hunters, the remaining Sacra family, and the Drew family are still fighting for the last time.

"It seems that we have activities again." Gu panted.

"Of course, you can't fall down even if you die, that's my famous saying," Feng continued Gu's words.

"Today we will fight till dark to kill all these monsters!" Si said cheerfully, he was getting more and more desperate, but he couldn't show it.

There are too many horrible monsters from hell, and the sky is dark and boundless.

They can't see the end of the dawn.

Will they die?
(End of this chapter)

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