She is the white moonlight in my heart

Chapter 701 The Moving Swan

Chapter 701 The Moving Swan

The sky was already dark, and the hall was as bright as day.

Yun Luoxi looked at them and kept staring at her.

She felt uncomfortable, twisted her shoulders, and quickly changed the topic.

"Do you want it to walk like a real swan?"





They responded in unison, their voices were very loud, even more urgent, and even more urgent and fresh.

Yun Luoxi said to the statue in her hand: "Baby, let's go, spin your real dancing posture."

Of course, then.

Something magic happened.

The crystal swan on the table changed from a static picture to a dynamic one.

It shook the crystal wings on its body, moved its proud feet on the table, danced confidently, and spun.

If it weren't for the crystals on its body, they all believed that it was a small living swan.

"Are you tired, lie down and rest." Yun Luoxi looked at the swan with the gentle eyes she would treat a child, and smiled dotingly.

As if listening to Yun Luoxi's words, the swan lay down to rest, and its body floated up and down, showing how tired it was.

Swan can understand human speech, and now, she rubbed her lonely hands excitedly, ready to try.

"Little Swan, come, come, come quickly to my brother's hands."

Gu stretched out a slender hand and put it on the table, waiting for the swan to come to his palm obediently.

But the time passed bit by bit, five seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute...

Gu was very patient, and smiled calmly: "Little Swan, you must be too tired. Come to me again after you have rested."

Everyone immediately focused on the little swan, to see if it would go to Gu's hand after resting enough.

They just kept staring at the little swan without moving.

Perhaps too new, they are more patient than usual.

Stare at the little swan for half an hour.

Half an hour later, the little swan didn't even bother to stretch its legs, and lay motionless, still maintaining the sleeping position that Yun Luoxi told it to lie down.

Although Gu gradually lost his patience, he felt excited and confident, and coaxed again cautiously: "Little Swan, come here quickly, come here brother, brother has something delicious for you to eat."

However, the little swan remained motionless.

Gu is not happy now, "This little thing just won't listen to me, what's wrong?"

Lan looked at Gu with disdain, and rolled a very white eye, "You are the face of the big bad wolf who deceived Little Red Riding Hood, and the little swan was so scared by you that he couldn't move."

Listening to Gu Lan's teasing, he really looked like a wretched and wretched big bad wolf just now.

He quickly cleared his throat and rolled up his white cuffs, as if he was going to fight seriously.

Gu said seriously: "Little Swan, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm a very good person, come to me, I'll take you to play."

After Gu Yi finished speaking, countless eyes were rolled beside him.

Not only the wretched and wretched big bad wolf, but also the wretched and wretched uncle, cheating innocent children.

After Gu finished speaking this time, the little swan remained motionless again.

Gu became a little impatient, tugged at the buttons on his collar, and went crazy.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly smiled, "Haha, I know, I know, this time it will definitely listen to me."

Is there any way for Gu to make Little Swan listen to him?

Will the orphan succeed this time?

(End of this chapter)

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