She is the white moonlight in my heart

Chapter 655 Who is the "she" Yun Luoxi said

Chapter 655 Who is the "she" Yun Luoxi said

Ye spit out the dark color of death, and smiled with bared teeth and claws.

Yun Luoxi was trembling all over, her face turned white again and again, she looked at Su Shanli who was still standing beside the half-human half-skeleton.

Yun Luoxi was filled with indescribable anger, Yun Luoxi took a step forward, and rushed out from the thorny jungle at the speed of the wind.

At the moment she rushed out, Xu Huan happened to arrive here.

He was terrified, watching her only 20 meters away from him.

He can hold her down very quickly.

But, slow, only a second slow.

She couldn't wait to rush out, looking at her back.

Xu Huan's pupils continued to dilate for the beautiful figure he was looking for, trembling and frightened, he opened his mouth and yelled frantically: "No... Sister..."

Luoxi, don't go...don't go...

Why, why did you still find out.

He couldn't call her anymore, it was too late, it was too late... too late.

Xu Huan's slender body didn't intend to stop, he quickened his pace and ran forward at top speed.

Yun Luoxi felt that someone was calling her name, but she had no time to think about who was calling her.

She quickly grabbed Su Shanli's neck and kicked Su Shanli's knee. The movement was very fast, as fast as lightning.

Su Shanli immediately knelt down with her legs bent.

"Go to hell, Su Shanli!" The murderous aura continued to spread in Yun Luoxi's eyes.

Of course, Su Shanli smiled darkly, without any resistance, as if she had expected Yun Luoxi to come here.

Yun Luoxi wanted to crush Su Shanli's heart with one hand, when she just moved her hand towards Su Shanli's heart.

A female voice pierced the night.

"Rose, how could you kill your subordinates!"

An unhurried, deep and delicate voice came over, revealing a laziness and an undeniable deterrent force.

This voice, this voice...

Yun Luoxi will never forget, never forget, this voice is like a brand, branded on her body.

She was stunned, her eyeballs had forgotten to move, her mouth had forgotten to open, fine beads of sweat flowed from her full forehead.

Yun Luoxi stopped her movements and froze in place.

Taking advantage of this moment, Su Shanli pushed away Yun Luoxi's hand on her neck, and Su Shanli ran away from the ground.

As soon as the sound came out, the half-human, half-skeleton monsters also stopped whipping. They put down their whips, stood aside respectfully, bowed their heads, and bent their backs ninety degrees.

When Yun Luoxi realized it, she backed away again and again, her eyes were still wide open, and her frightened face could not fade away for a long time.

Xu Huan had already arrived, supporting Yun Luoxi's unsteady body, while a pair of slender hands clenched her shoulders.

The familiar male scent passed her nose, Yun Luoxi woke up suddenly, and looked back.

It's Xu Huan, Huan...

Xu Huan appeared.

The appearance of Xu Huan made Yun Luoxi's face turn white, and she was frightened like a storm hitting her head.

Yun Luoxi was trembling all over, looking at Xu Huan, she opened her mouth and screamed, "Hurry up..."

She yelled very urgently, very urgently, for a long time, very long, as if time slowed down three times.

Xu Huan could clearly see that every pore in Yun Luoxi was trembling.

"Go away...she will kill you..."

Yun Luozai was scared, she had never been so scared, never been so scared.

"I won't go, sister, as I said, I will protect you for the rest of my life!"

As Xu Huan said, he pulled Yun Luoxi behind him.

He quickly drew out his long sword, and went towards the person who spoke just now.

Xu Huan jumped forward.

He tensed his expression, exhausted all his strength, held the long sword in his hand, and slashed...

Who is the "she" that Yun Luoxi is talking about?What identity?
Why is Yun Luoxi so terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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